In one of my other frequented forums, the question of the title above was asked, to which one answer was:
Because the tyrants count the votes. It's the illusion that your vote counts.
To which I responded thusly:
"That's only a partial cause. The broader issue is the human animal, so easily taking to corruption.
The mean man is rotten to his marrow. I know this is not a very flattering view, but one can judge only by the results, and those are net spectacular decay. We are the cause on both ends of the spectrum. On the positive end, we have the scoundrels not just of "government", but those who actively and with much salivation support said scoundrels. Those are the active criminals.
On the negative side we have the rest who, through inaction, enable the felons by tacitly approving their crimes. These are by far the worse of the two, and they are the vast majority of humanity. They are walking, breathing obscenities, and most of us fall into that category.
This is not to say that there are no good men, but we can say by all means that there are not enough of them. After all, good men also have families and, for lack of a better way of putting it, something to lose. Why should they risk all for the sake of a vast majority who are not collectively worth the cardboard match with which their hundreds of millions of gasoline-soaked bodies would be set to living blaze in one motion? This is especially valid when one realizes that there is currently no hope of prevailing precisely because armies of one have no chance against the seemingly endless legions of corrupt and IMO utterly worthless humanity who have at best allowed the world to be set to wrack and ruin insofar as our liberties are concerned. Small contingents are swatted like flies as a vast plurality cheer and applaud most thunderously.
I have mentioned this before and I will repeat it regardless of rolling eyeballs: I fully understand, and in many ways agree with the globalist view of the bulk of humanity as being nothing better than Kissinger's "useless eaters". If a man will not assert his claims (rights), then he has no basis for complaint when the Man tramples him. It is not that I wish terrible fates for these people, but I simply cannot in all reason get it up to shed a tear for their destruction. Is that destruction a horrific thing? Certainly it is, and when it comes I will not be able to help myself but to shed that tear because at that point logic will have lost most of its significance, leaving nothing but the raw emotions to deal with that dolorous reality. But because people will not stand up for what is theirs, logic barring all emotion leads one to see that those people get what they get as the consequence of having cared insufficiently for themselves to do what was necessary to preserve their rights.
A right unasserted or undefended is a right nonexistent. Rights do not exist in sé. They must be made manifest through assertion, and maintained via active defense. The sad truth of humanity is that there are far too many who would rob you of your rights, which is why one must remain ever vigilant, utterly intolerant of trespass, and strike with bitter venom all who transgress, are made aware of their violation, yet refuse to amend. Such people must be beaten with vast savagery, whether in courts, with words, or even physically if circumstance calls for it because such men understand naught but the strong man's retort.
Most people worldwide, make little to no assertion of their rights and most who do fail to defend those claims. In this regard I respect the psychotics of the "left" in that they at least act in both the assertion and defense of what they believe to be their rights, regardless of the fact that their claims are idiotic, prima facie, and their actions made ostensibly in defense of actual rights are nothing better than long strings of very serious felonies. But the fact that they will at least act, however incorrectly, still beats the living snot out of those who know better their proper rights, yet sit idly as Theye put them over the wood, over and over again. Indeed, the latter are the more despicable of the two precisely because they know better, yet are too corrupt to do what is right. Most humans should be ashamed of themselves to the point they burst most spontaneously into flame, much as vampires in sunlight.
The world of men could be so fine, yet we choose this."
I find it sad that it is to such things to which men have reduced themselves.
Until next time, please accept my best wishes.