Banning abortion is not the answer.
Teach girls to keep their legs closed and to take all reasonable precautions because boys do not become pregnant.
Teach boys to be gentlemen and to stand responsibly for their choices and the acts that follow therefrom.
Not saying we have to go puritan - very much the opposite. But proper behavior born of proper attitudes begets the better result, which is the diminution of unwanted pregnancy, which in turn reduces the "need" for abortions commensurately.
Abortion is a horror. That so many women get themselves cut for the manifold and lousy reasons they so often do, speaks to the mindsets of people, first and foremost.
When women are sound in their minds and souls, they respect themselves and cherish that which comes to grow within them. Not wanting such a thing at any given time leads them to cautions that they cannot count on anyone else to take on their behalves.
Sadly, they see this as trespass upon their rights, rather than enlightened self-interest.
To claim that a woman has no right to kill the sacred within herself is the product of the brand of cowardice that has lead the world to its current state of decay. I understand it is the product of good intentions and I am in no way saying that abortion is good, but freedom is scary and rotten as often as it is beautiful and exhilarating, if not more often so.
Banning abortion is not the answer anymore than banning drugs has made those problems go away.
Generally speaking, free men do not ban, for doing so invalidly is an act of trespass born of personal and cultural corruption. It is the mark of people who want something without cost, representing the lowest and most deeply wretched state of the human animal.
Someone recently wrote to me that "you can't unring the bell", in reference to the finality of removing life from another being. I completely agree with them, but that fact does not justify enslaving one's fellows, no matter how good the intentions, recalling that such good intentions count for nothing at the end of the day.
This is precisely how people come to reject freedom. They want the attractive bits, but do not accept those that are not quite so pleasing, which I must remind people is the price that is associated with actually being free. That is why I call it "pretty slavery", which is nothing better than human corruption made manifest in the acceptance only of that which pleases, rejecting all that which does not. Freedom does not work that way.
In this precise sense, the so-called "right" (conservatives, or whatever you wish to call them) is no different from the so-called "left": they each want something for nothing. That they want different things is irrelevant to the fundamental issue and question of freedom.
Lefties want to be able to put their naughty bits anywhere they please, boys calling themselves girls, and all manner of other wildly morbid insanity. Conservatives are, admittedly, far and away better in this regard - this is not validly arguable - and yet they are equally willing to enslave their fellows by denying those things to which all are by right entitled. In this particular instance they think they are entitled to prevent a woman from terminating a pregnancy. Conversely, they feel entitled to force a woman to carry a pregnancy to full term. This is pure evil every bit as much as is a woman's casual desire to "get rid of it".
People need to learn to mind their own business. Freedom is at least as full of horror as it is wonder and exhilaration. People want the latter, and nothing to do with the former. So long as that remains the case, they will not be free no matter how fancily they may lie to themselves and each other.
If those horrors include women aborting their pregnancies, then we as free men must accept it as fact at any given moment. The solution, once again, is not to ban the act, but to train our children to better virtue.
When girls become responsible for their choices and boys follow suit in at least equal measure, then we will begin to see the changes that we who respect life wish to see.
And from a purely practical standpoint, we must acknowledge that we will never stop women from becoming un-pregnant. There are so many ways of terminating a pregnancy, an iodine-soaked rag inserted into the vagina being but one very effective means, that we will never prevent any woman from ridding herself of the unwanted condition.
There are those who will say that we can, in fact, enforce a ban. Now I ask you to think about what that would actually mean. The reductio ad absurdum there would see the state inside the pants of every woman in the land, constantly checking for a state of pregnancy. Is this what we want? I ask because this is precisely what we might get because that is what would be required, particularly in the likely case of states adopting a "zero-tolerance" policy. All a young girl has to do is stop eating for a week and she will miscarry. What then? Shall we force feed her? Ask her daily why she is not eating and force her to have a pelvic examination?
Many will say that this is extreme and would never happen. People also said that Hitler would fade away in time. Well sure, he did just that, but not until after having destroyed an entire continent.
For the third time I must repeat that which bears repetition: banning abortion is not a solution, but rather an excuse to further state power and the tyranny of some men over the rest. Show your children the better way and train them to it. It is the far more difficult path to better living - of that there can be no doubt - but it is the way that better ensures the liberty of humanity, moving forward.
Bans are the great cop-out for people who do not want to be bothered with the hassle and demands of doing something correctly, because that requires output of effort by the individual with no guarantee of results, both of which are required of men who purport to being free.
Treading the path of freedom is always the most difficult. It is also always the most rewarding, the many pitfalls and deep costs notwithstanding.
Once again, I thank you for keeping such good company with me.
Please accept my best wishes in return.
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