When people know who they are, as well as other notions such as right from wrong, they cannot be messed about, save with the most strenuous and risk-laden effort. That is because people have an anchor point - a reference frame or standard - from which to judge the actions of others.
They cannot be cowed and commanded; they may remain closely free, assuming the right standards.
Similarly, when the reference frames are muddled, or just simply wrong, it can be nearly impossible to pile enough dynamite to get people to relinquish the death-grips they maintain with such stubborn faith to even the most blatant idiocies.
The modern tyrant has discovered that pooching the meaners' senses is precisely the way to get then to go along with whatever tyrannical thing the would-be lord might have in mind. If you don't know right from wrong, you will not be able to effectively assess that which you are being commanded to do. If you don't know who you are, you can be lead to believe nearly anything. Why do you think the globalist/communist/totalitarian sorts rail against "nationalism" so wildly? If you know what it means to be American, or French, or British, the tyrant can go only so far in getting you to kow tow, beyond which you are likely to take a good poke at him.
The more lost the individual, the more easily "authority" can get him to do what he is told.
I was an independent consulting engineer for 20 years. At a new engagement, my standard practice on first meeting was to unzip, place my greatness on the conference table, and ask "any questions?" I was NEVER ONCE challenged, and so I was always in charge to the degree that my presence required. THAT is humanity in a nutshell. The meaner is almost always willing to cede his own authority to anyone, and I mean ANYONE, who will arrogate that very authority to himself through mere assertion. Furthermore, the more an idiot you can make of the meaner through the now tried and tested means of corrupting influences, the more easily you can cow him into doing your bidding. People handed tens and sometimes hundreds of millions of their dollars to me because I put on the air of authority, even when I had absolutely no idea what in hell I was getting into. Being well capable, I always figured it out, of course. But had my clients known the truth, they'd have had strokes. But this is really the case in all such endeavors, but making the false appearances of being all-knowing experts has become de rigeur out of the necessity that arises as a result of what human beings have become. All too often, we WANT people to lie to us so we are free to stop thinking about whatever might be the issue at hand.
This is how the "state" operates. They set conditions that lead to artificial Stupid in as many people as possible - ENOUGH people - and the rest is easy, so long as you are fast and willing, eager even, to show a willingness to apply brute force, if pressed. People just back down, most of the time. But I know the trick and I rarely back down, but I'm one guy in a sea of billions, so the tyrants can afford to ignore me, as well as those of a similar stripe.
The flaws of the human animal are easily exploited by any human animal with eyes to see, and the nerve to act appropriately for the sake of power. It's been this way since humans have been writing things down for posterity. As of this writing, it appears it will remain that way in ever intensifying character, well into the blue future.
IOW, we are most likely hosed in the most distressful way, the worst of it being that we have done all this to ourselves. We could break the tyrant's back in a day or two, were we determined to do so. But that takes a stomach which we apparently lack, because being actually willing to disobey, much less kill them, are the only solutions at this point that remain to us. In a similar vein, a grim intolerance for any violation of one man by another seems a fundamental requirement for Freemen that the average Joe is simply unwilling to adopt. Too much work; too much risk, potentially too messy, and so forth. Humanity is so lost, it makes infinity look small. We are done, almost certainly.
I hope to be proven wrong, but my confidence is low at this time.
The modern tyrant has discovered that pooching the meaners' senses is precisely the way to get then to go along with whatever tyrannical thing the would-be lord might have in mind. If you don't know right from wrong, you will not be able to effectively assess that which you are being commanded to do. If you don't know who you are, you can be lead to believe nearly anything. Why do you think the globalist/communist/totalitarian sorts rail against "nationalism" so wildly? If you know what it means to be American, or French, or British, the tyrant can go only so far in getting you to kow tow, beyond which you are likely to take a good poke at him.
The more lost the individual, the more easily "authority" can get him to do what he is told.
I was an independent consulting engineer for 20 years. At a new engagement, my standard practice on first meeting was to unzip, place my greatness on the conference table, and ask "any questions?" I was NEVER ONCE challenged, and so I was always in charge to the degree that my presence required. THAT is humanity in a nutshell. The meaner is almost always willing to cede his own authority to anyone, and I mean ANYONE, who will arrogate that very authority to himself through mere assertion. Furthermore, the more an idiot you can make of the meaner through the now tried and tested means of corrupting influences, the more easily you can cow him into doing your bidding. People handed tens and sometimes hundreds of millions of their dollars to me because I put on the air of authority, even when I had absolutely no idea what in hell I was getting into. Being well capable, I always figured it out, of course. But had my clients known the truth, they'd have had strokes. But this is really the case in all such endeavors, but making the false appearances of being all-knowing experts has become de rigeur out of the necessity that arises as a result of what human beings have become. All too often, we WANT people to lie to us so we are free to stop thinking about whatever might be the issue at hand.
This is how the "state" operates. They set conditions that lead to artificial Stupid in as many people as possible - ENOUGH people - and the rest is easy, so long as you are fast and willing, eager even, to show a willingness to apply brute force, if pressed. People just back down, most of the time. But I know the trick and I rarely back down, but I'm one guy in a sea of billions, so the tyrants can afford to ignore me, as well as those of a similar stripe.
The flaws of the human animal are easily exploited by any human animal with eyes to see, and the nerve to act appropriately for the sake of power. It's been this way since humans have been writing things down for posterity. As of this writing, it appears it will remain that way in ever intensifying character, well into the blue future.
IOW, we are most likely hosed in the most distressful way, the worst of it being that we have done all this to ourselves. We could break the tyrant's back in a day or two, were we determined to do so. But that takes a stomach which we apparently lack, because being actually willing to disobey, much less kill them, are the only solutions at this point that remain to us. In a similar vein, a grim intolerance for any violation of one man by another seems a fundamental requirement for Freemen that the average Joe is simply unwilling to adopt. Too much work; too much risk, potentially too messy, and so forth. Humanity is so lost, it makes infinity look small. We are done, almost certainly.
I hope to be proven wrong, but my confidence is low at this time.
Until next time, please accept my best wishes.
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