Despite being otherwise decent and intelligent people, my generation (baby boom) turned out for the most part to be horrible parents. They are, after all, responsible for the so-called "millennial", who in their turn gave rise to "generation Z", a raft of functional weaklings and toddlers in grown bodies who think they are smart, when in fact they are woefully the opposite, again speaking to the mean.
How did so bright a generation give rise to the utter wasteland that is the major portion of this most recent generation of "adults"? One major answer is actually quite simple: they fell for the bait of the likes of that scurrilous clown, Benjamin Spock, and decided they would be friends with their children, rather than proper parents, based on the false belief that it is important that they be liked by their offspring. Few things could be further from the truth. This may seem an innocent enough position to assume, but it is in fact the basis of the current destruction we are witnessing nationwide as the nation falls to wrack and ruin.
And so we have managed through our good intentions to muck the world up beyond all recognition, and possibly past the point of redemption. But being a low-IQ optimist, I cling to the barest hair-split of hope that this miasma of raving stupidity and abhorrently poor attitudes and habits may yet be corrected. But in order to do so, the first step will be to forgive each other: the young for our unintentional errors, and we, for their wildly misguided world views that, after all, were made possible due to our own errors in child-rearing.
Imagine the utter fit that Theye would have, were we, the warring parties to stop, shake hands, let bygones be bygones, and begin to rebuild the perceptual commons where decency, respect, good manners, basic sense, tolerance of the tolerable, and all the other blessings of freedom are the norm, the old becoming new once more. Theye (those in real material power in the world) would toss a colossal conniption and we would be able to confidently expect all manner of problems to arise, whether those of an economic nature, in finance, commodities, wars, and so forth, because the last thing they want is for you and I to shake hands and learn to become friendly. When that happens, Theye are finished, because without the manifold antagonisms that keep us divided, and therefore distracted, we would be free to come together as one in the political sense of recognizing who is the real enemy of humanity.
It's not Republicans or Democrats, lefties or righties, conservative or progressive, men or women: it's the elite and we could de-ball them in very short order, were we to forgive one another and get to the business of restoring liberty to the people of planet Earth.
We don't have to all be in love with one another. Certainly our differences would not vanish, but our reactions to those differences would. Rather than wishing all manner of horrors upon one another, we would respectfully disagree where we differ, yet be generous enough to allow each other our lives and views and preferences. Such as development would drive the Tyrant mad with frustration and fear because he already knows that the moment we stop the back-biting, we might turn eyes in common toward him, his lackeys, and begin to divine what it is he has really been doing to us all this time. In such a case, it would spell the end of things for them all, which means Theye must prevent it from occurring at any and all cost.
There is no possible way, short of nuking or plaguing the entire planet, that Theye can successfully dominate us if we refuse their false authority; authority that exists in terms of real world effect only because we accept it as real, when in fact it is literally nothing at all beyond mere belief. So long as we believe, we tend to comply. So long as we comply, the false assertion of authority becomes effectively real. It is a house of cards that stands because we fail to take in even the most meager breath, which is all that is required to blow it down to its very foundation.
Freedom is a heartbeat away, yet it is impossibly distant, not because it is itself impossible, but because we make it so when we play Theire game, nearly every one of us being in that diversion up to our eyeballs. Why else do we have so many people tearing out their hair with hatred for this one or those over there? Theye are whispering in our ears that the enemy threatens, whether it be horrible white males, black females, Muslims, Jews, Christians, and so on down the seemingly endless list of labels that provides objects of fear and hatred for every possible taste.
It's the gag-reel of all time; the biggest scam ever, and nearly every one of us have taken up with it hook, line, and sinker.
The most productive thing we could do at this very moment would be to stop playing, because participation is a loser by intent of design.
May 2023 prove better than 2022, and may we all forgive one another for our trespasses, real, imagined, and otherwise. What is past is done. Some of it has been indeed horrible, but when we think about it closely, most was really not so bad. We differ. We will always differ. Can we not move on now to more profitable things, such as restoring the liberties that Theye have convinced us to cede?
Imagine not living in red-alert mode, day in and day out. Imagine not being filled with rage, outrage, anger, and hatred, all emotions that have their places, but when taken in too generous measures soon becomes erosive of health, happiness, and liberty as we become prisoners of them. Imagine having the power to recognize the real enemies of humanity and turning your justifiable ire upon them! Imagine a world where courtesy reigned; where people were friendly despite holding differing opinions. Imagine a world better than the one in which we are now all inmates in a prison of our own contrivance!
It is possible. It is so close, you could kiss it if you chose to see. But so long as we remain in hate-fear mode, Theye shall remain powerful while we remain effectively weak, and that is the greatest and most shameful irony of them all. We, the humans from Earth, could end Themme in no time at all, even if the cost were to prove high. It can be done, but not if we are at one another's throats.
May the blessings of liberty be with us all, and until next time please accept my best wishes.
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