The ancient Greeks murdered Socrates because he refused to go along with the standard-issue version of truth, which was no truth at all, but only a set of convenient lies shared by the people of Greece to make themselves feel better in a world the cold realities of which are simply too much for the average human being whose soul has been sullied with the manifold corruptions so prevalent in the hairless apes. H. P. Lovecraft saw and expressed with clarity this habit of humans to lie to themselves about anything and everything that frightened or otherwise displeases them. He also saw the precipice toward which gross humanity was heading:
“The most merciful thing in the world, I think, is the inability of the human mind to correlate all its contents. We live on a placid island of ignorance in the midst of black seas of infinity, and it was not meant that we should voyage far. The sciences, each straining in its own direction, have hitherto harmed us little; but some day the piecing together of dissociated knowledge will open up such terrifying vistas of reality, and of our frightful position therein, that we shall either go mad from the revelation or flee from the light into the peace and safety of a new dark age.”
And so we have developed a huge body of what the Butthole Surfers termed "cinnamon and sugary and softly spoken lies", all to deceive ourselves into believing that the world and our places in it are something that they are not. They aren't even close.
The corruption of the mean human being cannot be measured, for it is a real-world manifestation of arithmetic infinity, having long preceded Socrates, and having survived him to this day, as healthy as ever it was. It has taken root in the clergy, the kings and emperors, in every despot and every slave, as well as the soul of the Mean Man who now embraces it as a lover. The human world reeks of its own corruption, in which it wallows with stubborn intransigence, refusing to so much as remove itself therefrom, much less to cleanse itself.
We have thousands of years and thousands, nay hundreds of thousands and perhaps millions of examples of how we humans as a statistical gestalt degrade ourselves with such obscenity that even God has tossed his hands in the air, saying "I give up".The twentieth century alone has, with the miracles of our technologies, provided an indisputable record of our utter barbarity toward ourselves; of the self-loathing we so conceitedly pass on to each successive generation. Then there are the material political manifestations such as the Ottoman Turks having murdered two million Armenians to start us off. The criminal scum of Europe, beginning with the British elite, along with the French, the Germans, the Austro-Hungarians, the Serbians, butchered millions more with a war that threatened to consume the continent. The ghastly Soviets with their false "revolution" that butchered on the order of one hundred million innocent souls beginning with the Romanovs at the hands of the likes of Lenin and Trotsky, graduating to Stalin and Yezhov. Hitler's Germany was good for another 20+ millions, thanks in large part to the Internationalists and the vile Polish "government" who schemed and plotted to steal East Prussia and tried for all they were worth to convince Britain, France, and Russia to go to war with Germany in the 1930s.
Mao was good for at least 100 million of his own people, murdered most foully in his "cultural revolution". The North Vietnamese communists whose rage was vented on the people of the South; the Khmer Rouge and their killing fields, good for another two millions murdered and how many millions more whose lives they set to rack and ruin, all the while those jokers vomiting forth the hollow slogans of their false equality and justice.
If we conservatively cap the totality of political murders of the twentieth century at 220 millions, and it is likely considerably higher than that, an astonishing and ghastly truth emerges. If every one of those bodies were laid next to each other in New York City, the average body occupying only five square feet of surface area, they would cover the entire 35.5 square miles of Manhattan and would eat into an additional 4.5 square miles of one of the other four boroughs for a total just over forty square miles. That is an awful lot of murder.
All the while these scurrilous vermin sardonically laugh in our faces and even make films that tell us what suckers and scum we are... and we are, because we go right along with it all instead of hunting them and eliminating them and their entire families, stamping out their genetic lines from the book of life. A fine example of such a film is "Meet John Doe" with Gary Cooper and Barbara Stanwyck, 1941. The ending is idiotically naive, but the scary bits about how fickle is the mob and how ruthless the elite, are on the money.
Humanity is its own worst enemy because we choose rot and decay and perdition and filth over our professed ideals. We talk the talk, yet far too few of us walk it, and most often only when it is convenient to us. We do it for no better reason than because the bad is easy and the right is not, and we so bitterly hate that which is not easy. We deserve every outrage heaped upon us because we tolerate it, and we shall deserve nothing better until and if the day ever comes that we arrive to some least shred of self-respect and bring to their ends those who use us as their pack animals and other chattel. We bring shame to the notion of the "free man", may God forgive us... assuming he even gives the least damn about the human plight at this point, which I question.
Industrialized killing and control technologies along with the abandonment of all morals is a formula for extinction.
Welcome to the twenty-first century. I'd close with the usual "please accept my best wishes", but this time I think it would ring just a little hollow.