Sunday, March 20, 2022

Mr. IQ, Meet Mr. MQ and Mr. SQ

The concept of IQ, or Intelligence Quotient is well known to many people as a measure of basic, innate human intelligence.  While there remain controversy over the merits of the actual measurements used to arrive at the relevant numbers, the basic idea that there are differences in intellectual magnitude between individuals is well accepted across a broad cross section of the human population.

I would now like to introduce the idea of two more measures: The Moral Quotient (MQ), and the Smarts Quotient (SQ).  I would like to think of these as close analogs to the IQ assessment, only relating to a man's "moral intelligence", and that for his smarts, respectively.  The latter, of course, is as yet something of problematic, given that the body of human knowledge is so large.  This raises the question of for what shall we test?  Knowledge of physics?  Machining? Paining?  Farming?  Medicine?  Professional wrestling?

It would seem that the SQ should measure knowledge of a basic sort - things that perhaps ought to be common to all people.  Perhaps knowledge of things like the Principles of Proper Human Relations.  If you understand those well, the rest would seem to stand as secondary.

Imagine being able to measure a man's MQ and SQ and have those numbers publicly available of those people seeking to run for public office, for example.  If the measures were reliably and predictably accurate, it could go a long way toward dissuading the wanker wannabe tyrants from bothering in the first place, and failing that, providing a trustworthy basis upon which voters could make their choices.

It is just an idea, but I thought I would toss it out there to give you all something about which to think.  Imagine making it a requirement that all candidates for any government position take such tests, as well as that of basic personality types.  Naturally, the viability of such things would necessarily require the honest and competent administration of such assessments, but if we assume it for conversation's sake, perhaps it might give voters and edge against the scoundrels.

That's it for now.  Until next time, please accept my best wishes.

PS: This is somewhat tongue-in-cheek, but it is also somewhat forthright and serious.

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