In one of the forums I frequent, someone asked why should the Federal Reserve Bank be unleashing a "whirlwind" of inflation upon us, now of all times? To that, I respond as follows.
Why NOT unleash one?
Turmoil is the politician's game - always has been.
Do note how it's always one thing after another, how we are never left in peace. Does anyone think this is mere coincidence, or some new necessity of reality, arisen for heaven only knows what reasons?
My suspicions come closer to confirmation by the day: Theye are sowing endless strife and relatively minor chaos in pursuit of the goal of wearing us down - wearying us so that when they finally make THE move, either we will no longer care to fight, no longer have the wherewithal to do so, or both. It is a combination of acclimation to insanity and wearing us out so that we no longer have in us the will or ability to effectively resist.
Consider the starfish; not a particularly strong when compared with a clam, but they are able to apply their meager pressures for extended periods. They latch on to a clam and put just a small pressure upon them. The mightier clam, well... clams up, as the saying goes, and in a couple of hours is exhausted from no respite, becomes incapable of further resistance, and becomes a meal.
Consider the dog versus the deer. Deer is WAY faster than the dog, but the dog can run for miles without tiring. The deer is fast, but is soon spent. The dog simply runs them out of breath and the deer succumbs.
This is a very common pattern in nature that manifests in human politics as well.
Theye are destroying us piecemeal; of that there is little question. The evidence of this is so overwhelming as to be unmistakable, and yet the majority fail to see it. This naturally begs the question of "why?". The answer comes most clearly when one thinks "set up". Set up is the most important component of any build. I do all manner of things - machinist, black/gold/silversmith, cabinet maker, jujutsu, shooting, and so on down a considerable list. In ALL of these endeavors, the set up is the essential prerequisite to execution and usually takes the most time. But without careful planning, execution is often for naught.
For those who are ready to proclaim this all as a wild conspiracy theory, I say OK, let us assume it to be the case - I am insane with paranoia and my attributions to malice are unfounded. It makes no difference, for the outcomes are all that matter. Whether we are the victims of true malice, or those of good intentions run wildly off the rails, the result is the same and if we have any basic sense and courage left to us, the right course at this point is to resist Themme with everything we have got, come what may. Mass refusal to comply with orders is the right next step for us. It paints Themme into a corner, though it is by no means a guarantee of happy results. The reasons for this are manifold and perhaps we shall discuss it in another post.
So all these decades of apparent nothing-to-write-home-about on Theire part was the time for the great setup. Turning fer too many American men into sissies, and women into the least feminine creatures imaginable. Teaching children how to not discriminate so that they are no longer able to tell right from wrong, save in a very narrowly channeled, pre-planned sense of the terms. How to view FREEDOM as SELFISHNESS - to turn the perceptual commons upside down so that people no longer know one from the other.
And when the meaner is reduced to so low a state of mere existence, so weakened by the false beliefs that have been pumped into his head and reinforced daily by media and his fellows who parrot the approved lines of nonsense, he is further attacked - mostly mentally - with horrors like planes flying into buildings, endless wars, threats of "terrorism", economic stagnation... PLAGUES. Neighbor is pitted against neighbor with false oppositions drawn from the thin air and often based in things that people cannot help such as their sex or morphology. Turning people against those who have chosen to make something of their lives beyond mere existence, demoting them from subjects of admiration to objects of envy and bitter derision and through the false characterization of their success not as the results of diligence and smart choices, but of theft. But the theft is not of some vague generic form, but it is from you whom they have committed their felonious and immoral acts!
When one does as I have done long ago - developed the ability to step far enough away from the trees to see the forest, the truth becomes clear, showing pointed patterns that repeat themselves over and over to the point they can no longer be taken as coincidental departures from the natural patterns of normal distributions of events. These are events of human deliberation; of intent beyond the normal patterns of daily living. They reveal purpose, none of it good for the lowly and unworthy free men of the world.
Given all this, while I can see no specific reason that the Fed should be hitting us now, I equally see none for why they should not. I consider much of what has occurred in the political sphere since 9/11 to have likely been probes to gage how we will react to this event or that - an evaluation of whether the turkey is fully cooked, so to speak. And I believe that the answer is either a clear "yes, it is time to serve the dinner" or we are very close to it. We have been served up one outrage after another, any one of which SHOULD have prompted Americans to halt in their track of obedience and slaughtered anyone daring to apply force to further us along. But we complied - meekly - each and every time.
What, then, in our responses would lead Themme to believe that we pose any substantive threat to their hegemonic position when the most we ever do is moan about each new violation?
So if we are ripe, then why not begin the harvest?
As close as Theye appear to be to invincibility, I do not believe it to be the case, save that we aid and abet our destroyers nearly every step of the way. We could stop Themme in their tracks, were we to find the will to do so. That is not to say that a campaign of committed defiance would not have terrible costs, for Theye control resources most people cannot imagine. Think "plague", for instance. Hold you doubtless that Theye would likely unleash pestilence unimaginable upon the entire globe, were they to be challenged in any serious manner. There are nuclear weapons, false flags, and foreign armies more than willing to murder anyone, given the orders. There is economic destitution, the power of which rests in Theire hands thanks to the system of false banking that we have allowed Themme to foist upon us. Electronic currency disappears as quickly as it comes into seemingly miraculous existence out of the thin air, in the trillions of units, and far more.
And when the meaner is reduced to so low a state of mere existence, so weakened by the false beliefs that have been pumped into his head and reinforced daily by media and his fellows who parrot the approved lines of nonsense, he is further attacked - mostly mentally - with horrors like planes flying into buildings, endless wars, threats of "terrorism", economic stagnation... PLAGUES. Neighbor is pitted against neighbor with false oppositions drawn from the thin air and often based in things that people cannot help such as their sex or morphology. Turning people against those who have chosen to make something of their lives beyond mere existence, demoting them from subjects of admiration to objects of envy and bitter derision and through the false characterization of their success not as the results of diligence and smart choices, but of theft. But the theft is not of some vague generic form, but it is from you whom they have committed their felonious and immoral acts!
When one does as I have done long ago - developed the ability to step far enough away from the trees to see the forest, the truth becomes clear, showing pointed patterns that repeat themselves over and over to the point they can no longer be taken as coincidental departures from the natural patterns of normal distributions of events. These are events of human deliberation; of intent beyond the normal patterns of daily living. They reveal purpose, none of it good for the lowly and unworthy free men of the world.
Given all this, while I can see no specific reason that the Fed should be hitting us now, I equally see none for why they should not. I consider much of what has occurred in the political sphere since 9/11 to have likely been probes to gage how we will react to this event or that - an evaluation of whether the turkey is fully cooked, so to speak. And I believe that the answer is either a clear "yes, it is time to serve the dinner" or we are very close to it. We have been served up one outrage after another, any one of which SHOULD have prompted Americans to halt in their track of obedience and slaughtered anyone daring to apply force to further us along. But we complied - meekly - each and every time.
What, then, in our responses would lead Themme to believe that we pose any substantive threat to their hegemonic position when the most we ever do is moan about each new violation?
So if we are ripe, then why not begin the harvest?
As close as Theye appear to be to invincibility, I do not believe it to be the case, save that we aid and abet our destroyers nearly every step of the way. We could stop Themme in their tracks, were we to find the will to do so. That is not to say that a campaign of committed defiance would not have terrible costs, for Theye control resources most people cannot imagine. Think "plague", for instance. Hold you doubtless that Theye would likely unleash pestilence unimaginable upon the entire globe, were they to be challenged in any serious manner. There are nuclear weapons, false flags, and foreign armies more than willing to murder anyone, given the orders. There is economic destitution, the power of which rests in Theire hands thanks to the system of false banking that we have allowed Themme to foist upon us. Electronic currency disappears as quickly as it comes into seemingly miraculous existence out of the thin air, in the trillions of units, and far more.
Theye could, and likely would, wreak blind havoc upon the entire world before allowing themselves to be displaced, much less destroyed. Those are the challenges we would face, and yet to submit to Themme casts a specter many orders of magnitude more horrible to anyone not committed to their own servitude.
The righteous path is clear. The question remains as to whether we have the sense and sand to embark upon it.
Until next time, please accept my best wishes.
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