Yes yes, I've graced the world with yet another extraneous word that nobody needs.
Polidiot n. : A functional idiot where anything political is concerned.
Polidiocy n. : Thought and other behavior consistent with being a polidiot.
Polidiotic a. : That which is consistent with polidiocy.
Why, you ask, have I contributed to the noise stream of contemporary life? Because. Hell, everyone else is doing it.
The mean American is a polidiot. I hate to have to put it that way, but it is an observable fact. I have witnessed polidiocy in a broad spectrum of political bents. The per capita rate of polidiocy is all at once astonishing, deeply depressing, alarming, distressing, and just plainly pathetic. The rank ignorance that American polidiocy represents is precisely that which the Founders of this still-great, but rapidly declining nation warned us. People cannot at once be free and stupid/ignorant/morally degraded. Polidiocy is founded upon all the latter and is repellent and abhorrent of the former.
America is drowning in polidiocy. To the rest of the world who would snicker at this, I say "not so fast", because you are in the exact and selfsame boat.
Polidiocy is a cancer of mind, attitude, and morals. It is a terminal condition, most especially for those who proclaim to be free, for even if they are (which they aren't, for there are no free people on the planet we call "earth"), they will not remain so for long, and for all the reasons that have been pointed out over endless repetitions, to no apparent avail.
There was a time when polidiocy might have been excusable - ancient times when valuable information about proper human relations might have been sparse, or easily perverted by tyrants for all the standard reasons. But today, what with a global information network t our fingertips, not only is there no longer any excuse for being a polidiot, the risks of becoming and remaining polidiotic are far higher than in the not-so-distant past.
Tech-enabled tyrants pose a greater threat to liberty than any frothing-at-the-mouth lunatic king of the past could ever have hoped. Now more than ever is it imperative that people give their polidiocy the heave-ho and come to sense about what is good and right between men. Ignore this warning at the peril not of just your own self, but of everyone you claim to love and have affection.
All is yet not lost. Awareness is the first step, and a necessary but insufficient one. One needs to become properly educated as well, but most important is the shift in atitude, which is absolutely essential in order to become a Freeman. Attitude is the single most important factor, the insufficiency thereof resulting in no hope for the individual.
Dispense with polidiocy. Don't be a polidiot.
As usual, and until next time, please accept my best wishes.
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