Friday, October 13, 2023

Hamas' Half-baked Attack On Israel Reveals Its Truer Face

Hamas has conducted what was very clearly a carefully planned assault on the people of Israel, murdering well over 1000 presumably innocent men, women, and children. There is no question that the attack took considerable time, money, and care in its design and the preparations for bringing it to fruition. Given the long history of strife in the area by the usual cast of characters, it is also clear that Hamas had to have been keenly aware of the response they could expect in return for their treachery.

In the wake of the attack, the Israeli hornets' nest was stirred aplenty, and for the past seven days their armed forces have been busily pounding Gaza, resulting in thousands of casualties. In addition, Israel has cut off all electrical power to Gaza, as well as network connectivity, food deliveries, water, and so forth, all these measures being predictable in the extreme. There is no doubt that Hamas knew all this would happen.

How is it then that Hamas, which presumes to speak for the Palestinian people, and whose rhetoric gushes with intmations of their devotion to same, failed to make provisions in anticipation of the Israeli response that was so readily predictable? Why did Hamas fail to ensure there would be plentiful food hoards? Medicine? Water? Electrical power equipment?

If Hamas' cause is so just, so noble, and if "God" supports them, then why do they hide themselves amid the innocent like cowards, virtually guaranteeing widespread injury to the people in whose name they claim to act? Why, if their cause be just, do they make every effort to escape into neighboring nations after having done the deeds they claim as having been righteously taken against the people of Israel?

What Hamas has done and continues to do seems not unlike someone who eagerly engages in sexual activities, yet when there is a child to raise, is nowhere to be found.

Furthermore, to label the Palestinians as in any way being mere and innocent civilians (small children excepted) carries an equally foul stench. In order to be genuinely innocent, they would have to stand in sincere and open disapproval of Hamas' existence. Tolerance of an official policy that says "death to Israel" cannot be reasonably taken as innocent, even in the face of threats to anyone daring to speak out. If a Palestinian disapproves of Hamas, then he should take whatever action he is able to thwart and erode the designs of Hamas. Granted, it may not be possible to do much that is immediately and directly effective, given that we are speaking of a terrorist organization which has shown its eager will to spill blood pursuant to their goals and objectives. But there are things that could be done, nonetheless, such as moving away from the area. How about sharing with Israeli authorities information that might help them take effective action against specific individuals who strive to precipitate blood-soaked mayhem?

Never once have I heard, seen, or read any reference to brave Palestinians risking their skin to help the Israelis defend against the various islamist kooks who incessantly plot against their most hated foes. The silence of so-called "Palestinians" with respect to organizations such as Hamas strongly suggests tolerance at the very least. I will go so far as to say that the likelihood stands that a large number of Palestinians actively support Hamas, even if only morally, though I am confident of the probability that many do more than that. That speaks not a word to innocence.

So if Palestinians are not working against Hamas, knowing what that organization is and what they do, then it becomes quite the stretch to assess them as innocent civilians who are unjustly made to suffer at the hands of the evil Israelis. Nobody wants to be murdered.

No matter how you slice this pie, at best Hamas comes out smelling very badly and looking abominably stupid. Taken more realistically, they are cowards and liars of the lowest order who claim to be fighting a war, because soldiers don't take hostages. These are not soldiers at all, but only craven milksop poltroons hiding behind the skirts of little girls for fear of reaping harsh consequences for their harsh acts. They want a free pass to kill and maim those whom they choose to hate. They want the proverbial free lunch.

I will go out on a short limb and assert that Hamas was not only aware of what would happen in the aftermath of their blood-bath, but that those consequences were in fact the point of the exercise. Mount a bloody assault on innocent people, knowing full well that a certain population was guaranteed to take heavy damage in the wake, while making absolutely no preparations whatsoever to deal with those horrific outcomes such that the worst possible horrors would be realized with thousands of dead and viciously maimed, so that you could then parade the mangled humanity upon the world stage and play the victim. This is precisely the brand of cynicism-soaked rot at which Hamas and other islamist interests are playing, all for the sake of seeing Israel destroyed.

Unless there was indeed some deeply concealed Israeli conspiracy to precipitate this attack in the spirit of a false-flag, only better, then it is abundantly clear that Hamas and the people of Gaza are the single and singular bad actors in this instance. As yet, there has been no evidence presented indicating that Israel committed any act that would justify such an attack, reducing Hamas to the standing of rank murderers and leaving the character and quality of the Palestinians in great question at the very least.

For the record, I write these observations as an indifferent third party who has no pony in this race. My broadest assessment of the players unequivocally indicates that there is plenty of blame to go around, Israel included. I would also note that never once in my entire lifetime have I encountered so much as the most oblique hint from either side that they might actually share in even the least measure of culpability for any act that they had ever committed, strongly suggesting that the problem in question is intractable and that things will not end well for anyone there.

I find the whole situation horrifying and repellent, pitying and despising all at once those who have chosen to embroil themselves in a destructive tantrum that shows no end in sight and whose practical sense leaves everything to be desired. To find this rivalry profitable, as doubtlessly some on both sides do, is distasteful in the extreme, and is worthy of nothing better than our deepest disdain.

Finally, I further note that the Palestinians are religiously bemoaning an absence of help from outside. My view on that, assuming the fact, is that it would seem a very unambiguous message that nobody likes them, perhaps because their problems are mostly all self-inflicted. Some of the Muslim entities are paying lip service to the Palestinian plight, yet none of them to my knowledge have opened their borders to welcome refugees, or their wallets to provide the basics of life for the displaced and injured. Where is the material support from a Muslim world that seems quite fond of boasting the virtues of Islamic generosity and charity? Thus far, I see none in evidence, but let us hope it shall be forthcoming, and forthwith.

What I see from the Palestinians is a load of cry-babying as they peddle arguments that do not stand up even to comparatively casual scrutiny. They tacitly support a raft of murderous lunatics, and then cry and moan when those whom they have brought to harm understandably retaliate, all the while expecting the world to fall at their feet, kowtowing. This is not likely to serve them well.

As the world descends ever further into madness, I can but bid you all well and offer my prayers for your wellbeing in these times where the lunatics are running the asylum. While I recognize the futility in doing so, I also hope the people of Israel and Palestine meet with success in finding mutually beneficial solutions that do not involve genocide.

Until next time, please accept my best wishes.