It should be acknowledged that in spite of the apparent turning of the worm with the most recent elections, the grand malefactors remain a threat to all, and let me be very clear that those are people who typically ID as "left", "progressive", and so on down that list of misery-laden sorts who seek not to live their own lives, but to dominate yours. Here I speak of the first-line threats - the useful idiots of those whose names never see the light of day for the eyes of we the people. Those root-cause agents should be identified and aired out, but that task is vastly difficult to achieve as they hide behind 8-fold fences of obfuscation, both legal and material. But the aforementioned useful idiots are readily identifiable and targetable.
As long as we tolerate the material interferences of scoundrels, which is supposedly a sign of individual and societal moral virtue according to some, free men will have little opportunity to peaceably live their lives as they see fit in accord with the principles of proper human relations because those choices will always stand under threat and even outright attack from those who have no intention of respecting the rights of others. We unavoidably stand as potential victims of the perpetual hypocrites, liars, felons, and even murderers who pose perennial threats to liberty and all that attaches thereto.
There is the tolerable, and there is the intolerable. Threats against a man's free prerogatives to live as he pleases constitute clear and present dangers to every right to which he lays valid claim and should be met and addressed as such. Anyone acting to violate the rights of another should stand in immediate and grave jeopardy of losing their lives at the hands of those who would righteously defend against such felonious trespass.
But we live in an upside-down world where evil is worshipped and basic sense and decency is criminalized.
I am not optimistic that the human race will be able to continue into the longer term future without a physical showdown between the light and the dark because the latter incessantly and ever more egregiously seeks to trespass upon the former. At what point does one decide to brook no further violation of his sacred and God-given rights? How far must he be degraded, disparaged, threatened, and violated before he acts in accord with the dictates of basic moral sense and self-respect? In practical terms and on a national scale that could mean effective civil war, a circumstance nobody wants, but one which decent men must consider as a prudent and necessary option, perhaps even the only viable one in the face of an implacable foe who will stop at nothing to foist and force his vile tyrannies upon others.
The ill-bred mantra of "violence is never acceptable" is false, prima facie. It is a vile and bald-faced lie told by those who seek to remove or constrict one's freedoms with his consent as he sits idly, watching in the hideously mistaken belief that to act in his own defense is not just immoral, but criminal and unprofitable to his better interests. It is the devil convincing a man to climb the gallows, place the noose around his own neck, and pull the lever by dint of his free will, believing he is committing a sane, morally correct act of profit to himself.
All violators must be defied, resisted, and if push comes to shove, killed just as any sane man would respond to anyone attempting to rob, maim, or murder him. There exists no valid moral imperative to tolerate felonies perpetrated against oneself, whether by a thug on the street, or the thugs of a legislature and their enforcers. There exists no valid basis for accepting mandates that require one to violate himself, reducing himself in an act of free will to the status of a Weakman and de-facto slave.
The time is upon us for those of free and courageous hearts to rise as sovereigns and stand tall in grim and unrelenting defiance of the false authorities that have foisted themselves upon the world and who now stand so nakedly blatant before all people as such. Nigh is the time for men to choose freedom over slavery regardless of how pretty the bondage may appear and how cleverly it may be falsely peddled as liberty.
Time is upon us to stop complying in open and loudly sneering insubordination to the Tyrant, and to come together as brothers in liberty, ever prepared to smite the evildoers and their bloodlines into the dust of death for the sake of the freedom God has gifted to all men. Those who refuse to govern themselves properly in accord with the equal rights of all people shall be governed through the intervention of their fellows, the endeavor to be undertaken with grave determination to instill a bitter but just and unequivocal lesson in how to behave properly. This is a central requirement of a free people, who make no compromises where their freedoms are concerned, regardless of how seemingly trivial or necessary, and tolerate no breaches of the relevant proprieties. The mere suggestion by one man of such improprieties should raise the ire of all around him and cause him to become recipient of the most grave warnings of the threats he faces if he dares make material good on his mistaken notions.
The era of blind and indiscriminate tolerance must end today for the sake of humanity's future, for it is a clarion call to self-destruction masquerading as moral virtue. It is a damnable lie that threatens the welfare of every man and entices him to abandon the responsibility he holds to himself and his fellows to develop his skills of sound judgment of the words and deeds of all men, for such skill is one of the things the Tyrant so ironically cannot bear to tolerate. Men who possess such abilities of refined discrimination cannot be fooled into tolerating that which is evil, thereby leaving them in the position to neutralize much of the Tyrant's power.
Rise. Stand tall. Become powerful. Learn and embrace moral rectitude, rather than weakness. Reject incapacities in the knowledge of right and wrong between men so as to avoid being ineffectual in the world to work against the perpetual onslaughts of the evil plotters and their cadres of endlessly dangerous fools who represent the boots-on-the-ground elements of the men who would see your freedoms insulted, disparaged, and ultimately destroyed. Freedom is an all-or-nothing proposition. One is either free, or he is something else. There are no degrees of freedom, but only of servitude.
Close your mind off to the poisons of the so-called "left", the ironically labeled "progressives" and all others who seek to circumscribe your morally rightful prerogatives. Become strong and congeal into powerful communities whose defining hallmark is an intransigent love of liberty and an utter intolerance of trespass. Work tirelessly to bring freedom's antagonists to endless fatigue, frustration, anger, bitterness, and force them into the choice of putting up or shutting up. This is a matter of practicality, and of self-respect.
Forever regard with keen suspicion and the ready will to dismantle joint by joint all who approach Patrick Henry's sacred altar of Liberty.
Become a warrior, desirous of peace, but ready to do what it takes to destroy all comers who would have free men corralled and constricted in violation of all moral propriety. Such people must never be tolerated insofar as they materially act pursuant to their vile sentiments and intentions, and who must otherwise be shunned as enemies of all that is good between people. Deny them all benefits of communion with their betters until such time as they amend their opinions with respect to the rights of all men and the proper regard and treatment of their fellows. Leave them otherwise to their devices so long as they refrain from trespass. But in the case that they commit mischief beyond the metes and bounds of their rights, leave them in states of long-standing cause for self-reflection, or in the appropriate cases, their remains for the coyotes.
Mors Tyrannis
Mortem ad Tyrannidem.
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