Naturally, those same interests are quick to point out that this is a "mostly" American phenomenon, the implication being that the reason for it is that there are so many guns in America. A more deeply tacit implication is that mass murder doesn't really happen in other nations, which is a bald-faced lie. But it is not my purpose here to go into the facts about what happens around the world in that regard, but rather to point out a very simple observation in the form of a question: why is it that broader questions regarding possible causes for such horrific events are never raised?
Certainly, we never hear the questions raised in major network media. Why? Because they raise the possibility, I daresay the risk, of leading to answers not in good keeping with an agenda of vested political interest that would see the American people disarmed.
What sort of question could this possibly be, that it would be so religiously shunned by those whose ostensive raison d'être is to raise such questions, if only editorially? After all, such questions are asked by media to the point of people no longer not wanting to hear them when the answers bolster the aforementioned political interests. This most simple question could be couched in many ways, this being but one of them:
Has anyone considered the possibility that the reason we are seeing more massacres of apparently ever greater magnitude is because of the general environment of repression in which people are being forced to live at the whim of tyrants whose actions have been to circumscribe the rights of men with ever more severity?
It is not my purpose here to go into a long-winded analytic exposition, but just to raise what I believe to be a most salient question of our time. While perhaps no causal relationship has been revealed - certainly not in any analysis of my own to date - there appears to be a very strong correlation between political repression and the growing frequency and severity of individuals and even organizations lashing out against either those perceived as their tormentors, or even just anyone perhaps out of a level of sheer frustration and anger that they are no longer willing to contain themselves.
Do we really need a twenty-year, "government" funded scientific study to the tune of billions of dollars to conclude that perhaps the "rats in a cage" phenomenon applies to human beings as well? Does it require rocket surgery to figure out that when the "state" imposes conditions of repression upon the very people whose liberties it is supposed to protect, some of the individuals are going to one day decide they have had quite enough and lash out?
A shooting occurs and what do we hear from media, "pundits", and so-called "experts"? "He was mentally ill... blah blah blah..." and "There are too many guns on the streets; they should be for police and military only... yadda blah blagger..." That's about it. In a world heading toward eight billion individual souls, those in media and other corners boil down the most extreme of the expressions of human dissatisfaction to these two hopelessly simplistic lies... and just about nobody seems to notice.
How is it that so many people accept (or reject) these two idiocies as constituting the entire universe of the broader question as to why some people end up "going postal"? Even the brighter contingent who reject the media inaccuracies and outright lies about mental illness and too many guns fail to ask the deeper question as to why these things happen. They fail to ask whether perhaps the general conditions under which we are forced to live on pain of the sword's edge might have something to do with the fact that people are "going crazy" with seemingly increasing frequency and severity. This represents a failure of monumental proportion and so long as it stands, the people of America, not to mention the rest of the planet, will continue down the death spiral as they flee life in a mad race toward mere existence.
It must therefore at least be asked of every man to stop an honest and sincere moment and ask himself whether the ever greater constrictions placed upon the rightful prerogatives of inherently free beings might possibly have some causal place in a scheme of things that leads more and more people into acts of desperation. Do not depend on network media to do this lifting for you because what I believe to be the clear answers do not lend themselves to the agenda of universal civilian disarmament and even deeper restrictions upon individual freedom. The collectivist demands the individual be stamped out in favor of the hive. He will allow nothing that might lead to rearward motion in terms of thought. This is what "progressivism" actually means: the progression from freedom to full-suit slavery, which in turn requires ever deeper suppression of individuality, resulting in ever deeper anger and frustration as basic human nature is violated ever more cruelly.
Learn the math. Put two and two together in connection of the dots. Don't take my word for this, or anything else: learn to do it on your own. I promise you that you are capable of good analysis. All it requires is the will to the goal, and that first step of asking the question nobody seems to want to put out there.
Truth will come if you seek it, but you must do so honestly and with courage because the potential always exists that your world view may end up on the ground in shards. But have no fear, save for the possibility of continued ignorance.
Until next time, please accept my best wishes.
Has anyone considered the possibility that the reason we are seeing more massacres of apparently ever greater magnitude is because of the general environment of repression in which people are being forced to live at the whim of tyrants whose actions have been to circumscribe the rights of men with ever more severity. Their is more too this that no one see's. John Lock and the State of Nature. If you go back far enough in time there existed a State of Nature where everything was perfect. This is where our human rights come from and is written in the Declaration of Independence. The problem is that everyone reads the Charters of Freedom at face value. You have to question each word, because a great number of words are lies. Pains Common Sense, no one in world history wants to be in pain. Use historical linguistics and when you learn something new you will need to re-read and ask more questions. This is why the First Amendment was written.