Friday, January 7, 2022

The Seemingly Absurd Common Response To The Ridiculous Pandemic Narrative


Today I am noting large numbers of people who wonder why so many others have bought into the transparently absurd narrative of this so-called "pandemic" of the SARS Cov-2 virus. I believe there is a very good and clear cause underpinning it.

The bottom line insofar as the reasons for participation in such absurdities is comfort. All people chase comfort, there being no exceptions. Comfort may be manifested in the particulars differently between individuals, at times widely so. But at the bottom of it all lies a state of being to which people strongly wish to attach themselves, which we may call "comfort". The alcoholic finds comfort in his bottles, the heroin addict in being dissociated from gruesome reality. There's the CEO who, having to navigate the stresses of responsibility for so many lives, escapes on Saturday nights when he gives himself over to the girl with the whip and rubber clothing.

There is not a single human being on this planet who does not chase comfort in some form. It is part and parcel of what we are as living beings. When the stresses of life overwhelm, people will accept almost any proposition that promises to relieve their individual burdens, which is the comfort they seek. And so here we are, two years into raving, transparent lunacy with people having been stupefyingly compliant to the most obviously idiotic governmental edicts, ostensibly aimed at protecting the "public health".

Perhaps the decades of ever mounting stresses of daily living turned out as the glad happenstance for the political class in that those conditions gradually reduced the general population to such a state of mental degradation that they became susceptible to tipping point conditions. The added element of an intentionally released pathogen was all that would be needed to induce such dread that the people would become readily pliable in terms of their will to obey any order issued, no matter how transparently senseless. Then again, in hindsight it seems even possible that these life-wracking stresses may not have been coincidence at all - who can say for certain? Regardless of intentions, once the tipping point is reached, a carrot can be presented - promising relief from those negative conditions in the form of a single, simple and common goal, which would constitute the comfort element to which people would naturally and eagerly flock. Even if all circumstances were "innocent", the astute political opportunist will quickly see the possibilities therein and adapt himself to take the fullest advantage of a chance to further cultivate his position and power. He detects the weakness of the people and employs their mounting desire for comfort against them.

Having been driven in many cases to near frenzy, the comforting elements are introduced in the most simplistic terms. Wear this mask; keep that distance; take this drug; have that booster. Do as you are told and all will be well. The great leaders, the experts, tell you what to do, absolving you of all responsibility to think for yourself and, perhaps most importantly, relieving you of the stresses of uncertainty... Only, it is all lies. But what does that matter when you have been offered the option of believing that which leads you to relative ease? Most people are going to grab it and hold on like grim death. And so we see it coming to pass daily before our eyes.

We see the tangent symptoms of this everywhere now, what with the deepening divisions that are developing between those who, for example, take the so-called "vaccines" and those who decline them. The propagandizing of "government", aided and abetted by the large broadcast news outlets is leading to ever intensifying hostilities of one group against another, leading huge subpopulations not only to come to agreement with "state" proposals to force the administration of unwanted drugs upon the rest, but to an ever growing demand by some that it be made so.

If this doesn't reek and smack of a Hegelian dialectic, what does?

The clever charlatan always plays on people's hunt for comfort. Hit the right nerve and success is all but guaranteed. That is how predictable the human animal is in such respects. Find their heart's desire, hold it out to them, and they will murder their own children for the sake of attaining it while offering all righteous rationalizations for having done so.

Beware of your own desires, the weaknesses to which they can give rise, and always be alert to the ways in which others might try to turn them against you.

Be well, and until next time please accept my best wishes.

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