Tuesday, January 11, 2022

As The Official Covid Narrative Collapses...

Over the past week or so, I have noted that Theye are now engaging in what clearly appears as a damage control campaign, perhaps to forestall and mitigate the potential consequences to come in the wake of what currently appears to be the in-progress collapse of the official covid narrative.But what if there is something far more sinister at work here? How could it be more so than what we've enjoyed since 2019? 

 Glad you asked.

At the beginning of all of this I offered the obviously paranoid thought in other venues that this could all be a prelude to something far worse - that the objective of this covid deal is to fatigue the population to such a point that no longer do they trust an "official" word uttered, nor will they then obey orders. This appears to be coming to pass as I write these words, which I will address forthwith.

The fatigue bit is now long-established. People are just worn out by the endless bad news, the idiotic mandates, the fear mongering, the seemingly endless phalanx of new "variants", the guilt-shame campaigns and demonizing of those who are not quite buying the baloney, and so forth.  Entire populations are now openly protesting in Europe, Canada, and Australia, clearly fed-up to their eyeballs with the gross excesses of abuse and the threats now clearly presented to the people at large, not to mention to the young.

Scanning various outlets, the sentiments of this state of being fed-up can be well nutshelled by a single statement I saw posted just this morning which read, "I will never trust public health officials again", which brings me directly to the point I wish to make.

What if this fatigue was the precise strategy behind this two-year terror campaign against the unwashed human masses of the earth?  Imagine a deeper strategic objective being that once properly conditioned to ignore anything offocials might say regarding future outbreaks, the real pathogen is then released. As cases pop up initially, the relevant outlets issue their dire warnings, which are ignored by a distrusting populace.  This delay provides just enough obstruction of proper responses to result in a cull that provides Themme with the greatly reduced populations they seek, and a basis for saying "hey, it's not our fault, we warned you."

Some might think that this is too much fuss. Why not just let the fur fly, have your cull, and move on? Because there would presumably be a world left for moving on, and those people who survived but were not part of Theire cadre would become an immediate and dangerous threat to Theire continued existences. Theye cannot wipe us all out because they need us for the menial tasks, not to mention that they want people over whom to lord, which is perhaps the majority reason that Theye do what they do.

Therefore, wiping us out in toto would not only be undesirable, it would be potentially very dangerous for Themme. Theye need not just subjects over whom to rule, but also an ever-present potential threat to their position in order to maintain the necessary focus of purpose and cohesion, such that their hegemony may span endless generations into the blue future.  After all, our history is checkered with examples of how nations rise and fall, as well as the reasons for the cycles. I do not believe that Theye have not taken all that into study and ultimate account, now that global dominion stands within their reach.

And so Theye need a plausible explanation to the survivors that so ironically tells why Theye are not to blame for any of it and how Theye in fact endeavored so valiantly to save a reticent humanity from destruction and how so few heeded their instructions, etc. and so on ad nauseum. This serves the purposes of keeping Theire heads on their shoulders in the immediate timeframe, and to cement their positions as authority in the minds of the rabble for the long term, without notable challenge. The new mantra, tacit or expressed, might be something along the lines of "we've had quite enough of this dissent nonsense" or "we can no longer afford to have people going against our command - we see how it has resulted".

I am in no measure comforted by the apparent collapsing of the phony baloney covid narrative. I do in fact, find cause to be alarmed at it, given the possibility as I've outlined above. And for those who would dismiss this as yet another "conspiracy theory", I bid you take heed of the warning that no matter how unlikely it may seem, where politics are concerned there should be nothing placed outside the realm of plausibility, save that Theye have become decent human beings interested in your better interests.

These dangerous jackanapes have taken a huge risk in this latest and perhaps largest global perpetration. I do not for a moment believe that any of this has been done without some enormous payout in mind, the currency there always being power. One thing I can nearly guaRONtee is that this was not conducted for the sake of some token fortune of money, or similar. The stakes here are staggering, IMO, and since Theye have clearly failed in the endeavor at hand, it seems likely to me that the apparent end-goal was not the actual objective.

Bear further in mind that most likely nobody of import will be held accountable for the carnage. Talking heads, Anthony Fauci, a few administrators here and there are readily sacrificed to sate public outrage while Theye remain safe behind their anonymity. That, of course, means that they retain their powers and resources, which may be brought into play as deemed fitting. Therefore, the threat shall not have been removed in any sense whatsoever, save in the misled perceptions of the mean man, leaving humanity open for the next volley.

I will repeat what bears it: Theye are playing for keeps, and I hold no doubt that they would sacrifice billions of lives to gain that which they covet.

And just to keep you clear as to your place in all this, I offer George Carlin's quip:

"It's a great big club, and you ain't in it."

Neglect this at your peril, for if it comes all to naught, you've lost little in at least having given it due consideration.  But if it proves out, at least you may have some small opportunity to steel yourself against what is to come.

Until next time, please accept my best wishes.

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