In another forum it was announced that ICE is now actually doing their jobs at the border. Bravo.
I surmise that they no longer fear Biden and his lackeys, so they now are emboldened to to the job for which they were hired and swore their oaths. My suspicion is that most of those fellows are breathing sighs of great relief.Good. This also reveals just how weak Biden really is. Were it otherwise, he'd be clamping down on them hard, but he does nothing because he IS nothing.
I believe this also reveals in a similarly back-handed way that the cowards of Biden's America are now prepping to run for the hills because they, too, are not stepping up as they did before. Mayorkas is nowhere to be seen, though I suspect they can find him cowering in his mom's basement, filling his pants in anticipation of having his ass handed to him for dereliction of duty in the face of a foreign invasion. I live to see the day he goes to a cell on Gitmo as per NDAA and dies in his cell, alone and in abject misery. He will have done it to himself.
However, more important that my well developed sense of justice is the need to move on from this most dreadful and embarrassing era of American history. It is more important that we repair what needs it and ensure that we never fall so far again. It's been 100 years and more in the making. Let us never again be so complacent and blindly obedient. Never again is anyone in "government" to be trusted, not even Trump. Not eve Jesus, for this is the most vile game ever contrived by men. It is pure filth and it tempts all men to stray from virtue in spite of their putatively good intentions.
A new America must rise from the ashes of what the past 60 years has brought forth. The New American is to be a Freeman, rather than a Weakman. He is ever vigilant of "government" action and gravely, grimly, and utterly intolerant of even the most seemingly insignificant impropriety or misbehavior, any of which must be treated the moment it is uncovered, and addressed with the most resolute determination to set to rights that which has run amiss and to mete harsh but just punishments to those who have transgressed in violation of their sworn and solemn oaths to serve both in good faith and with proper competence. Tolerance of the intolerable is an era that must come to its abrupt and long overdue end with the swearing in of a new president, and hopefully a new era where Americans are transformed into the ultimate governors, holding all elected, appointed, hired, and contracted people in whom the public trust has been vested on the shortest possible leashes with threats of great and cataclysmic dangers to all who violate their sacred oaths.
Death to all tyranny no matter how seemingly trivial or harmless. It must be stamped out in toto.
God bless America and may freedom ring once again, and better and more completely than ever has it before anywhere on civilized earth.
Merry Christmas everyone, and until next time please accept my best wishes.