The Gordian Knot of American legislative tyranny is so vast, it would probably take many years of having both the Office and Congress to undo all of it.
The framers of our Constitution had it right in some respects, and gravely wrong in far too many others.
Perhaps they were between rocks and hard places as well, what with all they owed at the end of the Revolution. After all, there was nothing to eliminate the possibility of France and GB teaming up to spank and re-take us for non-payment of debt to the Frogs. Those two could return to murdering each other after reeling in the dangerously thinking Americans.
The treachery of humans in general is our greatest problem. Were we better than we are, I'm thinking maybe we'd not be in the terrible mess we find ourselves. The somewhat surprising bit in all of the horrors of war and tyranny is that we choose this for ourselves, either directly or through various oblique avenues of choice, all of them fired by phony baloney rationale that always fails the smell test, or sometimes more forthright forms of corruption. More surprising still is the apparent fact that for generally lazy and self-corrupting a species, we choose the path that is actually more work than the alternates of minding our own businesses and living in freedom. Why would this be? I will tell you.
Our choices root largely in the worst of all our corruptions, and it is not a simple one. Why, for instance, do men tend to despise and even hate the Superior Man? It is because the Superior Man shames them by his presence; his very existence. That is why the Mean Man always endeavors to marginalize the Superior Man, and in many instances to physically destroy him. The Meaner cannot stand the burn of shame that is corrupted self experiences when he stands in the glaring light of his better. He would rather bring better men to ruin than to face the truth of his status as less-than; a state which in almost all cases he has chosen for himself, rather than it having been imposed upon him by forces beyond his control.
Were the Meaner of so low a character by virtue of pure nature, he might in some cases still feel the burn, but I submit that more likely he would not, for he would know in his heart of hearts that such was the lot he drew in life and that it is nobody's fault. In that case, it would be much like one's sex; it is determined by factors outside the limits of individual choice. But he knows, even if subliminally, that that is not the case. By and large, the Meaner knows that his shoddiness is not the gift of fate, but of his own making. Being precisely mean, he possesses more than sufficient intellect to not only understand this truth, but to choose differently for himself. He further understands all too well that what he has chosen for himself is something for which his shame is appropriate.
Because of this understanding, regardless of how deeply buried the conscious awareness of it might be, and in concert with the nature of the very corruptions with which he exists ass an individual, any examples of the better man all too often sets ablaze within him the roaring fires of raging envy. Some will respond to the Superior Man with wonder and even a desire to better themselves in some truly worthy manner. Most, it appears, fall into that envy, which leads to hatred and the inevitable desire to see the object of that hatred brought down in some manner and degree, anywhere from being "right sized" to outright physical destruction.
There is no apparent solution for us, save that we get knocked backwards literally to a stone-age, hunter-gatherer circumstance, necessitating very small tribal populations.
We prove to ourselves and one another every single day that we are unwilling to live well among our fellows in the broadest terms. There is always some group trespassing or otherwise infringing on the perceived claims of others, perception being key. So long as we perceive and consequently think and behave as functional imbeciles, we will be inclined to act as such. Because of this will to The Stupid, a very hard reset may be inevitable, seeing as we have not learned a damned thing from all our thousands of years of gore-laden history and endless tyranny, beyond how to become more materially powerful and use that power in the further reinforcement of our rotten ways.
We CHOOSE our corruptions, and because a small few choose the rot and filth of blindly grasping tyrants, the rest see themselves as having no choice other than to follow suit for the sake of survival, physically and culturally.
In political terms, it takes very few men to drag the rest of the human race into the Pit. Entropy is king in human affairs, it always being so much easier and requiring so few to set asunder that which so many took so long to build. It all seems a terrible shame. Perhaps this is just the way things are supposed to be? Maybe, but I for one will not accept that we are meant to be nothing better than a raft of barbaric, mass-murdering turds. We have demonstrated that we can be more than this; better. But being better requires effort that most appear unwilling to expend, and so her we find ourselves at this time, a species with the emotional maturity of low-IQ and ill-bred toddlers, in possession of nuclear bombs and an ever increasing ability to cobble machinery and change at the genetic level.
None of this bodes well for our future.
Pray for miracles, because we stand in dire need.
As always, please accept my best wishes.