-G. Michael Hopf
The quote describes a cycle that has repeated itself over and over throughout our history.
If a new America is to rise better than ever it was before, and if it is to be maintained, then we will be fighting for at least a whole generation or two to come because the malefactors who helped bring us to this sad pass shall remain and they will never give up.
This is a good thing. The fight against the silent usurpers and their whining and raging useful idiots, those we know as "left" or so ironically as "progressive", should serve to keep us united and strong. And if that perchance those malevolent elements return to the woodwork, the challenges to us will be even greater, because it was the great material prosperity of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries that lulled us into the complacency that landed us here.
More than any other nation in our recorded history, America needs to adopt a warrior culture. This does NOT mean becoming a war mongering people. Warrior culture, in a nutshell, is one where the people constantly prepare for the worst and hope for the best, suspicious of all who approaches Patrick Henry's altar of Liberty. They are well educated in the fundamentals of proper human relations. They are knowledgeable in moral proprieties and are raised to love all that is good between people. They are sternly intolerant of the intolerable; of all moral turpitude, and they know the difference between the morally abhorrent and that which is merely distasteful to some. Of these they are intolerant of the former and tolerant of the latter, a VERY important skill to have.
They are thick-skinned and know how to bear without complaint things they themselves find distasteful. They are the captains of themselves such that they are not offended by unflattering statements and sentiments.
Weakmen will always exist, even in a predominantly warrior culture. It is up to the warrior class to keep the Weakmen under control to the extent that they dare attempt to upset the status quo with criminal acts, attempting to achieve by transgressive mischief what has been heretofore so successfully accomplished in early twenty first century America. We now stand as a people teetering on the razor's edge of a bottomless abyss that still threatens to consume us and all our posterity. This must be remedied and never again allowed.
The so-called "greatest generation" was nothing of the sort, for they allowed their issue to stray from the path, whose children in turn strayed further, and theirs even farther afield to such a point as we now fund ourselves.
But none of this is to say that we ought not engage in self-reflection or that we ought never change anything about ourselves. Self-examination, properly employed, may lead to proper change, but people who live well amongst each other need be ever cautious about any changes in the basics because that is the brand of creep that sets the wheel in motion back toward that precipice. The "left" accomplished what they have through the stealth of what was once called "salami politics", applying their morally void changes in thin and almost imperceptible slices such that the American people, preoccupied with vacations, professional wrestling, and wringing their hands over what color the new BMW should be, failed to properly assess that which was happening right before their very eyes in plain sight. We must never again fall to such lows of individual character, but must become as monsters in defense of the good against the stealthily encroaching evils that beset us on all sides.
Every generation must renew its commitment to liberty, strength, propriety, and love for one another. And with our current technologies of instant and mass information transfer we hold in our hands the ability to remain aware both of things past, and of that which is currently developing. No longer do we hold title to the excuses of ignorance or powerlessness in the face of false authority and its attendant tyrannies. It is up to us to learn the metes, bounds, and requirements of proper civil liberty, as well as its rewards, and to cling to them like grim death; to defend it to our last breaths against the insidious and creeping threats who seek to usurp our freedoms for the sake of wielding powers to which they hold no valid claim.
The key lies in ATTITUDE... the warrior's attitude. Learn it. Embrace it. Love it. Defend it. Live it. Perpetuate it. Anything less virtually guarantees our reversion to chaos, poverty, disease, misery, and death as a people.
Mors tyrannis.
Mortem ad tyrannidem.
Until next time, please accept my best wishes.
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