What, then, does it mean to be a constitutionally-limited republic? Let us take a quick look and divine the true meaning of this term which seems to have evaded so many, myself included at a time.
The "republic" part was intended to enable the discharge of certain aspects of governance PURSUANT to the maintenance of the individual freedoms of the people as recognized, enumerated, and guaranteed in the Bill of Rights. Beyond that, "government" was to have absolutely no role in the lives of the people because the people were recognized as INHERENTLY FREE and morally beyond governmental touch.
Stay with me now, for this shall become clear in short order.
The most basic premise upon which America was conceived was the innate, inherent, and most naturally obvious state of freedom that is the birthright of every human being to take breath. That assumption was the foundation upon which the Founders of this nation intended to affect humanity's escape from the boot-heel of the endless litany of tyrants who had taken humanity by its throat with iron fists. This was the cardinal assumption of the Framers of the Constitution upon which America was architected for the sake of offering humanity a fighting chance to exercise those liberties which the infestations of world tyranny has had for so long diminished, disparaged, denied, and so brutally and criminally violated.
That was the intent.
Pursuant to that intention, the Framers cobbled up a constitution whose purpose was to institute three basic functions of protection to best ensure the individual freedoms they recognized as being innate to our human fabric. These functions were the national defense, the passage and enactment of Law, and the courts to adjudicate issues of crime, and civl contention.
In my considered opinion, the Framers did a pretty good job of it, especially considering that nobody in written memory had ever really done so before; an indication of how temporally extensive has been the tenure of the Age Of Tyrants. They did well, save in one respect: the formation of Congress and the grant of powers thereto. It is clear in our 20/20 hindsight that the Framers of our Constitution grossly overestimated the moral character of those who would occupy the seats of the legislatures, as well as that of the people at large, whose job it has been to ensure that those in Congress comported themselves properly. Perhaps the Founders cannot be faulted for having failed to sufficiently prognosticate the depths of the manifold corruptions to which the American people would plunge themselves so eagerly as we see everywhere today. But if nothing else, they knew that the power to tax was the power to destroy, so my ability to excuse their architectural missteps is tempered thereby.
Yet another way in which the Founders failed most deeply is in having not been more explicit in the expression and specification of the authority of the People to take immediate procedural control of any institutional element of governance that has run off the rails with respect to their duties to those to whom they swear their oaths. Furthermore, the Constitution remains devoid of specifications for the holding to account of those who violate those oaths, the punishments for which should be draconian. Finally, the oath of service is itself lacking in specificity and completeness and, in my opinion, should be rewritten to a far more correct, complete, and exacting standard to which any Freeman should be able to hold those in "government" in cases of betrayal.
Back to the more salient point, the "republic" aspect of the nation was supposed to be so minimal as to be of vanishing perceptibility in terms of the daily lives of the people. The major, primary, and most forceful quality of the American nation was supposed to be the very innate freedoms of the people to which the Constitutional document refers, the rest existing but to reinforce those freedoms and ensure they were respected by all, for every breathing soul in the land. The raison d'ĂȘtre for the establishment of "republic" was not so assume powers not granted in the document of ordain and establishment. And yet, we sadly see how utterly that intention has failed.
We have run afoul of the Founding Intention so widely as to leave thinking men in abashed awe and appalled disgust at what we have all allowed. Our "government" has gone from ostensible guardians of freedom to the very worst sorts of tyrants against which the founding of this land was intended to hold at bay. But we the People lost our ways, having allowed ourselves to be corrupted with the seek of material comforts, regardless of cost and to accept as truth those stupidities and evils that made us "feel" better. We have traded our most sacred gifts of innate liberty for the sake of having cell phones and net.pornography. We have literally sold our souls for not even thirty pieces of silver, but have in fact given them over most freely to the devils in whose hands our world now rests.
The Constitution limits the REPUBLIC, which is to say the form of governance, and not the people to whom it is supposed to answer. It is governance that is supposed to be limited to a very narrow spectrum, and not the other way around. And yet, how many people do you know who see the "government" as some all-powerful authority whose edicts may not be defied? Are you one of them? If so, do you now believe that you should remain as such, or is it perhaps time to reconsider your views on such matters?
It is all up to you, and him over there, and her over in the other corner. It is up to every one of us to get ourselves right in our thoughts and views with respect to the actual, objective, and demonstrably correct principles of proper human relations.
Our Republic is supposed to be all about our freedom, and not the powers of madmen running amok with pen and sword as they pile-drive our sacred freedoms into the dust. Our "government" is supposed to be all about protecting us from violation, rather than being the primary source thereof.
Protect our freedoms from external threats with the militia. Protect our freedoms from internal threats with the courts. Remove nearly every power from Congress which it has so feloniously usurped and arrogated unto itself. Leave people to live as they please, with the usual restrictions against bringing damage to one's fellows, and leave the rest to us. We neither need the other ministrations, nor should we be wanting them, much less accepting them.
The English had it right when they established the common law, whose tenets are but three:
- Be good for your word
- Bring no unwanted harm to others
- Make whole those whom you damage
It isn't rocket surgery, and yet when men's hearts have been tainted with the four corruptions of Fear, Avarice, Ignorance, and Lassitude (FAIL), they find every means of, and excuse for complicating things such that they get what they want, no matter who gets hurt.
It is time this all came to ends. Leave us to freedom and to the governance of self and the defense of that which is a man's rightful property. Get off our backs, for we will not tolerate you for much longer. Our technologies are offering means of liberating minds that tyrants will not be able to overcome, save that we allow them to defeat us by pure force of our own wills. We, the Freemen of planet earth, are not obliged to return to slave status, but will do so if we allow it.
This is all on us, now.
Mors tyrannis.
Until next time, please accept my best wishes.