Donald Trump is a brilliant strategist. Here is a snippet the news media including traitorous Fox News have largely and purposely neglected to disseminate to the public at large.
Back during the Obama administration there was a gigantic fiasco with the computer system developed for signing people up for so-called "Obamacare". It was an unmitigated failure and an utter disaster that would have embarrassed and shamed Obama irreparably, had he any lick of sense.However, Obama's handlers were pragmatists of sufficient mien to understand that the failure could not stand. And so the Obama administration established a new agency, the United States Digital Service (USDS), whose putative mission was to correct the failings that lead to the aforementioned disaster.
Whatever happened to USDS? It fell into effective disuse, though it remained on the books, replete with funding, personnel, and all of its ostensive authorities.
Here's where the genius comes in. Trump and company have a mission to drain the swamp. How, prithee tell, is one to do such a thing, particularly where one is certain to meet with every manner of resistance from the manifold malefactors in whose interest is it to ensure that the status quo be preserved?
Team Trump's tactic was pure brilliance. Trump took an established and recognized agency of the federal government, USDS, renamed it "DOGE", and populated it with a team of his choosing pursuant to the objective of repurposing an idle asset of the federal government. Therefore, and contrary to the shrill howling of some, mostly Democrats I would add, who claim that Congress has not established DOGE or in any way approved of it, they are mistaken. It was established by Congress under Obama, is fully funded and carries as much authority to do what it is doing as any other federal agency. Detractors have no leg upon which to stand in this matter, Trump having taken a humble framing hammer and having reforged it into an instrument of righteous and just correction.
For the hand wringing sorts who think Trump is acting outside of his constituted powers as Chief Executive, you are dead-wrong. The purge and cleansing of the Washington DC "swamp" shall continue and it shall be very painful for those who made losing bets, and in so doing became knowingly and actively complicit in the crimes of "government". The time to pay what is owed to those whose trust they so egregiously betrayed is upon them. Let them take solace in the knowledge that the severe punishments that should be heaped upon them will likely be greatly mitigated due to Trump's overly soft heart and his apparently genuine desire to get done the job of cleaning house that has been befouled beyond recognition. That means not lingering too long on trying to squeeze every drop of well earned punishment from each and every one of the guilty. The real treasure here lies in the exposure of the criminals to the cleansing light of day, as well as what may prove the most crucially valuable political lessons ever bestowed to the American people. May we learn them well and never forget.
Love him, hate him, but never ever deny that Trump is a remarkable strategist and highly adept tactician. Until next time, please accept my best wishes.
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