In these turbulent times, I am finding it quipped with increasing frequency that revolution becomes more inevitable with each passing day.
While that may be so, it won't help... At least not much. In fact, "revolution" won't be a revolution at all, but merely a momentary, albeit violent, vent of what I'm willing to assume shall be righteous rage against the trespasses of "leaders" against those whom they claim to serve, but over whom they actually reign as dictators and despots of varying degrees and shallow-made flavors.
Revolution will not help because men's hearts are rotten with corruptions vast and manifold. The proof of my claim lies in the history of humanity itself. Note how every "revolution" of our recorded past ended up producing results little different than those they replaced. Also note that the replacements were not even always better than that which they replaced, people often going from frying pan to fire. The various communist revolutions of the twentieth century come immediately to mind, as does that of the French from 1789.The British rock and roll band, "The Who", expressed it quite perfectly with the lyric:
"Meet the new boss. Same as the old boss."
One set of corrupt apes, spewing their lines of putatively noble sounding words, of which they walk very little, replaces the old set of corrupt apes who spewed their own lines of presumably noble sounding words of which they, too, walked very little.
Basically the same at their cores, the differences between them lay only in the superficialities of the notions they choose to peddle. We can afford to be generous enough to assume that they meant the words when they first vomited them forth into the world's lap, for of that there may be little doubt. But when it came time to live those words, to walk their talk, that was of course, "different". Once those in actual, material power (hereinafter "Theye" or "Themme") came to realize that they really didn't have to live by their own slogans, but could get a free ride on the backs of the suckers whom they were able to force into the molds that Theye themselves refused in all but the words, the descent into blatant despotism was set. Theye prove themselves materially no different than the ones they replace, every time.
The cycle thus repeats itself.
In political terms, human beings are as rotten as the days are long at the poles. It is as plain and as simple as that. Nothing more need be known on the matter, save to accept the unavoidable conclusion that humans cannot be trusted at any time, in any way, or in any measure where political considerations are concerned. There is no such consideration so innocuous, such that an intelligent and morally intact human being can honestly and rationally trust another with what we refer to as "political power". To do so even once is to tempt fate by setting the floodgates to disaster ajar.
If ever a critical mass of humanity were to come to this realization, accept it in their bosoms as utter truth, and choose to adopt the attitude of utter, absolute, and the most grim intolerance for violations of a man's rights by another, regardless of the justifications made for such felonious invasions, that is when the race of men will see a sea-change in terms of respect for those rights. It is only by such an improvement of the general attitude toward the ideals of proper human relations that a quantum improvement in the security of all men, and an equally measured increase in their general condition may be realized.
Until then, there shall exist no chance for the betterment of the mean human reality. Nay, our state of affairs stands but to decay ever further as the Apex Apes march their armies of eager, gun-toting stooges ever more deeply into the rightful territories of Freemen. The ultimate conclusion of this habit can only be the universal destruction of humanity, Apex Apes included, though Theye apparently see it not.
Meet the new boss, same as the old boss. Indeed.
Until next time, please accept my best wishes.