These past four weeks have seen vast torrents of hand-wringing, almost all by the so-called "left" over the actions that the Trump administration are taking, much of it the gutting and elimination of various agencies such as the ironically named Department of Education.
Most surprising there is that the lefties are absolutely correct, apparently completely by accident. They are manifesting the right reactions for what I believe to be utterly mistaken reasons, but that is neither here nor there with respect to my purposes in this passage. Anti-social media a abuzz with all manner of dire warnings, and right that it should be.
Because we are so deeply degenerated in political terms, the "system" so broken, we cannot rely on normal means for making the desperately needed corrections precisely because said broken system cannot be trusted in the vein of normal operation. Were we, for example, to trust Congress to investigate itself, what epsilon of hope could any rational and honest man expect to hold that just outcomes would result?
Therefore, we have a choice before us.
Door #1: do nothing for the sake of formal compliance to that system's normal and accepted procedures to be respected and observed under conditions that include virtuous men discharging their sworn duties to the Public Trust or,
Door #2: take extraordinary measures.
The former changes nothing and basically guarantees the doom of everything Americans claim to hold dear. Even the lunatics of the left will lose all, regardless whether they acknowledge that fact.
At this point we can act or we can fold. I prefer action and behind Door #2 there are two more, Doors A and B. Behind A is Trump's way. Behind Door B, we start shooting. Trump's way avoids the tragedies of a blood-soaked civil war, the courageous genius of his strategy lying largely in the fact that his actions still manage to work well within the limits of the so-called "system", albeit in extraordinary terms. Door B just gets tons of people killed and reduces us as a people to savagery to whom nobody wants to fall victime.
I therefore choose Door A. We can always shoot later if the necessity arises.
As things stand at the moment, Team Trump is America's best hope for at least some measure of recovery from the raw tyranny that has crept up on us since 1865 and until recently had been at full and roughshod gallop. But they are not enough. We, the people of America, need to undergo a sea-change in the way we view our places in the scheme of political things. We need to see a better way of living, a way of intolerance of even the most trivial sorts of petty tyranny, and to punish with grim cruelty those who violate their oaths of good faith and competent service. Neither malefactors nor bumblers and dunderheads are to be tolerated in any measure or manner whatsoever. They must be excised and made to regret with great bitterness their errors an malfeasances, and it must be made very public as reminders to all who dare so much as even approach Patrick Henry's Alter of Liberty, that on pain of pain severe do they do so and that no taint to that sacred edifice of Freedom shall ever be met with anything less than harsh consequence.
Recall the quip, "government of the people, by the people, and for the people." I would amend it to refer to "governance" rather than non-existent "government". We are the governors, primarily of ourselves, but in the cases where individuals fail to do so, we must govern them at least for a time. This requires much of us, especially in civic awareness and in an attitude of being sentinels in guard of everything we hold dear as civilized human beings. Until we become the governors, watching over not only our own best interests, but those of all our fellows, we shall remain subject to the whim and caprice of scoundrels and others unworthy of the liberties and blessings of a free land. YOU are the governor of your own life, but must also stand sentry over those into whose hands you have entrusted the limited and regretfully necessary functions of the "state".
We have been raped and raked over the coals by crooks and criminals. The time is here to put all tyranny to the long deep sleep of eternity, to rise as people flush with the self-respect of the Freeman who brooks no insult to his liberty.
Learn what is right between men, embrace and love it. Make it the heart of who you are as a human being and see its sacred nature in yourself and in all others. Stand tall in the pride of having been blessed with a free nature and be prepared to give everything you own for its sake, for without your liberty, you have nothing worthy of life.
And if you don't know enough of what is right, then I will recommend you start here.
And as always I will add that what we need is Amendment 28, that there remain no possible ambiguity as to where things stand between us and those in whom we vest provisional trust:
Here's to hope for a brighter day, and as always please accept my best wishes.