Friday, December 21, 2018
The General Strategy Of Globalists For Gaining Dominion
People ask why certain phenomena, usually social and political, are now being observed. Take for example the apparently eroding state of relations between the sexes: men and women. There are a number of results that are precipitating in the wake of so-called "third- (or even fourth-) wave feminism", none of them anything a rational, learned, and honest individual would label as "good". Consider the so-called "MGTOW" (Men Going Their Own Way) movement, which has been growing in numbers and, apparently, determination, over the past several years with no signs of leveling off any time soon. An increasing number of men have become fed up with the strident and often dangerous nonsense of "feminism", choosing to avoid the traditional avenues of relations between men and women such as marriage, opting instead for single life such that they not become the victims of the profoundly unfeminine (i.e., greatly masculinized) females, the attitudes of which bring absolutely nothing attractive to the table of male-female relations.
Even in the workplace, men are now backing strongly away from women because of all the perilous nonsense with which so many females now threaten, including but not limited to false accusations of sexual harassment that most often ends badly for the accused; often without the courtesy of due process.
Such divisions do not limit to relations between men and women. Strife between differing groups such as religious persuasions and virtually any other popular subdivision you might care to name is now not only as common as dirt, but punctuated with a bitter stridency across nearly every such partition to a degree that may well be unprecedented, the scale being truly global.
We now return to the initial question: why is this happening in an era of such technological advancement where, supposedly, human understanding of so many things is claimed to have reached new and heady heights? How is it that despite all our advancements, rather than coming together in relations that should seemingly be more cordial than ever, humans are at each others' throats more widely and bitterly?
The reason is crystal clear: the objective is the destruction of the naturally extant relational cohesion between individuals. This can be readily observed on virtually any front you care to consider: relations between the two sexes, so-called "races", religions, ethnicities, orientations of philosophy, politics, sexuality, and so on down a very long list of the ways in which people might be seen as differing from one another.
Amid the shrieks and gnashing of teeth by those who ID as "left/progressive" for forced "tolerance" and "diversity", the theoretical result being a loving, tolerant, and diverse world of human relations, one runs face-first into the practical results to which all this wild tantrum-pitching points: a world of hateful, resentment-filled, deeply intolerant monoculture. In such a world the consequences for not cheering the politically correct bandwagon with sufficient enthusiasm stand to be grim. Do not even think of what will happen to you were you to be so foolish as to even appear to dissent in such a world, for to wander even near those high walls surrounding the plantation would carry great risk because such appearances would run headlong into what would doubtlessly be a zero-tolerance policy for "thought crime".
The goal of this dismantling of the cohesive bonds that have united people through nature for millennia is to weaken the en-bloc power of populations, ranging from pairs of friends and couples, to major popular subdivisions and entire national populations.
You are bearing first-hand witness to globalist activity pursuant to the establishment of Theire so-called "one world" hegemony through the agency of weakening what I call "super-organisms", the wholes of which are effectively far greater than the mere sums of the parts (individual human beings). Superorganization is one of the cornerstones of human power with direct implications for those who would reign over their fellows, as well as those who would remain as Freemen.
We are being effectively subjugated through the elimination of the power that the cohesion of VOLUNTARY agreement between individuals brings to entire populations. The simple and age-old trick of "divide and conquer", augmented with our contemporary information technologies, is working like a charm, right out in the blatant open under the noses of virtually every man, woman, and child on the planet. Its intent is to weaken you by eliminating the power your relations lend you as an individual and effectively as a group of family, friends, and willfully cooperating associates.
Further to the goal of undermining individual power is the imposition of forced cooperation between individuals who would likely otherwise choose not associate with one another. Such arrangements maintain tensions between individuals, which prevents them from coming together in natural cooperation, leading thereby to more powerful social structures in the form of friendships and group efforts toward commonly agreed goals and objectives. This is precisely what Theye do not want happening, for no matter how reduced a generation of men may become in terms of intellect and smarts, the risk always remains that someone will "twig" to an idea that stands as anathema to the desires of those in power, and that can never be tolerated by tyrants.
Therefore, the reduction of general knowledge is insufficient to the maintenance and further cultivation of ever broader and deeper political power. The bonds that naturally arise between people when they come together through individual accord carry with them an inherent threat to the standing power. Such bonds must, therefore, be eliminated and prevented from reestablishment. The way to do this is to bring people into an environment of perpetual, low-intensity warfare with each other, where nobody trusts others sufficiently to allow such bonds to form. This is why we see groups of people who are fundamentally incompatible with each other, whether ethnically, morally, philosophically, or however you care to consider, FORCED into proximity with each other, all in the name of much vaunted "diversity".
Some would attempt to countervail the implications of this by asserting that those groups would eventually get over their initial discomfort with each other because such tensions cannot possibly endure for very long. Yet, our history readily demonstrates just how false this assertion truly is. Mutual group hatreds of the most stridently bitter timbre have endured for centuries and even millennia.
A good example of such violent disagreement between groups can be found in the Balkans, where Croats and Serbs have despised one another for centuries, requiring precisely zero outside interference to keep the fires of hatred well stoked to the extent that they have remained in states of material warfare with each other during the entire period, save the handful of decades in which the iron hand of Tito kept them at bay during Yugoslavia's brief tenure as a barbaric totalitarian nation-state. Tito's body was not yet cold before Serbs and Croats were back at the old hatreds, murdering each other by the tens of thousands.
Consider the animus between Christians and Jews which held for nearly two thousand years as the Roman Church egged the faithful on to hate the people they deemed guilty of murdering their Messiah. In like fashion, Jews eagerly regarded Christians as "goyim", no better than common cattle, unworthy of the least consideration save that they had to be approached with cautious respect because they were dangerous creatures, mere empty-headed animals with swords.
We could skip, traipse, and dance merrily down a drearily long litany of similar examples that demonstrate the gross and prosperity-sapping inefficiencies of such degraded human relations where people invest their precious resources toward their mutual suspicions and hatreds. What a sad, tragic, and shameful waste of our most precious commodities! Consider that the vast and overwhelming majority of human technological advancements have come to us in our frenzied search for military advantage over those for whom we hold little better than suspicion and contempt because they are not us. Contrary to the almost universally accepted false dichotomy, one group of humans can in fact live and let live. One group is under no obligation to love another. Two populations may readily find the other repulsive in virtually every way and still choose and actively endeavor to leave each other alone and in peace. But no; we actively endeavor to interfere with one another up to and including the point of mass, mechanized slaughter.
And why? It is decidedly not perforce due to "human nature" but almost always the result of an agitating outside force, most often "government" though not universally so, that whips people into frenzies of fear, paranoia, and blind hatred such that the respective populations, so primed, become eager to go at each other, as if it were all a grand cock fight. At the very least, the petty suspicions cultivated by the muck-raking tyrant can serve to establish and maintain a virtually perpetual state of low-intensity stress upon the populations in question that tax away much of the vitality that would otherwise be devoted as matters of natural course toward far more profitable enterprises. But such endeavors turn eyes away from the vainglorious Fearless Leader, whose deep mental pathologies render him wholly incapable of tolerating such slights to his self-assessed magnificence. Furthermore, the eyes that turn away from the despot today, become the backs that turn toward him tomorrow, and that simply cannot be allowed.
Natural social cohesion, born of men's broadly inherent propensity for mutual and cordial cooperation in reciprocally profitable endeavors, brings power to individuals that the tyrant would pathologically covet as his own, often by any means with which he feels he can get away. Modern scientific method, as well as ascendant technologies, have been adeptly employed pursuant to the goal of perfecting one man's craft for subjugating and lording over the rest. Little is left to chance anymore, the dregs of loose ends shrinking in number and significance with every passing year.
"Divide and conquer", with the aid of science and technology, has finally come into its own as a political weapon for the destruction of freedom, the effects of application being readily detectable by anyone willing to see.
I wish I had better news for humanity, but alas, this is the woeful pass to which we have allowed ourselves to be corralled. Whether hope remains that Theye might be removed as threats to the human prospect may not be clear at this time, but regardless, I believe it behooves us to become aware of Themme, what they are doing, and to adopt a warrior's attitude of resolute non-compliance. Perhaps ninety percent and more or Theire efficacy stems from the willful compliance of those over whom they presume to lord. Remove cooperation in sufficiency and suddenly Theye become faced with the decision of pressing their force upon us, or backing down.
Honestly folks, I see us as having absolutely nothing to lose by resisting tyrants at every turn because submitting to Themme is tantamount to a long and drawn out act of suicide, not much unlike that of the alcoholic who drinks himself to death over the course of thirty years of imbibing. Is that the future into which you wish to be thrust; to which you would relegate your children and their issue, going down the generations into the blue future? May I gently suggest you think about that carefully before choosing inaction?
The world teeters this day on the brink of a deep and dark abyss. Are we really so corrupted with fear, grasping, and lassitude that we would relegate our presumably beloved posterity to lives of blank sameness, poverty, servitude, and timid misery? Or will we rise to the challenges of the tyrant with the objective of driving him from his throne, to the gallows? But that requires much of one. The question is whether it demands too much.
What say ye?
Until next time, please accept my best wishes.
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