Earlier today I viewed a video by Jordan Petersen. It was a string of discussions with various people regarding the rise of totalitarianism in America, as well as in other places once deemed as the "free" world.
Early on, and speaking to the warfare that has been waged against him, Petersen opined that the assault never ends, and essentially asked why it is so. To that question I responded in the comment section as follows:
"It doesn't stop because you are pissing in Theire cornflakes. Theye seek the removal of western civilization from the hands of the Mean Man. This makes it appear as though it were being destroyed, but it is only being stolen and squirreled away for the Worthy. Theye will keep it for themselves, of course, because it is powerful, and power is the whole point of all this Machiavellian churn. Western "values" empower the individual, which is anathema to the authoritarian who would be king despot. There can be no rival and competition begins with thought. Therefore, the destruction of powerful thought skill is paramount for broad and unquestioned dominion. This explains virtually everything we see these days. We are in the midst of a revolution. This revolution is the most dangerous ever, setting those of Russia and China to pale precisely because they were not subtle, but rather blood-soaked. Despite the conflagration of Portland, this one is far more nuanced, insidious and I daresay, pervasive. The base of this revolution is not a comparatively small raft of wildly violent "freedom fighters" acting out as the other 99.989% stand idly agape. This one has the support of a vast plurality of young people whose minds have been turned to functional pudding through the wildly powerful mechanisms of the public school systems, in concert with choice and specific corporate collaborators (think "MTV", for example), all of whom have erected a structure of perceptual indoctrination sufficiently coherent to steer millions of young minds away from the tenets of freedom and basic human decency, toward one that superficially appears as those things (Brave New World appearance), but is actually something very different (rotten heart of 1984).That plurality who have drunk the koolaid of envy, resentment, entitlement, and the naturally resultant rage, are legion, and wildly eager to see the changes that promise what they think is the Utopian paradise to which their world view will give rise. Anyone with a lick of sense knows that those things with which the young minds were inculcated and lead astray from basic sense, is naught but the cancerous beginnings of a nightmare which those stilted and stunted minds cannot imagine, much less accept as the fate to which they have committed themselves. These are the perfect stooges, engineered by those who have used the very values of the west to contrive the framework and methods for achieving their goal of utter domination. Part and parcel with this whole notion of a global despotic hegemony, one must consider the possibility of a program of broad liquidation of "undesirables", at the very least. The world view that is now being promoted and peddled to the young strongly suggests a program of mental preparation for the eventual cull of a large subpopulation. As insanely evil as this notion appears to people who retain some shred of sense and humanity, it must nevertheless be considered as a possible element in the overarching architecture for dominion. Those who can and WILL think independently pose an intolerable threat to the technology-enabled tyrant. There is no degree of independence that can be regarded as innocuous. Therefore, I would have to reason that those who are "not of the body", so to speak, must be eliminated.Acclimate the young, who shall then become your allies - partners in crime if you will - to the notion of the desperate global circumstance, and they will "understand" (i.e., blindly accept) even the idea that those billions HAD to be sacrificed in order that the lucky survivors would have a future. This is rioting evil, and it is marching toward victory as the race of humans stands and watches, and does nothing.If all of this is viewed through the lens of one whose ultimate objective is the final acquisition of absolute power over the entire globe, then everything to which we bear daily witness makes perfect sense. What we are witnessing, *living*, is a highly tuned, technologically-enabled, scientifically-based revolution intended to be the final realization of something very big - something on a global scale.Raise a new crop amenable and perhaps even demanding of your whims and caprices, eliminate the thought-competition (mostly the "old" people, as well as the statistical outliers), and you shall truly be master over all that can be observed from any point on the globe. This is the fundamental transformation of the human condition for which tyrants, despots, and other conquerors have striven since Sumer. It is in a very real sense a TRANS-HUMAN mental metamorphosis that, if pulled off, will leave western thought in the hands of the ruling elite as Theire most powerful instrument of acquisition and maintenance. What will be left for the dregs over whom they wield their largely bootless gestures of material power, is a state of functional intellectual castration which the hobbled will embrace and indeed demand as their blessèd status quo. Brave New World will have been made real. The top tier will be the true alphas. The Betas will be their wholly obedient front-line administrators and the rest will be the effectively mindless Gammas, whose raisons d'être will be to do as they are bid, without question. As in BNW, there will be "soma". Phones, drugs, mindlessly obsessive sex with no love or deeper feelings are already in place. We all see directly how effective they have been, and stand with tuning to become even more so with the generations. One can only wonder what other traps our technologies will contrive to ensnare and coddle those who will come long after we are dust.I am afraid there is little hope in all this. I may be mistaken, and pray that I am, but it seems clear that some dimly lit threshold has been crossed where the character of the mean man has been so compromised with corruptions subtle and blatant, that as these megalomaniacal loons continue to close the noose around humanity's neck, we will do nothing but watch, fret, and wait for a non-existent knight to come with his legion to save us all from the boogie man.Dire is the circumstance, as are the prospects. I have tried to sound the clarion's call, but to no apparent avail. Perhaps that is for the better. I no longer can tell with any certainty. But I suffer the defects of my virtues, namely that I am stubborn and believe in hopeless causes. Press on, regardless, I say, for to do otherwise is to dishonor oneself and all he may claim to esteem and love."
The instrument of western thought built the world we now know. The material world stands as non-equivocating testament to the power of the western mind, which has in many ways far outstripped all rivals, certainly in terms of those material results. Our technologies and moral principles are all the products of the western mind as it has evolved over the past several thousands of years. All other modes of civilized thought-architecture long disappeared in the west's rear-view mirror.
The rights recognized by and the morals derived therefrom are all the products of the western mind. No other cultural tradition has so much as approached the qualities of western civilization's philosophical underpinnings. Most ironically, those who curse the west as racist, homophobic, and so forth down the dreary list of Regressive talking points, do so from the standpoint of that which they condemn. More sadly amusing yet, they think that their moral positions derive from something other than the wester philosophical tradition. Nothing could be further from the truth, but when you point this out to them, the most frequent response is rage-soaked denial, replete with the usual wishes that you die of cancer and that your children are kidnapped, raped endlessly, and then slowly murdered in the most freakishly agonized and prolonged manners possible.
Similarly, they curse "capitalism" using means and methods that only the capitalist west has provided them, and could have provided. Would that I might live to see the looks on those faces the day they twig to the truth of that for which they so stridently clamor. By that time, of course, it will be too late to retrieve, so much juicier the raw anguish of realization.
Recognizing the vast capacity of the western mind, Theye now seek to remove that power from the hands of the common man, seeking instead to replace it with a toddler's sphere, such that when provided with a minimal set of vapid diversions, babies in adult bodies will remain content with their status as slaves, a truth which will remain opaque to them for all their days. It is a brilliant, if obscenely evil, plan that as of this writing appears to be coming off quite well. Well enough.
May we find our way out of this nightmare quagmire.
Until next time, please accept my best wishes.
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