I have discerned a few nuggets, none of them looking good for liberty, but cannot claim to have done so sufficiently to form an intelligent assessment of the bill. Suffice to say that it is an act of Congress, which in itself should set anyone with an IQ into a state of deep suspicion and high alert.
My purpose here is to offer a raving mad idea about which to think in terms of possible future chicanery on the part of sitting Democrats and their political machinery. I hope that by putting this idea out, perhaps it will aid in some small way to thwart any such notion on their parts, having been forestalled though exposure. We must remain alert because where politics are concerned, nearly anything is possible.
Clearly, the Democrats are eager to see HR4 become statute, and though those prospects seem thin at this time, they have nothing to lose by maintaining the press. It makes sense that the Democrats want this to happen prior to the 2022 midterm elections in order to stave off the loss of their current controlling majority in the House, and the possibility of losing their majority in the Senate. Given the abominably low approval of the current president, not only are these outcomes a real possibility, at times they appear as likelihood.
Given these lemons, how might the Democrats attempt to make lemonade? Glad you asked.
If we assume that the current president remains in office through 2024, loss of both houses may not be as disastrous as it seems at first blush. It is doubtful they would lose by anything more than by a thin margin, which would allow the veto to hamstring Republicans at every turn. Furthermore, given the turncoat character of far too many Republicans, there would remain some possibility that HR4 could pass during the second half if the current presidential term in any event. But how to make it happen if you're in the minority in both houses? How, indeed.
Were Democrats able to pass HR4 prior to the 2024 elections, they could possibly position themselves in a way we may have never before seen in American politics, effectively ending two-party rule. Here, we are working on the reasonable assumption that HR4 is not what it appears and that it is in fact a means for affecting the theft of elections, moving forward. Given the apparent chicanery of the 2020 election, a topic we shall ignore here, nothing should be dismissed as implausible.
Imagine the Democrats actually engaging in ballot stuffing/harvesting in order to rig the midterm results in favor of Republicans. Seems utterly absurd, does it not? And yet, were they to do so, they could themselves play the victims of evil Republican election fraud. With a compliant and indeed eager media, nobody needs to guess how this would play out on the broadcast networks. The barrage of accusations would be loud, massive, and unceasing. Democrats would howl for a forensic investigation of polling data, etc. Clear evidence of felonious tampering with the ballots would appear and the spotlight would immediately fall on the Republicans. After all, why would the Democrats rig an election against themselves?
Having been condemned by Democrats, tried by media, and a gullible and lazy public turning against them, Republicans would do what they do best: retreat like sissies into defensive positions. They would turn out looking like stooges, cowards, and most importantly, GUILTY of massive election fraud. In the wake of this, Democrats, once again greatly aided and abetted by media, would get on the campaign as to why HR4 must be passed and signed into effect immediately. Think of the children! I would bet that there would be just enough shivering and/or paid-for Republicans to get the job done, after which the enactment of the bill would allow Democrats to take the presidential election in 2024, establishing their positions of authority in such matters in teh context of the newly amended voting laws for decades to come, or longer. Showing a landslide victory in the face of "public outrage" at Republicans, Democrats would then further capitalize on this turn of fortunes by citing it as a clear mandate by the American people for them do as they pleased.
So positioned, Democrats would be able to hold on to carefully managed margins of victory - thin enough to avoid suspicion by the average dullard - and keep the Republicans effectively shut out of power for a very long time. All the while, media would be pounding home the "nothing to see here, move along" message, while simultaneously blowing every Republican's in-grown toenail as a looming, apocalyptic threat to our belovèd democracy. The Republican party would be reduced to the status of window dressing for the purposes of maintaining the illusions of two-party rule, "democracy", and the ever devolving definition of "freedom".
Hopefully, such a grand conspiracy is not in the works, but given that this is big league politics, one should refrain from dismissing this seemingly wild possibility out of hand. If you are inclined to do so, bear in mind that history has shown without equivocation that fortune favors the bold, and that the more wildly and ambitiously unlikely the plan, the less likely is the average man to believe it could ever happen.
Remain strong, God bless the good land of America, and until next time please accept my best wishes.
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