We live in a very angry world.
Stress levels are very high, thanks in great part to media doing what they do best.
Several weeks ago an organization calling itself "Hamas" mounted an attack on Israeli civilians, murdering well over a thousand men, women, and children. Since being founded, Israel has coexisted with the so-called "Palestinians" on tenuous terms, at best. The Israelis see the Palestinians as the bad guys in the strained affairs between them. The Palestinians see the Israelis as the bad guys. Each has their point of view on the matters at hand.
I, for one, see this from all sides. There is culpability aplenty for all. The ones I pity most are the children. They get no chance; no say. They are nursed on the corruptions of the adults around them. Those corruptions are not always what one might think, and they cover a very broad spectrum of characteristics. It is not the Israeli/Palestinian strife of which I wish to speak now, for that is but one mere example of a world choking on such strife and the chaos and bloodshed it so often drags along with it. It is the propagation of human rot and filth and the inevitable doom it is likely to bring to bear upon us all that I shall address.
The human race is hopeless as a matter of its proclivity to perpetuate the evils and errors of the past, and to spawn and propagate new ones, generation over generation. The fact that we do this with such steadfast reliability is the very guarantee that the day is likely to come where we will seal our destruction as a species such that regardless of whether so much as even a handful of us survive, we will nonetheless have been destroyed in toto, for there are fates out there which are worse than death.
The entropy of thought, of perception, of the interpretation of perception, can only grow in the superorganism of a culture, which seems to take on a life of its own at some point. The hatreds and other corruptions held and made manifest by individuals remain safe in the bowels of the collective id of their underlying culture. It is through that channel that those errors pass on from one generation to the next. And as humanity's technological levers grow in length, those who wield them do so with with ever greater latitude to act with ever more vast and inescapable effect. When such individuals hold such power, harboring all the bitter and hate-fired emotions to which their inherited corruptions invariably give rise, the ultimate outcomes of such combinations can run but one way: to chaos, disaster, and raw tragedy.
Nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons; surveillance hardware, and the now emerging machine intelligence in the hands of men running wildly mad in their perceptions and the opinions which arise therefrom shall be the basis of our ruin; it already is. Worst of all, the midbrains of men running off the rails with a fervor that is bio-functionally indistinguishable from that of the religion they deny, and the God they hate so deeply and disdainfully, will drive every choice they make. They shall be thinking of naught but to satisfy the lust for what they believe, however conveniently, is "right". it is by this route that they shall render themselves in no radical way different from those upon whom they vent the rage-hatred that lives within them like a metastatic cancer. We are doomed because there will be no stopping what is coming; there is no stopping it because we refuse to so much as see it, much less to act in the defense of what is good between human beings; things worth defending.
Men such as Schwab and Gates have crossed a threshold and have doubtlessly carried minions on their coat tails. The day will come when those men will act with neither equivocation nor compunction, and humanity will become a settled issue in large part, if not in toto. And if some survive, which is likely, those people will believe themselves as having escaped fate, or perhaps as being immune to what had been brewing for thousands of years in the breast of humanity. One again shall men delude themselves for the sake of their immediate comfort.
Much like the Krell, they will never be able to escape what they are, and shutting their minds to the truth of it, they will doom themselves to ultimate extinguishment in ignominy equal to that of those they so self-righteously murdered in the false belief that they were cutting some cord with the past, only to be carrying its seed within themselves, denying its existence any further, and thereby ensuring with absolute guaranty that the beast will arise once again as the cycle begins afresh.
We, the sufficient mass of humanity and the ones most in need of maintaining our thoughts and reveries upon the Sacred, have turned our backs to it. Is it any wonder that we have ended up where we are, and that we got here by so tortured a path? We who ventured from the old world that stood stably for millennia, to build the new, the men of European descent whose embrace of "science" which lead to our stepping from the traditional confines that bound us within a circle, needed the Sacred more than any other people on the planet as we ventured beyond those ancient lines. Yet enough of us turned our backs to it, and now we stare into an abyss of our own contriving.
Our venturing and the achievements that resulted therefrom, however, were the precise reasons for closing our eyes to God. Who, having accomplished such things, wishes to share credit? Few, I suspect. And so we march headlong into something of which I have no interest in being a part.
The more powerful a man becomes, the more does he need a sense of the Sacred as a guide for his choices. This is precisely what the men currently wielding true material power in the human world lack. The combination of great material power and an absence of that which the Divine lends in the relevant terms can lead nowhere good in a way similar to locking a curious toddler in a room with a nuclear warhead and a button that, if pressed, will result in detonation.
Worse yet is the man who is convinced that his sense of duty, which drives his decision making, springs from correct roots. He is the most dangerous of all because he stands so utterly convinced that his views are not only correct, but are uniquely so. Verily is he the perfect mirror-image of the man of religion whom he hates with such depthless and bitter rage.
Humanity stands deep in the kimchee, self-extrication appearing ever less likely with each passing minute. Until we choose to limit our prerogatives along lines of choice that coincide with something even vaguely resembling basic sanity, we shall continue the march toward the maw of the beast that consumes everything in its path. Understanding that which is Sacred is key, and no such understanding can come if men are unwilling to stop themselves for a moment to consider the question.
I cannot say what will happen along this path on which we find ourselves, but I can speak to the probabilities, none of which look particularly good at this time.
As always, give these thoughts some jiggle in your brain, and please accept my best wishes.
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