Thursday, August 3, 2023

We Are As Slaves On A Prison Planet

 Many people are fond of embracing the lie that slavery had been abolished by the forces of good.  This fact befuddles me most perfectly.

Let us be clear: slavery is abolished on paper only and, practically speaking, only in certain forms and by certain parties for certain other parties.  Let us be further clear that those certain parties of the first part reserve for themselves every privilege of the slave master while the proletariate are denied such latitude.  They hypocrisy alone is staggering, much more so the wild criminality that this represents.

Slavery is alive and well in the human world. 

Starting at the bottom, there is all manner of sex trafficking going on all over the globe. Muslim nations openly conduct slave trade of all forms. Then, at the supposed "top" of the heap are Europe and America, both of which are metastatic with the slavery cancer. Sex trafficking is the obvious case, but the far deeper cancer is that of taxation and generalized "state" tyranny. "Governments" enact violative statutes that address no crime, yet falsely criminalize the acts in question, whether it be purchasing the services of a prostitute, buying/possessing/using "illicit" drugs, possessing a firearm without some arbitrary permission, or what have you. They then have the brass to call those statutes "law", which is one of the biggest lies ever told by tyrants, who make up any phony baloney nonsense as their caprice might move them.

Americans, and in general we are become an appallingly stupid race, believe they are "free". To that, I will tell anyone that if they truly believe that biggest of all lies, then do and by all means stop paying your property tax. In time, you will receive a nicely worded letter reminding you of your alleged delinquency. In more time you will receive a series of other letters, each new one less friendly than the last. Finally, a sheriff's deputy or two will come to evict you from what is supposed to be your property, which of course it is not. If you resist, they will become violent. Resist enough, and they will murder you.

Does that sound anything like freedom? If it does, then you stand in deep need of lessons in what actually freedom is.

The ENTIRETY OF HUMANITY is up to its eyeballs in slavery, make no mistake about that. That you are in some places afforded an expansive cage makes no difference to the fact that you are indeed a slave because you are by no means free to exercise your rightful prerogatives as a Freeman, but are only given permission to exercise a comparatively very limited set of choices as per the deign and whim of the Tyrant, who eternally reserves the right to rescind any and all rights any time he pleases, with or without cause.

The enlarged cage of the pretty slavery that has been foisted upon the world is now mistakenly conflated with actual freedom. That is the saddest joke of all recorded human history.

Civilization has proven itself liberty's undoing and the utter destruction of our freedom, in point of practical fact. Setting that first stone at Sumer was perhaps the greatest error ever made by anyone. But now that we are here, it is in fact possible to institute a free architecture and to dispose of all tyrants and with them, their tyrannies. The only question that remains is whether the human race will ever cough up enough self-respect to make it happen. At this juncture, that prospect appears grimly unlikely, which is a terrible shame because the human world could be ever so much better than it is, were it not for the deep and intransigently abiding corruption of the Mean Man.


Give it all a think and, until next time, please accept my best wishes.

War Should Be Hell, Part Deux

 Why have all these wars in which America has been involved since Korea gone so miserably wrong? Two main reasons.

Firstly, involvement in wars of foreign aggression are FAIL as matters of fabric.

Secondly, if you are warring, then war. The ROE (Rule Of Engagement) should be one and only one: kill the enemy until he becomes a footnote in the fart-can of history, or he capitulates without condition. You kill them until there is no more warring going on from your enemy's side. America could have "won" in Viet Nam in about eight weeks, had we gone in with the intention of fighting an actual war. But no, we were there to "help", and got our asses handed to us, and rightly so, given point the first, above.

And so it has gone ever since. War is hell, and it ought to be. It should be so unspeakably horrifying that nobody even considers making the first move unless circumstances are so dire that one engages only with the greatest reluctance, and only as the last of all last resorts. When war happens, civilians should be indiscriminately murdered by the millions, pursuant to victory, if that is what it takes to achieve it. This goes for all sides. Let the horror, the real deal, no playing around terror of that thought sink into the minds of every human being on the planet, and we would suddenly see a whole lot less of this greatest of all wastes of time and the best in men.

The globalists try to make war sanitary, and therefore passably palatable in the eyes of people such that Theye can get away with waging it... at little to no risk to themseles. Theye are the first people who should be killed in war, along with their entire families. Erase their genetic lines in the most sadistically gruesome manners which most people cannot even imagine. Let the spectacle leave every man deeply injured in his soul in the way even holocaust survivors cannot comprehend. Erase Themme from the earth and let we who remain take that hard and horrific lesson to heart as we witness first hand the butchery of one human being by another on scales that leave men quaking and vomiting in fear and disgust, their souls weeping and wailing uncontrollably at the sight and the memory of it. Leave that in the minds of men and then maybe we humans would change our ways, though I remain to be convinced that it would become so.  

Nothing short of this sort of brutality to the minds of men will put war to its minimums because the average human being responds intelligently to nothing better.  The average man is willing to tolerate the worst outrages committed against some people by other people, so long as they are not the ones whose lives are being extinguished. 

Therefore, make us all the victims of the truth of what war actually means. Let us learn to properly fear war and regard it as something to be avoided at almost any cost, but not to the extent we renounce our claims to freedom. Indeed, the whole idea behind my grizzly design is to get people to better understand the value of life and of our inherent liberties. Nothing else appears to work these days, so I say for the sake of that greater good over which the communist/socialist/forced-collectivist ants so vociferously rant and rail with interminable devotion and rage, embrace the lesser evil - the one that steers us from the greater dishonor and the destruction of all that is good between men.  

Let the nightmare spectre loom forever in the minds of men, lest they once more run headlong into the breach which is the greatest of all wastes and shames and felonies of humanity.

Does this seem horrific?  Does the thought repulse you; fill you with repugnant disgust and fear?

Good.  That should tell you that you are a decent sort, but are you decent enough to become as steadfastly opposed to warring as you might be revolted by my design?  Let us hope so.

I'm not a fan of such actualities, but when the alternatives are far and away worse, I prefer sustainable injury to annihilation.

Please forgive the directness of this work, but given where we humans appear to be heading, which is nowhere good, I see no viable alternative than to suggest such gruesome measure for the sake of even worse outcomes.

Be well, God bless you, and until next time, please accept my best wishes.