The MereCog is the most dangerous entity on the planet because he will do his master's bidding without equivocation, hesitation, compunction, mercy, or intelligence beyond that required for the task at hand. Taken as a whole, they are the proverbial "mob" and the "useful idiots" to which numerous progressives, as well as Marxists of note, have made reference.
The MereCog's need to "belong" as a means of assuaging the terrors that this world holds for him carries the strength of the ship-wrecked man who clings to his chunk of jetsam for the fear of drowning. He is one of the most hopelessly dependent creatures in existence, all the while deeming himself free, possessed of self and, ironically, independent.
The MereCog is generally peaceable, largely agreeable, mostly friendly, and often of a sweet disposition, so long as the comfort of his familiar role as MereCog is not threatened. Of particular noteworthiness is the danger the MereCog poses to anyone challenging his sense of belonging. This danger is orders of magnitude amplified when the threat is affirmed by the master, and triply so where an official call to action is made.
MereCogs, when given the master's permission or command, will destroy anyone and anything they perceive as threatening the comfort and familiarity of their roles as such. They will do so with a single-minded viciousness such that neither home, hearth, nor child is spared.
History is rife with examples of the dangerous nature of the MereCog when wielded in numbers by the master as a weapon against those unfortunate enough to meet with his displeasure. Such conglomerations of MereCogs may take the form of well-regulated armies, or simple and largely inarticulate, angry mobs. They have been endlessly effective as tools for the furtherance of subjugation and of destruction for Themme.
Look around and see if you can identify the properties of the MereCog in the people around you. I believe it serves one well to become familiar with the larger dangers surrounding himself. The MereCog presents the greatest threat of all to the free man.
Until next time, please accept my best wishes.
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