Sunday, December 18, 2022

Your Thoughts

"Because the ultimate purpose of crime is to establish the endless empire of crime; a complete state of insecurity and anarchy founded upon the tainted ideals of a world doomed to annihilation."
-Dr. Mabuse, Fritz Lang's "The Testament Of Dr. Mabuse"

I've found this most chilling a quote, due in part to its actual semantic content, but more so by the fact that there are people who will come to believe such things, especially the bit about being doomed.

Our thoughts form our realities, and our words form our thoughts. Though the words come first, there is eventually in each of us a feedback loop of sorts that evolves in our minds. The words we learn and get into the habits of using in the ways in which we as individuals do, shape the ways in which our thoughts form. Those thoughts, in turn, eventually take up their role in forming the ways in which our words are put together to form the sentences that express those thoughts. The words themselves, however, continue to have their effects upon the thoughts, the tendency being that word and thought reach an equilibrium of sorts, such that a more or less consistent and recognizable manner (a "style", if you will) of thinking and of word usage arises in the individual, perpetually maintained by this mutual reinforcement loop between the two.

That people come to believe in things such as the absolute inevitability of the utter annihilation of the human race is dangerous beyond my ability to convey. Our thoughts form our realities, and if the right people in the right positions of the right sorts of power come to believe such things, they then stand within the potential to turn those beliefs into the proverbial self-fulfilling prophecy. 

We should all of us take some time to think on that awhile, and do so with the knowledge that our own thoughts form our own realities.  This is especially worthy of our close attention when thoughts such as  "you can't fight city hall" arise, almost unnoticed.  By responding in an overly reflexive manner, leading us to give in as individuals, we give in as a whole - a collective, statistical gestalt - a "superorganism", as I have come to call them. In so doing, through our beliefs we come to halt our individual movements in the right directions.  This occurs regardless of whether the beliefs in question are true, and this is yet another point to which we should each turn careful attention and consideration.

Ask yourself this: what if key beliefs we hold about reality are in fact, false?  We see this happening on the so-called "left" with the entire doctrine of the "woke", not to mention the "transgender" phenomenon that has risen so suddenly.  Especially the latter, these developments demonstrate the power of belief, which is the power of thought, which in turn is the power of words.  Granted, in these cases the applications are unsound, but that is orthogonal to the point we make here: the power of word and thought.  Altering your belief alters you, and it can alter reality on a global basis.

We, the horde of humanity, could stop Themme (those in real and material power, worldwide) in short order, yet we fail to do so in spite of the clearly stated agenda they have of seeing the human populations reduced by non-trivial proportions in ways, numbers, and timelines that remain mostly held close to the vest. But we see manifestations, especially in recent years with chains of events that any actuary would quickly tell you are nigh impossible to occur without "help", and lots of it.

Your thoughts form your reality. Your words form your thoughts and your thoughts form your words. Changing thought can change the world. Therefore, if you change your words, perhaps you can change your thoughts, and if that happens, perhaps the world will change... for the better, I mean.

Until next time, please accept my best wishes, and may you find your way good and worthy.

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