Fifty thousand trucks have settled themselves in Ottawa... Canada, that is, of all places. Unlikely as that may seem to some, this is where the nexus of humanity and its innate, natural, and rightful freedom has broken the surface in a way I was unsure I'd ever see.
I have read that there are now half a million people connected to this protest in Ottawa, against the tyrannies of the endlessly corrupt Canadian "government", which makes this event non-trivial in the global context, so much more that of Canada.
Justin Trudeau has thus far acquitted himself in the poorest imaginable fashion, which should endlessly please everyone of good character. Faced with the choice between hearing what the truckers have to say, and reacting like a wholesale despot, Trudeau chose the latter as he finally emerged from the sad little bunker to which he'd fled at the outset. His reaction was to offer naught but threats and promises of criminal violence against those who dared question his unilateral edicts. Having invoked "emergency powers", Trudeau has effectively declared martial law in Canada, himself emperor, and has by his lone hand criminalized all activities related to advancing the protest cause. Trudeau has single-handedly declared the truckers as "terrorists" and has pronounced all aid to them as crimes, regardless of source.
As if all that were not enough tyranty stuff to fill Trudeau's sottish, gas-inflated ego, he has further qualified himself as a foot-stamping little corporal by authorizing Canadian banks to seize the accounts of anyone or any entity so much as suspected of aiding the protesters. The significance of this move would be difficult to overstate, as it is overt, bald-faced despotism that cannot in any way be credibly justified or otherwise explained away as not being old world styled repression. In a way I find this very surprising, as the tyrannies of the "west" have been very soft in character since the end of World War II. This is surprising because soft tyranny has proven so thoroughly successful over the past six or seven decades, leading one to wonder why this sudden stab backwards into so obviously totalitarian a move. On the surface, it makes little sense, save that Trudeau is a true political imbecile.
Many will deplore Trudeau's admittedly rueful reaction to valid protest, but in point of fact we should all be beering it up in righteous and joyful celebration. The cause here is that wittingly or otherwise, Trudeau has painted himself into a very tight corner by acting as an amateurishly transparent oppressor. In responding as he has, Trudeau has cut himself off from all other options apart from either his violent promises made manifest, or a crushing defeat in having to step off because he has thrown down the gauntlet, effectively declaring war on the protesters, and could not make good as dictator. He could not have responded better than this, from the standpoint of pushing the central issue that has needed to come to the fore now for many long years. He has narrowed his options to two: escalate into violence, or capitulate and look more the fool than he does now. Either way, he loses.
The question of basic human freedom has now come under attack in the ostensibly "free" world in a way so blatant that nobody can credibly dress this third world tactic in a way that will make it appear as anything other than what it is. And so with this development, which at first may have seemed not quite significant, an opportunity that may never again present itself has arisen in a most prominent manner.
Between the large-scale refusal of common men to be further abused by the cookie-cutter globalist runts, and the uncharacteristically foolish response of a third-rate, low-rent†. autocrat, a door of opportunity has swung wide for not only the Canadians, but a vast swath of humanity that could conceivably encompass even the Chinese. We must force Theire hand. Force it and keep forcing it until THEYE make the choice that WE impose on THEM. We can do this. We could stop Themme dead in their tracks, one way or the other, but we have to get a sense of what is needed, which really not much more than an utter and intransigent refusal to cooperate, and the will to stick with it to the better end, no matter what.
The question of liberty and the rights that follow most naturally, logically, and undeniably therefrom has come to the fore with unexpected clarity and force. That question has been further put into type, italicized, bolded, and underscored by the wonderfully careless and myopically fumbled response of a true political nitwit, Justin Trudeau. Perhaps most significantly, this wild blunder has come off not in some third-world backwater where the people of the "west" have come to expect such rank evil, but in their own house, where it has been blatantly turned on them in a way many have foolishly believed not possible.
I cannot overemphasize the significance of this turn of events, come what may. If we allow this opportunity to pass, humanity stands to remain indefinitely in the New Dark Age in which it finds itself. But if we see this development as a once in a thousand generations chance to set tyranny back on its heels and we decide to seize the opportunity and see it to its logical end, the quality of our lives could change immeasurably for the better. That choice is the nexus to which I refer. A gift of choice that I never thought to see in my lifetime has fallen into humanity's lap, as if by some dint of the Miraculous.
A CHOICE. When was the last time we saw a choice presented to us that rested beyond which laundry detergent, beer, pornographic production, or feminine hygiene product we might select for ourselves?
Time is here, and it is now. If we fritter this away, our posterity will rue our decision. WE will ultimately rue it because so far as I can see, the global Despot has shown his true face, whether by intention, or the feckless blundering of a nincompoop. It has happened, it is fact, and I am not nearly convinced that Theye can now go back to things as they were, pre-covid. Neither am I nearly certain that Theye wish to go back. The gloves seem to be coming off and that puts the ball in our court: accede to the whim and caprice of the Tyrant, or stand firm, no matter what.
Be aware that in this endeavor, half-measures will avail us nothing, save the same end we would find if we were to capitulate upfront. We are at the doorstep of an all-or-nothing struggle where Theye are playing for keeps. The only unanswered question is whether we, too, are playing in the same earnest devotion to our liberties as Theye are to our effective destruction. Do not step up unless you intend on going all the way because there are no waypoints between here and there.
Finally, loathe as I am to give advice, I will do so this time by stating that the only correct answer in all this is to sign on against tyranny and give to the cause of freedom more and better than everything you've got. The chances are that nobody alive today will ever again see such an opportunity. Please don't allow this to simply fade into nothing. Grab the chance to put the Tyrant down like the rabid beast that he is. We don't have to become violent. We just need enough of us to refuse cooperation. If violence is to come, make Themme fire the first shots. Never before has civil disobedience been more important. Stand up and tell Themme "NO!" I promise that it will make your life better than it is now, no matter how things work out.
Be well, and until next time, please accept my best wishes.
† I wanted to use "cheap suit", but could not in all good conscience do so because dopey and despotic trash that he may be, Trudeau's suits are simply impeccably tailored, almost as good as my own. Credit where due, even for cheap scoundrels.