On another forum, an individual was going on about so-called "anarcho-communism". I pointed out how the term was a maximal oxymoron, with the grand emphasis on "moron". He went on the cite the common etymological root between "communal" and "communism", an error so grave that I felt I must respond. The exchange, fruitless as it may have proven, got me to thinking that a restatement of the basic problem of political philosophies such as communism may be in order, if for no other reason than to offer yet another expression of the argument against such arrangements. And so here we find ourselves.
To put it very bluntly, communism is a game of felonies.
Communism plays on all the worst that is in a human being, most specifically, FAIL (Fear, Avarice, Ignorance, and Lassitude).
In practical terms, communism is all about the individual riding the wave of graft and other crimes against his fellows. It is mob rule not unlike democracy in its ultimate practical results, but with differently colored grease paint on its face.
In practical terms, communism is all about the individual riding the wave of graft and other crimes against his fellows. It is mob rule not unlike democracy in its ultimate practical results, but with differently colored grease paint on its face.
Even the dullards among us immediately recognize the opportunities for said graft that communism radiates outward in it messages of "equality". Humans, beasts that they tend to be on the average and in so many respects, see only themselves and devote their efforts to conjuring the ways in which they will be able to live off the labors of others. As sufficient numbers of such ways become apparent to them in mere seconds, they are immediately on board with the idea. "Oh HELL YES! I wanna be a communist!"
We could speak for volumes on the ostensible reasons for the eager desire to embrace communism/socialism, but the underlying truth to which few will admit is simply that they expect to get something for nothing. Working for a living is for the suckers. Shoot, if a mob of men with swords is willing and able to force my neighbors to pay my rent, feed, clothe, and supply me all I desire in life, sign me the hell up!
Let us not be fooled by the disingenuous talk of altruism, a concept that makes my skin crawl for its falsity. It's all lies, and even in the rare case where someone has managed to convince himself that his motives are altruistic, the blind ignorance of such belief constitutes a top-tier human obscenity.
Forget the fact that the would-be beneficiary of the great socialist utopia will almost certainly prove bitterly disappointed and left without recourse in his deep state of buyer's remorse. That is the bitter harvest of the poisonous seed for which he exchanged his soul and that outcome has been demonstrated in literally every case where socialism has been tried. The paltry numbers of those whose lives materially improved because they'd been the bottom of the socio-economic barrel don't count for anything. Even those poor slobs, rather than having experienced a net benefit, suffer gross net loss due to the loss of their freedoms, a condition about which they may or may not care, so long as their bellies have something in them, however stale or rancid.
Communism/socialism is a shell game that makes everyone below The Line more or less equally impoverished, diseased, wanting, and miserable. The only real beneficiaries are those who live above The Line. Here, by "The Line", I specifically refer to Themme (pronoun referring to those people who sit in seats of actual political power - the string-pullers). Consider the Soviets - a cabal of stooges who, through outright lies and the point of the sword, lived like fat rats at the expense of their hunger-stricken and miserably impoverished proletariat fellows. Did the rust factory worker have a dacha on the Black Sea? No. Generally speaking, the only people with such bourgeois luxuries were those in the inner circles of the Communist Party. Add hypocrisy to their long list of crimes.
Communism != communal living. The two have nothing to do with each other because the latter is a descriptive term, whereas the former is proscriptive. The one is a simple observation of what is, the other a specification of what should be: positive v. normative. One sees what's happening, the other barks orders and edicts at you, backed by the false authority of the sword.
Can I make this any more clear?
Communism != communal living. The two have nothing to do with each other because the latter is a descriptive term, whereas the former is proscriptive. The one is a simple observation of what is, the other a specification of what should be: positive v. normative. One sees what's happening, the other barks orders and edicts at you, backed by the false authority of the sword.
Can I make this any more clear?
Do not be taken in by the superficial similarities and the tacit assumption that appearances represent the deeper truths upon which they are painted. Nor should you make the grave error of trusting the competence of those peddling these slippery terms to the world. And finally, always remember and never forget that the intentions of those who peddle these pills of conceptual poison are utterly irrelevant.
Far too many of us are in the habit of miring ourselves in the arguments of a criminal's intentions, as if ostensibly good ones would somehow excuse the felon's actions and the harms he has brought to others. Intentions count for absolutely nothing at all, especially in such cases. Result is the only thing that matters where such issues are concerned and the unamended violation of a man's rights is always an outcome of the criminal variety, by definition.
Language is a powerful tool, and as we can see, those of malicious intent or who are insufficient to their claim to authority use language to foul ends. Equating "communism" with "communal living" is an example of folly that dives headfirst and without due circumspection into the deep waters of wild danger.
As I have written before and shall continue to repeat: language is the single most important skill you will ever learn in all your years in this life. Nothing else even comes close to its import and effect on everything in this world. And to make things even stickier, language is one of the most fiendishly devilish endeavors imaginable. It is only through awareness of its significance and nature, coupled with an attitude of determination to become linguistically masterful and vigilant in our communications habits that we Freemen stand even the least chances against Theire hordes, for the misuse of language is far and away easier, cheaper, and more devastatingly effective than it's judicious application in our interpersonal transactions. This is the somewhat sad truth of these things. Just as the "negative" emotion of hatred is far more potents, pond for pound, than love, so it can be said of the misuse of words versus the proper. We may call this the "entropy of language"
It make take years to erect a large office building, but it takes only seconds to bring it all down with properly applied pyrotechnics. The explosive demolition of edifices is a prime and readily observable example of how entropy works in our daily lives. The far less apparent, yet vastly more dangerous example is that of the destructive force of words chosen poorly, or very adroitly for effect.
If you do yourself no other favor in your life, endeavor to develop strong linguistic expertise and the right habits, the latter being perhaps even more important. If your skills, such as they may be, are not put to proper use through the adoption of razor-sharp habits of communication, then you may as well have no such skills.
Be well, be smart, be intolerant of the intolerable, and as always and until next time, please accept my best wishes.