By whatever dint of fate, the free people of America now stand at a nexus. What we choose to do with the opportunity that stands before us will determine the quality and character of our lives for a very long time to come, possibly centuries.
An ugly truth about Americans is that we have erred gravely as Freemen almost since the first days of this republic. While we started off well enough with our Articles of Confederation, those in whom our forbears placed their trust as "leaders" quickly saw the limitations the architecture specified therein placed upon them as the trusted governors of The People. That realization brought forth the eventual contriving and adoption of the Constitution, a weakly and vaguely written architecture for an ostensibly free land. Fit for saints only, the vagaries of that document coupled with the power to tax (the power to destroy) made all the easier the manifold corruptions that have landed us in our current circumstance in this, the early twenty-first century. It shall not be my purpose here to argue the veracity and validity of my opinion on the matter of our Constitution, for it is irrelevant to the facts of our current circumstances that include but are not limited to rioting, out of control politicians and their agents, corrupted courts, and many millions of people whose sanity is unquestionably and dangerously unhinged. Freemen and freedom itself stand in grave peril that becomes more immediate by the day.
In piecemeal fashion, the parade of tyrants have through the years and since the very earliest days of the republic steadily trimmed away the rightful prerogatives of free men to the point that they now stand in real and immediate peril of losing the few shreds of remnants of the rights born into every man in all corners of the earth. Statutes prohibiting the manufacture, possession, use, and sale of illicit drugs is a prime example of the suppression of human rights by wildly ignorant, if presumably well-intending politicians. Prohibitions on the right to keep and bear arms is perhaps the ultimate example of the violations against men by corrupt government. Statutes against prostitution, "hate" speech, etc. have encroached upon the rightful prerogatives of all men as those corrupt politicians and their agents trespass upon those to whom they swore solemn oaths of good faith and service.
Police have gone from keepers of the peace, questionable enough a role itself, to enforcers of arbitrary, capricious, and utterly invalid statute, devoid of any authority whatsoever beyond that of armed men able and willing to bring to harm those who fail to comply. Statute is the product of men corrupted beyond any forgiveness, deserving of our ire, correction, and indeed in many cases, our vengeance. And yet, we the people have mostly kowtowed to the felonious edicts of men with no valid authority to issue such fiats. This having been the case since the first days of this land as a nation, who is really to blame for the dolorous political conditions we now face? Hint: it's not the politicians and their vile enforcers. They get away only with that which we allow, and it is my assertion that it is high time that such allowance comes to an abrupt and permanent end with extreme prejudice and through acts of non-equivocation.
Through our willful ignorance, complacency, self-centeredness, narrow-mindedness, cowardice, and all the other manifold corruptions that lead men from the status of Freemen to that of Weakmen, we have allowed ourselves to be debased by the false authority of "government" and "state". Those two entities do not even exist in and of themselves, save only as scripts, the roles to which most of us have been assigned do we play with full and willful compliance, regardless of how demeaning, impoverishing, and destructive to ourselves and our fellows.
The march to abject chattel status has been long and steady, the average American taking it all in stride as if it were innocuous; unavoidable. "You can't fight City Hall" has been the phony baloney excuse used by our corrupted selves in order to evade individual and collective responsibility for ourselves, as well as that to our fellows. "City Hall" issues an edict and, almost regardless of how absurd and damaging to the lives of Freemen, the people heave a sigh of dissatisfaction and proceed to comply, unwilling to rock the boat for whatever ill-considered reason.
In the past two decades, since about the time of the attack on the World Trade Center and Pentagon on 11 September 2001, the bites taken from us by those in power have grown steadily in size from the nibbles originally dared by the tyrants of the late eighteenth-century, to the full blown assaults upon our liberties of more recent years.
The unexpected election of Donald Trump, however, put a twist in the fabric of American political life that I am not sure anyone would likely have predicted as probable. I am inclined to suspect that the results we have seen over the past four years may be in some measure attributed to the Left (what some might call "Deep State") having overplayed certain hands in the aftermath of Trump's election, a result that has left them burning with the implacable fury of bitter envy. Fueled by the inflammatory rhetoric of Democrats and the "leftys" for whom they are a front, and abetted by an apparently eagerly willing press, the useful idiots self-identifying as "left" went progressively further off the rails in their blind and knot-headed hatred for the president. So wild has been that mindless loathing that when George Floyd was killed by police in Minneapolis Minnesota in the summer of 2020, the event became the cause célèbre of the frenzied zombies of the regressive left. It became their pretext and excuse for the steady up-ramp of violence, destruction, and murder. Since then there have been additional police shootings of black suspects, each adding fuel to the gaining fire that now threatens to consume the nation from sea to shining sea.
The events in question have occurred almost exclusively in places that one might conversationally call "left-", "blue-", or "Democrat-" dominated, the perpetrators of the innumerable crimes actually and openly aided and abetted by the governmental officials local to each area in which said crimes were being committed, en masse, whether through positive assistance, or negatively through the refusal to actively put an end to the criminal activities. Predictably, the support has served to greatly embolden the rioters and looters to the point that they are now murdering innocent people in the apparent belief that they will get away with their felonies, which thus far they largely have.
All during this time, the rank and file American has bemoaned these admittedly terrible events, not only specifically, but in a more general sense in an outcry against the chaos and violence. What most appear to have missed, however, is that because the governmental authorities local to the rioting and looting have willfully failed to discharge their duties to keep the peace, they have abdicated all authority. Having stood down, authority has devolved once again into the hands of those to whom it ultimately belongs in any event: the people. That would be you, me, and everyone we know.
Because "government" has failed so abominably, we the people are now presented with a once-in-centuries opportunity to snatch back our authority as individuals and communities; to rip away and deny the false authority of the "state" in favor of that which is ours; that which is true and actual authority of free men.
The implications of this opportunity are literally staggering, not only in the rights to be reasserted, but the corresponding responsibilities as well.
Men of Snohomish Washington recently took up arms in defense of their town against roving bands of looting rioters who thought they were going take their poor behavior into that town. When they saw the armed defenders, they moved on. No violence, no gunshots. The men of Snohomish did what police could not or would not do. They reclaimed their authority as free men to keep the peace in their town and this example should become the paragon for the behavior and comport of all Americans and their respective communities.
Time is here. Time is here to take back that which has been stolen from us. Time is here to ignore "government" and its agents, the police and sheriffs whose authority was never valid in the first place, but which they were able to assume because we allowed it. Time is here to realize that we do not need police or any other enforcers; that they are indeed great detriments to liberty. We do not have to allow tyrants to continue. We have the means to stop it in short order and by God we must not waste this opportunity to do so. My great fear in all this is that things will settle one way or another and Americans will go right back to sleep, content to allow police to run amok as always they have, enforcing the invalid and injurious edicts of the governmental felons we put into office.
These events are proving that we do not need enforcers; that we the people are easily good enough to be trusted with those duties and that we are, in fact, far and away more worthy of the public trust than are any of those who have been so vested on a professional, full-time basis.
There is much more to the list of necessary changes that must occur if we are to properly and fully take advantage of this impossibly rare gift to reclaim our statuses as free men, but that is a discussion for another day, however soon to come. For now, just let it sink into your awareness the realization that the troubles we see, while terrible on the one hand, offers us an opportunity to reassert ourselves as the masters over "government" that we will almost certainly not see again for at least ten generations to come, if even ever again it will present itself.
The rioters seem hell bent to spread their chaos to all corners of the land. I would implore all men of good constitution and faith to stand tall, take up arms, and show not only yourselves and the rioters who is boss, but those in "government" as well, especially the enforcers. Remove them as threats to our liberty and we will have taken a giant leap in the direction of better living. Without the enforcers, the rest of the political elite have no means of making good on their felonious and tyrannical designs.
I daresay that we will never see this opportunity again in our lifetimes. Please, I beg you all, do not allow it to slip through your fingers. We can do this and I promise you that if we do it right, we will have no basis for even the least regret, for we will have rescued ourselves from what I deem the New Dark Age that is now upon us and have set ourselves upon a path toward lives of men who are free not only in principle, but in point of practical and positive fact.
May you all be blessed with the sense and desire to do the right thing.
Until next time, please accept my best wishes.