There is envy of the successful, the entrepreneur who puts it all on the line, often through multiple failures, but who through persistence and diligence ultimately prevails, providing value to markets who seek what he offers. The envy is often accompanied by the self-hatred of those who, being aware of their own inability or unwillingness to proceed in the spirit of the entrepreneur, projects his own insufficiencies onto those who can and do the things required to succeed at some business. The projection provides them a target for their hatred, other than themselves, which in turn allows them to lie to themselves and come to believe that their failures to make anything of their lives is not in fact their own fault, but that of the greedy "capitalists" who have somehow stolen success from the poor victim who, it is certain, would have become a trillionaire in under twenty minutes' time, had the others not somehow denied them their due opportunities.
The lefty is typically self-hating, born partly of the deep-seated, yet unacknowledged recognition of his own gross shortcoming arisen in the wake of his poor life choices, such as described above for example, and partly from a pathological level of self-importance. His self-absorption is so monumental, so wildly and morbidly out of control, that when combined with his painful and dangerous ignorance, invariably drives him toward causes that reinforce his warped world views. For the lefty, those causes are always the ones that excuse and indeed glorify his every failing and corruption.
Hesse wrote in Steppenwolf that self-hatred is the most extreme form of conceit in existence. I agree wholly with that assessment.
Therefore, for the lefty, the entrepreneur serves only as a burning reminder of what a sad, failed individual he is, rendering the successful businessman the most logical and worthy target for the roiling frustration and anger that would otherwise be turned against himself, as it most likely ought to be.
Aldous Huxley wrote the following in "Island":
“Armaments, universal debt, and planned obsolescence—those are the three pillars of Western prosperity. If war, waste, and moneylenders were abolished, you'd collapse. And while you people are overconsuming the rest of the world sinks more and more deeply into chronic disaster.”
Huxley's statement is simplistic, particularly in its innuendo.
I was once told by an acquaintance that " it may be simplistic, but completely understandable." I responded that it was only understandable in a simplistic world view that appeals to pure negative emotion to the neglect of broadly and competently employed reason in one's perceptions. The "west" has made endless mistakes, some of them horrible. So has every other culture on the planet, barring a mere handful. The Chinese are a horrible, barbaric people, as are Japanese and the rest of the east Asians. The Africans of nearly every stripe are no better. South America? Same. In the sense that the left works so dedicatedly to disparage the image and reputation of the west, characterizing those people as horrid and unworthy of anything good, the precise same is true of virtually every other culture on the planet.
Huxley's words hold a narrowly marginal validity, beyond which they fall short of the honor and care of circumspection and equal application to all parties. There is guilt aplenty to go around for everyone, so to couch things in the tone Huxley employs is clearly false, which should prompt you to ask yourself what purpose it serves and whether it is any good. It implies that somewhere "out there" there are people fundamentally superior to those of "the west", which I would remind you refers to all of Europe, the Americas, and Australia. The implication is laced with the precise same prejudice and hatred that advocates of that world view complain about in those of the west, not to mention the fact that a vast plurality of such people are themselves westerners, once again pointing to the self-hatred to which I have made reference.
This brand of speech is no different in semantic architecture than "they all look the same to me", painting vast and impossibly diverse populations with the same tint. In so doing, Huxley commits the same sort of sin against which his very words issue complaint. I won't assume that he intended on being a hypocrite, but that is the net result when looked at critically.
Huxley also fails to acknowledge the miracles the "west" has brought to the world, as if such things come without cost. This is a great problem with people, wanting all the benefits of life without so much as having to acknowledge the burdens of having them, much less bear them.
The west, having brought those non cost-free miracles, has proven itself the most effective and practically intelligent and driven people in the world. The advances we have brought to the world have also come to present the greatest threats the globalist hegemony has ever had to face, what with all this talk of individualism, freedom, and rights. That is perhaps the prime reason that those seeking global domination feel compelled to destroy the west, whom they view as their greatest competition and therefore threat to their designs.
The vaporously implied "innocence" of the "rest of the world", other than being an outright lie, if assumed otherwise is directly attributable to the corresponding lack of contribution to the state of men. The "west" brought "science" to the world. Without the "west", the world would still be living in 13th-century conditions, if that. Nary a one of us would be here to have these discussions or to berate that of which many of us are parts. So before trashing the "west", perhaps a more circumspect consideration might be in order.
"We" have made and continue to make grave errors. So does everyone else. Blame enough for all. I am no subscriber to such lop-sidedly ignorant views of things. Much of what I see makes me angry, true. But I temper my emotions by broadening my vision; something few others are willing to do, IMO because they are so married to their anger and hatred, two emotions that were trained into them by third parties and not the organic result of the natural reaction to unbiased perception.
While I admonish all to believe as they wish, I also suggest the higher paths of discipline, self-control, and reason over raw and undifferentiated negative emotion, which is what most people have taken for their common habit, to their detriment, as well as that of those around them. The world of men is a mess, but not quite for the reasons those who typically identify as "left" believe. I wish that such people would be willing to step away from their tortured emotions for a moment, that they might have respite from the self-destructive states that understandably arise within people who hold them, often through no fault of their own. That which we could accomplish, were we not to be at each other's throats in the ways so commonly found nowadays, would lead to solutions that I believe the lefties would find agreeable, on the whole. But they have been lead to believe that such solutions which lie outside of their collectivist visions do not exist, and that centralized force applied in the abetment of the tyrannical imposition of "equality" is the only way to their utopia.
Let nobody fool you into believing the lies and the more dangerous half-truths they spew about the "west". The very core ethic the left espouses as the greatest virtue of all is in fact nothing other than the western ethic, yet another irony and indeed hypocrisy at which to marvel, courtesy of the wildly gone-wrong world views of the left, which appear to be nearly impossible to dislodge, no matter how much truth, reason, logic, or dynamite one may apply to the problem. But as the policies of the left have produced the predictable results of further perdition and misery, some of the morally less corrupted lefties are coming around to the better truth.
Keep the faith, and as always, please accept my best wishes.
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