When men living in proximity to each other do so with an attitude of basic respect for themselves and their brethren, anarchy is invariably the result.
It is only when men abandon the basic morality born into them that "civilization" and the pestilence it visits upon them becomes the normal condition under which people must suffer the miseries of each others' tyrannies, heaped hand over fist by every man upon every other, most often in the form of the fictions that are "goverment" and "the state".
It is only in the wake of moral degradation that men come to accept being "civilized" by others of equal or greater corruption, and in whom no such authority to thwart and reduce can be said to exist. Men turn their backs upon themselves and their fellows in betrayal of the sacred gift of Life, equally bestowed to each by the Infinite. There is no truth sadder or less necessary than this. It is an affront to the Sacred; it is the ultimate obscenity.
But if we are to more fully understand what is actually happening, what our condition is more truly, we must first understand what it means to be "civilized". Let us start by consulting the dictionary.
Samuel Johnson's 1785 dictionary of the English language puts it this surprising way:
CIVILSATION n. s. 1. A law which renders a criminal process civil.
2. The act of civilizing.
3. The state of being civilized
Definition one is not quite clear. Turning our attention to "civil", Johnson's states:
CIVIL a. 1. Relating to the community
2. Relating to any man as a member of a community.
3. Not in anarchy; not wild.
4. Not foreign; intestine; as, a civil war.
5. Not ecclesiatical; as the civil courts.
6. Not natural; as, civil death.
7. Not military; as, the civil magistrate.
8. Not criminal; as, a civil process.
9. Civilized; not barbarous.
10. Grave, sosber.
11. Relating to the ancient consular or imperial government; as in civil law.
Now to the definition of "civilize":
CIVILIZE v. a. 1.To reclaim from savageness.
From the same source, "savageness":
SAVAGENESS n. s. 1. Barbarousness; cruelty; wildness
And "barbarousness":
BARBAROUSNESS n. s. 1. Incivility of manners; impurity of language; cruelty
So what, then, are we to make of definition 1 of "civilsation", as it is the only one that seems even remotely relevant? It says "A law which renders a criminal process civil." What does that mean? Not natural, as per def. 6 for "civil"? Not criminal, as per def. 8, ibid? Because of this grand failure to pin down with complete rigor, we can make nothing certain of "civilization", which leaves tyrants open to make it mean whatever they please.
When we consider how much of our world rests upon the notion of "civilization", do you not find it somewhat disturbing that the definitions of the term and its semantic relatives are so vague, imprecise, incomplete, and circular? If not, perhaps you would be well served to begin.
This semantic failure is utterly unacceptable if we Freemen are to live up to our purported ideals. How are we, the standing Freemen of the world, to move forward as such beings if we do not understand the most basic notions of what it means to live among each other with the proprieties that proper human freedom carries as matters of its very fabric? The answer, of course, is that we cannot, and ought not accept this deplorable condition, for to do so leaves the doors ajar for clever tyrants who would play on the ignorance, fear, and other raw emotions of men for the sake of gaining power over them, by hook or by crook. Furthermore, and perhaps more importantly, it hobbles us as Freemen because it degrades, diminishes, disparages, maligns, and leads astray our understanding of the deeper truth of Proper Human Relations. If we do not understand how to live properly among each other, then the tyrants are free to foist upon us literally anything, regardless of the outrage of it it, precisely because we are insufficient to the task of arguing against it.
What, then, are we to do in the face of this most unfortunate truth, that the very definitions of the terms in such common use, are almost devoid of concrete meaning? We remedy the situation by providing a definition that is worthy of the moniker. To that end, I offer to the world the following definition of "civilization":
The condition under which people live among and amid each other such that each individual is wholly, utterly, and completely free to choose, decide, and act as he pleases pursuant to his desires and judgments, so long as he refrains from violating the equal rights and consequent prerogatives of his fellows.
A state of living such that the conditions thereof are those of a civilization.
This is what "civilization" ought to mean. To be civil should be synonymous with being free. Alas, it is anything but that. In today's world, civilization is precisely what we have: a prison-like environment where the whims of a ruling subpopulation are forced upon the rest, failures to comply most often carrying draconian consequences.
The current reality of "civiilization" is nothing short of a nightmare for countless billions of human beings.
Consider the so-called "drug laws" and the war that has been waged pursuant to enforcement of those invalid and tyrannical mandates. Consider the seemingly endless litany of lives that have been unjustly destroyed for failure to comply with the non-authoritative demands of a ruling elite who decide what we may do, possess, think, and feel. There are literally millions of human beings languishing in American prisons for non-criminal acts such as possessing, using, and/or selling proscribed substances such as cannabis, heroin, and methamphetamine.
Few people will argue that the illicit use of heroin is a "good" thing, save perhaps the addicts themselves. However, regardless of how unwise such use may prove, it is nonetheless not a crime to use, possess, or sell heroin. That some arbitrarily constituted body of de facto tyrants declares it a felony to possess, use, or sell heroin and codifies the prohibition by statutory means, it does not follow that it is so. That is, statute is not perforce Law, all protestations by legislators and perhaps courts to the contrary notwithstanding.
Consider now those statutory instruments that have criminalized prostitution. Is the payment to one human being by another a criminal act? It is demonstrably not, and therefore it cannot be validly prohibited to any man by any other. To do so is bald-faced tyranny, no matter how repugnant one man may find the deed. The prohibition is itself a felony masquerading every so thinly as Law.
How about homosexual acts? Are they criminal? At one time there were statutes on the books that said "yes". And yet, they are not. Men are free to be disgusted by homosexuality, if they are so moved. What they are not free to do is interfere with the rightful prerogative of all men the choose such acts if they are inclined to it.
The list of capriciously arbitrary prohibitions is sometimes appears endless, with more being added by the day in clear violation of the sovereign rights of every human being walking the planet. Is there a remedy for this? Yes, but the question is not that of existence, but rather of the will of men in sufficient proportions to make real a better world, a free world. Thus far, that question has met with the grim answer, and yet hope is not quite lost, if it be ever so skinny from lack of nourishment. We, the tall-standing Freemen of the world may yet bring some harrow to the tyrannies that beset every man, including the tyrants, for they are as much imprisoned by their own schemes as are the rest of us.
I therefore implore ye of good character and who love freedom truly and completely, to spread the word and to help us all by endeavoring to bring to clarity the very words that underpin our lives in such a manner as to give better effect to the thoughts of free men the world over. Help us form the ironclad framework of conceptual understanding such that those who yearn for something better from this world are gifted with the tools necessary for the affect of change to those ends.
We do not have to live as chattel, serfs, prisoners. Theye can be stopped. Stopping Themme is not even particularly difficult - not if you have the knowledge in numbers, coupled with the drive to achieve the worthy goal of freedom in our lifetimes. It is the will to the goal, which in turn is driven by sufficient and proper understanding, that is the trick here. We are eight billion mostly ignorant souls, generationally hoodwinked by those who presume to reign over us as lords. The only way out, the only first step, is realization and the thirst to learn the greater truth of what it means to live properly amid one's fellow souls.
May the hunger for freedom grow and intensify such that we all begin to help one another, rather than suspect, despise, dismiss, and even hate our brethren. It is precisely that division between us that keeps the Tyrant on his throne, free to dictate as he might please. Are we going to allow this to continue? I pray we do not.
So long for now, and may the spirit of freedom bring its blessings upon you.
Until next time, please accept my best wishes.