In times prior, ignorance of political reality may have been excusable. Today, however, it is not for most people. The truth is out there, yet few seek it, proportionally speaking. My observation has been that when confronted with the truth about freedom, FAR too many recoil in horror, then proceed to clinch their eyes tightly shut, put their fingers in their ears, and screech "I can't hear you" in rapid repetition (sometimes after calling you "poopy face"), then run away as if to fend off the badness.
That, my friends and fellow Freemen, is WILLFUL ignorance, WILLFUL stupidity, and WILLFUL corruption of everything that might have once been decent about a human being, now long mummified, and there being no discernible hint of even the least interest in watering that dead vestige of their soul.
At some point the despicable behaviors and attitudes of the Weakman begin to have deleterious effects on their betters. There is a threshold beyond which there can be no recovery from the contamination of the good by the infected and the Freeman is faced with the choice to do nothing, perhaps out of a misplaced sense of live-and-let-live, or act to save himself from the Taint. This is the sad reality about humans - we are born magnificent creatures in our potential, but suffer the defects of our virtues, the worst of them being our eminent maleability, which today seems to lead to corruption at least as often as to anything better.
Most often, a child becomes that which he is taught. Teach the wrong things and a monster grows from the seed that was once an innocent infant. And our children have been taught the poison thoughts given them by men who have either no interest in their welfare, save that it servers their own interests, or out of a misbegotten sense of righteousness, likely the product of that which they had been taught.
Obedience blind and unquestioning. Collectivism. False authority masquerading as something valid. Relativism. The wildly wrong belief that rights are illusions and the individual must surrender himself to the "greater good" of the hive. Flight from pain. Fear of difficulty. Sex as mere entertainment. Life as non-sacred. These are but a small, yet very telling sampling of the evils that have been spoon-fed now to at least four generations in ever greater proportion, press of the boundaries, and stridence.
Americans represent a unique earthly population, having been given a portal to actual freedom (however imperfect) that no civilized population has ever before had the opportunity to enter. The Framers of the Republic left the door to freedom ajar with a tone that was almost a dare to their posterity to open and walk through. We came so close, but in the end proved ourselves, statistically speaking, as Weakmen - those hideous curs who may talk a big talk regarding liberty, but who in practice shun it with vigor and vehemence as they pull the classic Orwellian trick of calling freedom anything other than what it is, and their slavery "freedom".
Every known human corruption now enjoys primacy in the brave new world of early twenty-first century America. The endless and unbroken succession of tyrants has made certain that the once strong moral backbone of the mean American has been broken, working each successive generation ever more deeply into states of individual wretchedness, depravity, and other corruptions. The children are now taught the New Orthodoxy of the State in perfect Orwellian fashion. Words no longer mean what they mean. Responsibility is a thing of the past, save that you are a good little Weakman and toe the line of said degradations of humanity, in which case all your foibles of perversion and irresponsibility are hailed as grand virtues and rewarded just enough to keep you on the hook whose line drags you ever further along the path of self-destruction.
The young are now taught that the world owes them; that they are "special" and deserve everything they want in life, the subtext there by way of implication being that they should not have to work for any of it.
The result of all this brilliant training? A nearly perfected Weakman who blindly obeys the edict of false authority whose mind is systematically narrowed by the precise broadening of it to perversions of all sorts. These young people are fragile, brittle, narrow, grossly, shockingly, and appallingly dependent, unwilling to learn to do for themselves that they might actually become capable of independent thought and consequent action, all the while believing themselves to be enlightened beyond what for them is the endless stupidity of all generations that came before them.
The world of the Weakman is precisely 180ยบ out of sync with nearly every one of the truths of cold, hard reality to such a degree that it is surprising that nobody has yet announced gravity itself to be a lie - a "social construct".
In large numbers, Weakmen are the most dangerous creatures on the planet, for given the right motivation, they will rise as one and smite anyone who is not of the body. Contrive the right narrative, and Theye can get the vast hordes of Weakmen to do absolutely any bidding they might deem desirable, up to and including committing acts of genocide. Such is the art and craft of Theire "public relations" machinery.
Reason, logic, generosity, truth, courage, and all the other virtues of the old world have been successfully removed and supplanted with the raving insanities of the "woke" generation, who are just this side of not being able to tie their own shoes without direction, no matter how many times the task has been repeated - not because they are constitutionally incapable of learning it, but because they see it all as unworthy of the effort. Hey, just look up "shoe tying" on one's cell phone and there it is.
Having acclimated entire generations to the vicissitudes of barking madness, Theye have finally discovered the keys to perfected tyranny. With patience and proper selection of paths moving forward, there is nothing Theye cannot make the critical mass of mindless humanity do.
Global hegemony counts on the utter diminution of the mean man to such appalling rates of discount because the basic animal that is a man is by his inborn nature wild, free, and abhorrent of the yoke. Leave a man to his own good disposition, and he will perforce grow from child to Freeman, ready and willing to destroy any and all comers who would dare seek his subjugation regardless of degree. And so it should be, save that Theye who presume themselves the overlords of all humanity cannot have such a circumstance, for the Freeman is strong, independent, and nearly impossible to force into the molds of serfdom that Theye have set in wait for him. Rather he would die fighting than live on bended knee before a despot.
And so the modern tyrants to whom I refer as "Themme" must have Weakmen as subjects; humans degraded perhaps beyond all redemption who will at the very least react in ultimately bland fashion to the outrages heaped upon them by those who presume. This explains with perfection everything to which we now bear witness, the whistling, rocketing madness to be found in every crack and crevice of our lives, oozing into the minds of those trained to remain unaware of what is being done to them such that there is no degradation or idiocy to which the mean man could be subjected that is not accepted at the very least with resignation and, preferably, eagerness.
We have entered the New Dark Age - that of the Weakman.
Today, if a man of good reason should express an opinion or even state a readily observable and confirmable fact that chaps the delicate sensibilities of a Weakman, there will be no sound, politely offered argument in rebuttal. Rather, there will be heard the shrieking and freaking of a terror- and/or hatred-stricken toddler, hurling every obscenity you know toward the utterer, often wishing cancer-laden fates to him and his children, or that they be kidnapped, raped, and murdered. This may sound outrageous and unlikely, but it occurs every day as the brittle generation finds itself ever less tolerant of anything with which they disagree, as they wail and rail and demand that everyone not just tolerate their views and actions, but accept, and kowtow to them in praise.
It will be interesting to see how humanity ends up if the creed of the Weakmen prevails. Who will produce the commodity goods? Robots? Perhaps, but what if that development fails to come to fruition? Will we have a situation similar to that found in the film "Idiocracy", or will Theye be able to maintain an inner cadre of adepts who will retain all the necessary knowledge and skills such that they will be able to properly instruct, direct, supervise, and manage the hordes of dull-witted sorts who shall by then make up the vast bulk of humanity and who have been trained perfectly to do as they are told, no matter how dangerous or demeaning to themselves?
Perhaps the much anticipated cull of several billions of humans will be brought to bear upon the global population, leaving behind a remnant Theye deem as suitable and sufficient for the continuation of the species who from there on shall live carefully guided lives, perhaps much along the lines of Huxley, what with his alphas, betas, and gammas.
Cringeworthy is it all, the prospects for the race of men at this time being ghastly on its best days. And yet it seems there is nothing to be done by men of better sense, as they appear to be vastly outnumbered by those willing to sell their souls in exchange for mere comforts and the illusions they seek as cornerstone truths of their lives.
Sit back, crack a beer, get out the popcorn, and watch as the circus continues on its merry way to the bottom.
To all those of you who are of a bent that aligns with that of the Freeman, please accept my best wishes, and may the day come when enough of us shall rise in rebellion against that which seeks to destroy all that is good in life.
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