Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Just a few moments ago I gave the following response in the form of a comment to a video I saw that addressed the clear dementia of the current and purported president of the United States, Joe Biden. It's not the first time I've made mention of the points and to be honest, I often feel like a broken record, but I also recognize that being so is the only way that people may one day finally twig to the truth of things. The manner and degree to which Americans have been cowed and fooled by the propaganda ministers remains a source of borderline disbelief for me. That some people, and far too many of them, could be so willfully ignorant and at times outrightly stupid, is something around which I cannot wrap my thoughts no matter how hard I try.

It all seems almost paradoxical that anyone could choose to be so wholly blinded to the most basic sense. This phony baloney "pandemic" is a perfect case in point. There is so much wrong with all of it, and yet countless millions of Americans (forget the rest of the world) have swallowed the propaganda hook, line, and sinker. How is this even possible? Do I live on the same planet? Is it me? Am I the one who has gone off the deep end? Seriously folks, I doubt my sanity at times, given what I witness because it makes no sense to me at all.

That aside, the video in question points out just how cognitively impaired Biden appears to be, citing our decaying relations with foreign nations, the now and once again faltering economy, etc., to which I commented:

Given all these results, the economy going into the toilet etc., it should be clear that the fedgov has far too much power. The sword has two edges and when you put scoundrels into office, which is what we do most of the time, things get worse.


GOVERNMENT makes it so. Not the people. Government.

And whose fault is this? Yours. Mine. Ours. It's all our fault because we are all too corrupted with lassitude and fear to do the jobs of governance ourselves, the way it is supposed to be. We have allowed ourselves to be convinced that "government" is the only thing that saves us from chaos and destruction, which is ironic in the wake of the truth that it is "government" that has been the cause of virtually all chaos and destruction in the world.

WE are supposed to be the governors; not a mob of psychopathic lunatics whose ideas and intentions are questionable on their best days. But we don't want to do it, so we hand our lives over to maniacs who rob us and reduce and degrade us to the greatest degree of servitude to THEM with which they feel they can get away. And we allow it. Hell, we demand it much of the time. We are like a race of small children who look to mom when they get a booboo, only it's adults who look to "government" for answers every time something is perceived as having gone amiss. It's all a very sad joke, and every last stinking one of us are living it and urging it on as we complain about how bad things are. But we never DO anything of substance. Vote harder? Write your congressman?

So until we proceed to misbehave in serious fashion, we will get ever more of what we say we don't want. And we will deserve ever last grain of the degradations and idiocies that they heap upon us.

We're not worthy of freedom and we will remain unworthy until such time as we cowboy up and reclaim our self-respect BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY.

Our corruptions as a population will be our undoing, and it is that to which we are now all bearing witness, whether or not we will admit it.

Once again I ask: is this what you want for your children?  Is this the world you wish to hand over to posterity?  Will the young be left with even enough sense to curse us for having yoked them with mere existence, devoid of anything worthy of life?

Slowly I am getting old and don't have much time left on this world, so perhaps I stand within arm's reach of no longer caring.  But what of you younger people who have children, or perhaps grandchildren?  Is this really an acceptable legacy to leave those you presumably profess to love?  Are you so corrupted with fear that you will not stand tall and say "NO FURTHER!!!"?  Thus far, it appears to be the case.  Why?  

What is so sweet about your current state and status that you would allow a small cadre of ravingly mad tyrants do you, your community, your state, and your nation in this manner?  What goes on at this very moment is so baldly idiotic that no man with a whit of sense, decency, and courage is going to look at it and say that this is valid and representative of reality.  This is ham-fisted political theater, courtesy of the "state", all intended to... well, what, exactly?  I'd say to train you ever further to blind and unquestioning obedience, this pandemic lie being perhaps the prime example of just how ridiculous the play has become.

And yet accept it, many of us do.  Far too many of us.  Is there no bottom to the depth of degradation and danger to which Theye can subject you where you will finally stand up and refuse?  Thus far, the answer is a clear and unequivocal "no".  What a shame, that a race of meat-eaters has allowed itself to be slowly and cunningly switched over to a diet of grass.

It will be interesting for an old goat like myself to sit back and watch to see what ultimately transpires here in these United States.  I cannot say my sense of optimism has been sharpened in any measure of late.  Fool that I am, I nonetheless maintain some shred of hope that we the people will somehow hit bottom and that it will not have come too late and that we will rise in our terror and disgust, and find the right targets and smite them and slay them and, having returned at least in some reasonable part to sense, go about setting things back to the rails of proper human relations.

May humanity find the Good Way.

Until then, please accept my best wishes.

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