Socialism/communism and all other similar authoritarian collectivists paradigms are the philosophies and attitudes of bitterness and capitulation before the challenges of life. They found upon a mindset that surrenders to those challenges without so much as the thought of meeting them head-on. They are the philosophies of defeated men.
So absurd and cowardly are these ridiculous notions that it stultifies the intelligent man's mind to consider the manner and shocking degree to which these architectures of collapse fail. How is it possible that human beings are able to accept, much less advocate for, arrangements so bereft of understanding of basic human nature, not to mention basic moral sense?
Marx inanely brayed and bloviated about seizing the means of production, and idiotic idea on its face, given the bankrupt assumptions upon which his ranting polemic was based. To this day, his low-IQ adherents continue to parrot Marx's mantra of bitter idiocy, essentially calling for the violent expropriation of private property, allegedly to be redistributed to "the people". This continuing faith to Marxist stoogery represents a monumental failure of creative thought - of capitulation to the challenges of life such that rather than meeting them head-on, such people believe we should devolve and degenerate into robbery for the sake of distributing the petty wealth of the world to those "in need" such that everyone on the planet may be equal. Sure, equally poor. Equally miserable. Equally enslaved.
The other failure to which this mindset of drooling stupidity gives rise is that of paying attention. While the "left" were grinding on with the endlessly repetitious repines about seizing the means of production, the people who have been actually solving the world's problems through inventive entrepreneurship have brought to the common man the first generations of digital production instrumentalities that actually put those means into the hamds of pretty well anyone who wants it.
There was no need for blood-soaked revolution, but only the freedom of individual people to come together and use their brains as more than mere hat racks. The 3D printer is slowly revolutionizing manufacturing such that anyone with ten square feet of space and a modicum of creative intelligence and the diligence to follow and idea to its end is now capable of going into manufacturing, whether on a small scale, large, or anything in between. We no longer have to steal what is in our neighbors' houses in order to make our ways in the world in good prosperity and, presumably, happiness and freedom. Advances in technology are enabling that which was heretofore not possible for want of instrumentality.
But have the lefties given up on their demands to eliminate all private property and to steal the means of production from those who built those means with their own diligent effort? No. They have, in fact redoubled their demands several times over with ever greater stridency and threats to those who oppose them. This tells me that their agenda has nothing whatsoever to do with freeing men from the shackles of evil capitalist overlords. Very much the oppoiste, their agenda is all about grabbing power into their own grubby mitts to the exclusion of all others. In other words, it's the same old pig with a different color of lipstick.
The means of production are well within the reach of any man willing to do what it takes to acquire them in morally just ways. We have no remaining excuse fro advocating widespread destruction, theft, and murder as means to the purportedly just end of "equality". Work your minwage joh if you must, saving those pennies for however long it may take until you have enough to purchase the machines you need to produce the products and services you imagine. At that point, the rest is up to the quality of your ideas in the context of the markets and the times. There are no guarantees, but there are opportunities just about anywhere one may care to look.
So to the Marxists and their manifold ilk I say this: if what you purport as your true intentions are in fact as you claim, then cut your revolutionary talk of overthrowing the evil capitalist world and get on board with the objective reality that now stares you in your kissers. Opportunity is pretty well guaranteed for anyone seeking it. Success, on the other hand, is not. Such is the nature of actual freedom, vis-à-vis the nature of the absurd fantasy of the authoritarian collectivist.
If you want to seize the means of production, you need go no further than you keyboard. Amazon and a thousand other vendors carry the full spectrum of instrumentalities at low low K-Mart prices. So relax, forget about violence pursuant to crimes you once thought noble, have a beer, see friends rather than enemies in your hard-working fellows, and join in the animating game. The only reason not to is fear, and the box awaits us all over the long horizon, so why give in to that most counterproductive of emotions?
It's a big pie and it gets bigger by the day. Go grab yourself a slice, but without committing the very crimes against which so many rightfully complain. Don't become that which you claim to deplore. Just imagine how satisfying a feeling it is to make your own way without riding the backs of others in criminal fashion. Until you've experienced it, you cannot imagine what it is like - the sheer joy of it. There is no need to rob and kill. Where you see scarcity, there exists abundance, but it must be made and you can be a maker - a PRODUCER. You are the means of production, so seize yourself and get to the good you say you wish to see for the world. That is how you will help make the world a better place.
Be well, be prosperous, and until next time, please accept my best wishes.
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