In another forum, I've been admonished to trust God, prompting me to respond:
"The problem lies not in whom one may place trust, but with those in whom trust must be withheld. God isn't the problem, people are, and it is people with whom we must daily deal. It is people who disparage, violate, and trespass against us.
Trust God, DEAL with people."
I've never cottoned to the idea that trust in God necessitates passivism in men, which is to say that we sit idly, expecting God to do it all. Furthermore, I've never had cause to believe that God micromanages our lives. After all, what would be the point?
We have been gifted with brains and the capacity to judge.
"Judge not, lest ye art prepared to be judged" is not an admonition against using one's ability to assess, but is rather a warning to employ one's judgment with humility and great caution, for it is ever so easy to run afoul of propriety in the process.
God gave us everything we need to live good, happy, prosperous, and healthy lives worthy of the motions.
That there is so much disease, poverty, and misery in this world rests squarely and solely at our feet, not because evil men make it that way, but because good men do nothing sufficient to stop them.
Every last one of us who have attained his majority is to blame for the evils that now gallop roughshod over face of the earth. We have been remiss in our duties to basic sense and propriety and have much for which to atone. That is at least in part the reason I write these lines, though it is not enough.
I admit my shortcoming in all of this.
Will you admit yours?
Until next time, please accept my best wishes.