Monday, January 23, 2023

Making Sense Of The Nonsensical

 As of this writing, the world appears to be going further into madness, especially in the developed west, and most particularly in America.

Consider the rise of the so-called "woke" movement, which strikes me as closer to a bowel movement than anything even remotely worth one's while.  Nearly everything about them is ridiculous, often flying past the line of hard idiocy.  Wokeness rose suddenly and seemingly out of nowhere, aided and abetted in great part by the so-called "established media" that includes the major network broadcast entities such as CNN, MSNBC, ABC, etc. 

Consider for a moment the odd, yet striking change in the way the media have responded to the nonsense of wokeness.  Not very long ago, say thirty years, those selfsame news outlets would have at least questioned the rise of world views that bespoke brain lesions or other mental disorder.  Males becoming females, just because they say they are?  Blind adherence to the equally blind assertions of anthropogenic global warming that thus far show no evidence in data as having a basis?  The shift from "anthropogenic" global warming to simple "global warming", and then a further backpedal to "climate change", a term devoid of any solidly palpable meaning, clearly intended to instill fear, dread, angst, and all manner of other destructive emotions in those whose personal corruptions include fear and ignorance.  At this point, the campaign has been so wildly successful, we have tens of millions of Americans who still cleave to the utterly and transparently vacuous nature of the claim that the climate is changing, portending doom for all.

Sowing fear, creeping dread, and outright terror is an age old tactic for gaining political compliance from a population, and it works like a charm every time.

But today I have a different and very specific angle to address: that of the "population bomb", yet another questionable assertion so stridently forwarded by the adherents of Malthus.

Not so very long ago the monikers of "globalist" and "internationalist" were universally and strenuously denied by all to whom those labels were applied, mainly in a clearly accusatory tone.  Today, those same people not only admit and embrace those appellations, they wear them on their sleeves with a smug pride that leaves decent men wanting to slap them across their faces such that some teeth roll right along the flight path.  The globalists have come out of the closet, guns blazing, devoid of any apologies for the perfidious insanities in which they so lustfully marinate themselves.

One of the central themes of the globalist jag is that of "overpopulation".  The notion that the earth is overpopulated with humans is forwarded not as a suspicion, a fear, a guess, or a theory, but as axiomatic truth that lays beyond dispute.  This malthusian view is so pervasive in their core beliefs that it has been made manifest in documents of institutions such as the United Nations, the so-called "Agenda 21" document being the prime example.  Therein we find all manner of wild hand-wringing prognostications of the disasters waiting to befall all humanity if the human population is not reduced.  

Interestingly, nowhere in the document does it give any details as to which populations are to be trimmed, by what means, by what methods, or in what time frame.  The document is rotten and lousy with vague innuendo portending the dire consequences awaiting humanity, just around a mist-shrouded corner.

The internationalist agenda hides in plain sight before the world.  The population must be reduced, and there will be no questioning of that indisputable fact, according to the all-knowing wisemen of the globalist cadre.

In 2019 a virus so suddenly arose, having originated in Wuhan China†.  It's official name is SARS-Covid-2, peddled to the public as "Covid19".  The media campaign hyping the deadly nature of the virus was full-on almost from day one as the news outlets quickly lapsed into paroxysms of apocalyptic doom for all humanity, particularly if even one person failed to wear a mask and get his "vaccination".  This was a psyop of epic proportions, pursuant to the immediate goal of gaining the broadest level of compliance to the tacit mandate as possible.  The fear-mongering machinery was at full throttle for two full years, the level of compliance failing to meet what I think would have been the likely expectations, yet still reasonably regarded as a wild success by almost any standard with nearly seventy percent of Americans having been jabbed with the non-vaccine.

And now we are seeing a heretofore never encountered phenomenon: people of all age groups suddenly and unceremoniously dropping dead where they stand, whether walking down the sidewalk, food shopping, getting a haircut, or whatever. But this, of course, has nothing whatsoever to do with the non-vaccine those people received on the initial promise that it would keep them safe from the virus that had a measured survival rate of 99.6%. Careful consideration of the promise reveals it a semantically tricky and possibly true pledge, for it is unlikely that the virus got them, but rather the non-vaccine itself. My what a tangled web we have woven for ourselves, courtesy of our non-critical acceptance of assertions that quickly proved to be false, prima facie.

Now to the real point: that of who shall live and who shall be sacrificed.  The borders of America have been opened wide since the inauguration of Joe Biden, with torrents of illegal aliens pouring into America, apparently immune to all the demands of immunization against C19.  What do we suspect may be an intended outcome of this circumstance?  If the non-vaccine is indeed the cause of all these sudden death cases, it will be the well established middle class that stands to be hollowed out in the event that this phenomenon grows in time, assuming it cannot be stayed by any medial means known to common medicine.

Assuming this is by design and not, as some claim, the product of a long chain of collectively impossible coincidences, why would the globalists endeavor so?  The likely answer is plain, clear, and simple: the elite are eliminating what they see as competition.  I suspect that third-worlders represent tomorrow's serf labor, cleaning toilets, sweeping streets, lugging bricks, and so on.  They carry no intellectual complication and are well bred to obedience, courtesy of the despots of the nations whence they came.  They are used to being told what to do and occupying stations of servitude.  Most or all the intellectual and attitudinal  competition, having been removed, the remaining elite are then freed to run the world in any manner they please, their grip upon the throats of their servant class beyond dispute and invincible because those people have no idea what freedom is, have no interest in it, and are thankful that they live and serve in a place better than that from which they fled.

The American middle class has long stood as the greatest remaining obstacle to global dominion.  The globalists want to rule it all, that goal thwarted by the mere existence of that middle class population.  Therefore, the middle class of America must perforce be eliminated.  But the elite will not want to live in a world where everyone is elite.  What fun would that be?  Who'd take out the garbage and wash the toilet?  No sir, the elite absolutely require a servant class who will do all the dirty jobs delicate hands refuse.  Besides, those who enjoy ruling have to have those over whom to lord.  This is not possible with the American middle class, especially those of the white persuasion, who are overly prone to displays of the middle finger when the false authorities overstep some line.  The elites appear to be done with being patient and want their cake now.  Elimination of those who stand in their way would now appear as the only solution.

And so here we find ourselves, the guinea pigs in a global experiment in population culling that stands to best ensure success for the perpetrators without overly risking potentially fatal backlashes.  After all, if the vast majority of the people believe that those in power are not to blame for the catastrophe befalling them, why attack them?  Quite the contrary, the victims are most likely to turn to their murderers for the help they so desperately seek.  This is a brilliantly neat approach, if it is indeed what is happening.  But if it is not, then what else explains what we are witnessing?  Coincidence and happenstance?  Not even remotely credible as an offering, so let us not even bother going there.

At this juncture, I see no other viable explanation in the face of everything that has gone before, and that which is currently unfolding, for example the grandual backpedaling of the very same authorities who so stridenly demanded our obedience just a few short years ago as they now admit in dribs and drabs that the non-vaccine are ineffective in all the ways promised, the talk now drifting slowing to an admission that those poisons are, indeed, deadly introductions that are taking life from those foolish enough to have been cowed by the threats and fear-mongering.

It cannot as yet be asserted that these notions are anything more than speculation, but once again I would ask what alternative better explains that which we now are experiencing?  I am open of mind to all well-reasoned alternatives.

For those of you who, like myself, have managed thus far to remain untainted by the jab, I would think very carefully and several times over before succumbing to the tactics designed to twist your arm such that you comply.  At this point, the jab appears as a nasty end to one's life, something I confidently assume is not the outcome desired by anyone.

May God watch over us and help us deliver ourselves from the clutches of these rotten human beings who presume themselves worthy of continuance over us.

Be well, keep your brains in gear, and as always please accept my best wishes.

It is always instructive to note when the powers that be are up to nothing good.  In this case, it was early reported that the C19 virus issued from a bioweapons facility in Wuhan, and that initial examination revealed clear indications of a corona virus that had been significantly modified by human hands.  In a matter of a week, two at the most, all such references were scrubbed from major news sources with the shiny new official line of lies set into place that ignored all the glaring questions that might have given rise to revelatory responses unwanted by the perpetrators of what now is clearly mass murder on a scale hearkening back to the twentieth century despots such as Stalin and Mao.