Saturday, February 13, 2021

The Gift From Donald J. Trump To America

 Unless EVERYTHING we observe is political theater, and that cannot be quite ruled out, then imagine the degree to which President Donald J. Trump pissed in the Establishment's cornflakes. Imagine the disruption to Theire grand circle-jerk, that they would come out of the closet to show the entire world the degree of buffoonery to which we all now bear witness.

Imagine the depth of that cancer, the tickling of which has drawn out the klowns as openly as has the Trump presidency. Prior to this time, even the already buffoonish sorts of Obama and Clinton were mild and meek in their public faces when compared with the desperation-driven break dancing of the likes of Pelosi, Schumer, and McConnell. And yes folks, the Republicans are in it up to their eyelids as well. This wild-west show's metes and bounds are expanding like the wave-front of a super nova as it lights up the galaxy, flinging itself wildly outward to ungodly distances, consuming everything in its sphere of hellish destruction. And the action is just beginning. Think about it. The genie is out of the bottle. Pandora's little creatures have escaped the box and we are all witnessing it. How can Congress and the rest of the Tyrant's cadre ever go back to their false front of dignified and benevolent "statesmanship"? I doubt that they can. In their panic, Theye have blown their own cover, letting the truth out for all the world to witness the cancerous filth for which they stand so brazenly. They now have really only one option: bald-faced despotism. I find it amazing that in the choice between the "Brave New World" and "1984" models of modern terrorist rule, the Tyrant and his minions foolishly chose the latter in the end. It started off as the former, which was the wise choice - maintaining an illusion of freedom and plenty. But the rise of the so-called "left" dropped a turd in the punch bowl, what with all the talk of overpopulation, environmental destruction, the idiocy of anthropogenic global warming, and now of course the most recent contribution of global plague, where could we have ended up where we now find ourselves? In an important way Theye undid all their work, for concealment is an objective in itself for the sake of longer term success. Never let an enemy know that you exist as their enemy. Even if Theye have always intended a global cull, why paint the grim picture? Would it not have been wiser to keep the illusion of happy-happy joy-joy alive right up to the point of delivery of the final coup de grace? Or did Theye just have to let us know what was up, that they were the one's up to it, and that we could do nothing about it? Who can say what goes on in the thoughts of another human being, but Theye have exposed themselves to the world for what they are and that is always the stupid move. The trap-door spider doesn't dance about, alerting the world to its presence and nature. It lies hidden under its cover, striking only as the unwary prey comes too close. But being "human" (are lizard people prone as well?), Theye perhaps could not help themselves but to brag and over-extend; it is, after all, what we tend to do on the average. And when the Trump card came to be played, laying open to the world the seemingly endless stretches of Theire crimes, Theye reacted as would any average-or-worse character: they went nuclear with panic, hatred, and abandonment of self-control that comes with the territory of being outed, thereby exposing oneself to observation by anyone with eyes who is not in a coma. It's a classic mistake that has been repeated by every rotten-in-the-marrow tyrant who's ever walked the earth. It would seem we cannot help ourselves, which is a good thing in the end. We Americans may, and ought to, thank Donald J. Trump for at least this one most spectacular gift of revelation, even if he ultimately were to prove part of the problem, and I am not saying he will. He has exposed Themme to the entire world, forcing them out of the closet and into the light of day, swinging for the fences in their bitter, uncontrolled, and venom-soaked anger for the man who ruined everything for which they'd striven for at least a full century. The question that now remains is this: what will we do with that which has so freely fallen into our laps? That man did his bit. Love him or hate him, Donald Trump has sacrificed more than I suspect any of us will ever truly know, and now the ball is in our court. Neither Donald Trump nor any other cadre can save us. That is our work, and we now openly face the choice of fighting the evil that can no longer hide from examination, or be consumed like sissies, undeserving of the great gift of true equality and the freedoms that attach naturally and inherently thereto. Stop looking beyond yourselves for salvation, because it ain't out there. God isn't going to come running to save you, no matter what you may read in books and choose to believe to the contrary. He isn't sending Jesus either, or his angels. He gave you miraculous life - self-awareness - intelligence enough to live freely, and the freedom to choose how to live. Just imagine the immeasurable largesse of such a being as that - to give and give and not interfere. So there you have it - the cold truth of your circumstance. Time is here. Time to choose. What will it be? And for those thinking they can just sit this one out, shut that nonsense because you will choose, by positive action or by default. To do nothing will be to choose to be consumed in the flames of open tyranny; tyranny that will no longer put the candy coating of Huxley on everything, but the dreary grey, grimace of Orwell. Georgie boy warned us and thus far we refused to listen. The left, as embodied in the Democrat party and abetted by the Republican party, having been exposed, has nothing to lose by going full throttle to cinch up what they long ago started and screwed up so neatly in the end. So go ahead and bugger off yet again if it pleases you, but when you are in the heat of the flames, you will have no recourse at that point and I promise that your regret at having ignored the truth will be bitter beyond mere terminal shock, every moment laced with the soul-withering regret born of the knowledge of what you lost and, most pointedly, that you could have at least fought to retain it.

It's here and it's now and Theye are no longer in hiding. You WILL choose, so let's hope you make it a good one. It's not just your future you're deciding, in case that matters at all to you.

Until next time, please accept my best wishes for you and all the world. God knows we need them.

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