When you are as corrupt as the day is long at the poles, questions are the last thing you want raised. The deeper and more heinous the corruption, the more you will wail, howl, shriek, and rage against even the most superficial and insignificant query.
In all the wild complaining of certain quarters regarding the activities of the so-called "DOGE", we are witnessing the confessions of the guilty, albeit obliquely. DOGE must continue even if SCOTUS says they may not. We stand in times of deep, dangerous, and extraordinary tyranny. We can no longer afford to be delicately polite in our investigations because we have all lived the reality of where undue mannerliness has gotten us, versus the devils who endeavor to cheat, subjugate, and devour us.All its associated challenges notwithstanding, I thank God for the rise of the global network. It has changed everything. There no longer exists the least excuse for the presence of tyranny of any form or degree on the earth, much less so in America. The time for the era of abject and near-universal human misery must be at its end. Any extant and future tyrants unwilling to yield to the proprieties of humankind's inherent liberties must be physically eliminated with cold, clinical indifference and efficiency. To tolerate such company is to beg to be dominated by monsters, to be consumed by them, our rights dismissed as mere myths, fairy tales, and lies.
It is time to become the light.
Mors Tyrannis, and as always, please accept my best wishes... unless you're a tyrant.