The patterns of "government" are steady and predictable. Tyranny and lies are Theire stock in trade. Speaking in net terms, "government" brings nothing other than repression of our natural freedoms, violence, poverty, disease, and misery to the world. The evidence in support of this assertion is so overwhelming as to render absurd, prima facie, any and all attempts to argue to the contrary.
Humanity, having crossed some threshold of technological capability, has now provided "governments" with levers of power so mighty, a single individual given the false authority of dictator is able to threaten the wellbeing of the entire global population, human and otherwise†. The amounts of power now resident in the hands of those whose stewardship is rarely, if ever questioned, and yet stands eminently questioanble, are such that all life on the planet stand in peril precisely due to the dubious characters and agendas of those holding its reins.
The world is in the hands of madmen, and as the common perceptual sphere of the human race continues to wander ever farther from a central line of basic sanity, the average man becomes ever more accustomed and acclimated to ever wilder dangers such that those in power, the proverbial "Themme", are also swept along with the tide of perceptual change. This perforce renders the once unthinkable ever closer to becoming things to be considered. This is demonstrated by the recent threats of nuclear war by a head of state whose mental condition must be called into question by virtue of the very fact that he has so much as mentioned nuclear conflagration as an option. It is prima facie proof that the mind in question is either unhinged, or headed in that direction. To threaten such a thing is manifestly insane, and yet into such hands have we, the rest of humanity, placed such power.
Consider doddering old fools with nary the mental faculties to tie their own shoes, much less to lead a nation through a crisis brought on by the foolery of himself and his foreign counterparts, each chasing their respective, idiotic political agendas pursuant to ultimate goals perhaps unknowable, but which can be soundly assessed as incompatible with basic human freedoms and basic survival sense. What do such people want? The answers are irrelevant. All we need to know is that Theye violate their fellow human beings with cheap fanfare, hand-waving, and braying sounds; that it endangers every soul on the planet, and that time is long past for mean humanity to rise ever upward to a new and better standard of being, and take action to eliminate all tyrants and their rotten tyrannies from the planet now and for all time. To fail at this ensures the ongoing march toward abject chattel status of every human being on the planet, including that of the tyrants, for they build prisons of their own design about themselves, thinking they are somehow in better positions than those over whom they presume to lord.
Will you choose to see that which stares you in your face, or will you continue to buy and propagate the idiotic lies of "government"? The claim that without Themme, the world will fall into bottomless and unrecoverable chaos is the damnedest of all lies anyone has ever told. Are we so corrupted that we will, for the sake of our manifold duplicities allow the tyrant to achieve the goal of global hegemony such that the proverbial face being smashed by a boot will finally be your own? Is the standard you hold for the quality of your own life so timid, low, and paltry, that you will sell your soul in the form of all your freedoms and the rights that derive therefrom for the sake of a hollow existence of mere convenience and cheap, shiny trinkets?
Time is here, and the choice stands before you as it always has. You will make the choice, if only by default, because to not make it is to make it in fact, by the cheapest and most shamefully cowardly route possible. Is that the way you want things to go for you and everyone you purport to love? Doing nothing guarantees your inevitable fall into slavery so stark and obvious, that even the most willfully blind among us will no longer be able to deny the condition.
How can it be that anyone finds this circumstance acceptable? How is it possible that anyone could be so stricken with utter rot of the spirit and mind that they would stand for the dangers to which Theye expose the entire world? How can you stand for it without a sense of burning and agonizing shame, knowing that you are throwing away the only things for which life is worth living in exchange for lies of all sorts whose only intention is to secure your capitulation? How can you allow yourself to plumb the depths of individual depravity such that you quietly acquiesce to the stick and carrot show by which the tyrant both entices and threatens? Do you not see the power in the greater mass of humanity to put tyranny to its rightful end in virtually no time at all, the only requirement being that people simply refuse to cooperate?
Humanity debauched presents the single most pathetically sad spectacle imaginable. At one time people may have been able to justly claim ignorance, but in this era of readily available information, that era is now well past us, all the old excuses rendered invalid. We have no just basis for doing nothing in defense of that which should be defended to our last breaths. There is no excuse for failing to place the dissevered heads of all tyrants and their minions on the ends of spears; to physically destroy with grim non-equivocation all in "government" who trespass against their fellows; to finally show that least shred of self-respect that drives a man to remove from the book of life without hesitation, compunction, or the least tranche of mercy, each man and woman who steps up to don the mantle of the public trust, only to violate that trust in the manifold ways that those in "government" so commonly tend.
The time for equivocation and phony baloney pedantry is past. It is time to choose and then to act, for what time remains in opportunity for that choice, grows thinner by the day. People are beginning to awaken, but it is not enough. Wakening and expecting the problems newly perceived to be solved by others, much less by those who are the very source of those troubles, is no solution, but only the guarantee that the tyrant shall prevail. Wanting better is worth nothing when one is willing to make no effort toward it. In the case of liberty, the stakes are life itself. If you are unwilling to take that risk, then you are unworthy of your freedoms and deserve what horrors may then befall you. But being unworthy of salvation may in any event see you liberated nonetheless, for the relatively few of us who do in fact love their freedom sufficiently to merit saving, may drag the rest along in the wake of the fight which will have to come if humanity is to see anything of the better. But is that how you want it recovered to you, by din't of another's work and risk? Low will you have had to have plunged on the evolutionary scale to allow such a thing to occur, and cheap will you hold your freedoms if indeed you allow others to do the heavy lifting where you could have done your part, but failed to even try.
Mors tyrannis! Death to tyrants I say, and it is to this idea I pledge my life, my liberty, and my fortune, meager as they may all be. Will you do the same?
I pray for the people of America and of the greater earth to come to better sense; to rid themselves of the filth and stench of fear and the manifold other shortcomings that have lead them to this dolorous condition of meekly accepting the mandates of bloviating men unworthy of cleaning the average man's boots after his having stepped into a great steaming pile. May you all find the respect of self necessary to shake you from your stagnation in the great pools of filth into which you have allowed yourselves to be wallowed through the lies and false promises of devils pretending to be men. May you rise to displace and destroy those who would see you brought to ruin and misery. May we all find the better way, for the current conditions of privation and unnatural constraint are not mandatory, but are fact only because we have chosen them.
Have you learned the lesson yet? Rise and be free; rise and refuse further abuse!
Death to tyrants! God bless America and the promise it yet holds out to every man within its borders, and may that promise spill forth to every land, to every soul, and let us put tyranny to the sword, never again to be tolerated in the least measure.
May you find your way to the good, and until next time, please accept my best wishes.
† The current situation between Russia and Ukraine is a most recent and prime example of how one man, in this case Vladimir Putin, threatens the future of all life on the earth as he single-handedly initiated the invasion of Ukraine and has threatened nuclear war against his perceived enemies. How much more of a lesson does one need to see that "government" is never to be trusted to tell us water is wet?
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