"Once again the state reveals its true nature."
"The state" is the King's new clothes. That's right kiddies, the king is naked as a buck and has been from day one. There has never once existed any naturally inherent and self-extant authority in the hands of any king or "state". The only authority that has ever existed is that to which the mindless, unthinking mass of ignorant and lazy humanity has acceded or that the swords of those calling themselves "the state" have taken by brute and criminal force. It is all a shell game - a great steaming pile of festering lies and outright threats against your very lives.
What if "the state" were replaced by the old Italian Mafia? What would be different? Nothing but the label - but were it the Mafia, people would be more likely to identify it for what it is: a mob of thugs assuming power and authority by the threat and application of force against the rest pursuant to whatever goals might be at hand in any given moment. So why, then, are so many people so utterly and terminally blind that they cannot come to the same realization when "Mafia" is erased and "the state" written in its place?
"The state" is the modern replacement and equivalent of "god" from the days when that mob calling itself "the church" ruled men†. As time's unavoidable change made itself felt in the world such that even the repressive hand of the nearly omnipotent church could not prevent it - as "science" and invention revealed even unto the ignorant certain readily demonstrable truths that brought the unquestionable into question, those in power were threatened with the loss of position and therefore needed a new gimmick - a new lie that, just as "god" had served them for so long, would also serve. The main requirement would be that it possess the character of being perpetually unquestionable, thereby rendering it practically unassailable. "The state" became that lie and for the past 500 +/- years it has increasingly done just that. "The state" became the new "god", only far more impregnable, far more credible, and the people fell for it, hook line, and sinker as they continue to do to this very day. It is not readily apparent why the one so readily supplanted the other, but I suspect that the material demonstrations of the latter eventually became more convincing than those of the former. Invisible God v. visible artifacts of humanity.
THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS "THE STATE" save that which floats about within the confines of peoples' skulls. If you doubt this, then prove me wrong. Demonstrate the existence of "the state". Show that upon which a man may place his hand and say "this is the state, yes!" Try it. I dare each and every one of you to try. If I had any money, I would post a reward - a large one too - for anyone demonstrating the material reality of "the state". But you wont because it is not possible to do so. "State" is fiction. Worse yet, it is a lie and is one of the biggest and most foul ever told. Buildings are not "state". People are not "state". Tanks and jets and warships are not "state". But they are manifestations of the script, the screenplay, the stage-play that is called "state" and has been peddled not as such, but as something that actually exists in sé, which is precisely where the lie is to be found. The assumption is so deeply tacit and utterly assumed, that people cannot even think to question it because they are not even aware there is a possible option to do so. For the average man, the "state" is as real as a mountain, or the end of the barrel of that gun pointed at them as a reminder to all that they are to toe the line, or else.
Better start harvesting the clues quickly folks, because time is now pretty short and it is precisely in these small and most often overlooked details that the greater truths slip past us. We are now at a threshold and once crossed, chances are next to zero that we will be able to make it back in our lifetimes. Think about that awhile - do you really want to spend the rest of your life in a world even Orwell couldn't have dreamt up on his worst day? That is precisely where we are heading - we are, in fact, at the doorstep, knocking to be let in. Consider all this carefully before choosing - and you will choose, either consciously and purposefully, or by shameful default.
If you want liberty, you have to get your heads out of your shorts and get back to the very bottom-most basics of sense and sensibility. Without that, you are wasting your time and may just as well capitulate now to the Tyrant and lose your pretenses of being a free individual. Rather, I would see you drop the bad habits and start thinking for once about what it is you are really saying when "state" escapes the black-hole whence your thoughts spring. Question your most basic assumptions and modes of expression, which can be a whole lot more difficult than it sounds, especially when you may not be aware of some of them. Chances are you will find plenty to correct if your intent and analytical abilities are present. Otherwise, fess up and stop wasting your time so you can return to the important things in life, like net.porn, the toot, and fast foods. Life is short.
Nothing I write here is intended as a lopsided boxing match where I pummel the pants off you for kicks. Very much the opposite. I am giving it to you straight up because I care about us all; about the future for people who will come to this world long after I have left and been forgotten by it. The stakes are the very soul of humanity, and being so high and the risks so grave, nothing less than absolute candor is required because anything less will simply not do the job that needs doing: getting one's attention and delivering the incentive to come to clear ways of thinking on matters of vital importance to the quality of life for the people of the earth as we move irrevocably from one day to the next.
If we don't come to basic sense, which requires basic education and training, all hope for freedom shall be lost in the face of a putatively intelligent species whose technologies concentrate ever greater powers in the hands of a tiny subset of the population, the members of which call themselves "state" and who hide behind this hideous lie and use it to foist their tyrannies upon the rest - upon you - in a constriction that never stops and never gives an inch, but only moves ever forward to take more and more of that which was born to every man: his sovereignty and all that evolves therefrom and attaches thereto.
I implore all men to reject the encroach of others upon your rights, for they hold not even the thinnest shred of authority to do so, save that which you allow them to foist and enforce with their bully boys and their swords.
Be well, be careful with your souls, and until next time, please accept my best wishes.
†Here "church" refers to corrupted institutions of men and not the actual Church of God, which exists in and is constituted of the hearts and souls of men, rather than in fancy stone edifices with colorful windows.