Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Contain, Thwart, And Disparage Progressive Tyrants


Of late, the currently entrenched "establishment" has been trumpeting on about the greatest threats to "democracy" and mankind's very survival.  Naturally, they are stating in the most absolute terms that the top spot is occupied by people of white European descent, especially the men, the next greatest threat not so much as even in the rear view mirror.  Therefore, all non-white people should be getting their raging hatred ginned up quite thoroughly, lest the white man drive them into slavery.  It would all be mildly comedic, were the results not so corrosive and dangerous to all that is good between people.

President Joe Biden has been at this for years, as have all those who are his incestuous political and philosophical fellows.  As the loom of a second Trump presidency hangs ever more menacingly in the withered minds and corrupted souls of the essential communists, so thinly and every so ironically labeled as "progressives", they have ramped up their usual frenetic and exaggerated rhetoric to logarithmically growing tenors as they shriek, rage, and gruesomely gnash their teeth in grotesque grimace such that basically nobody but the most stunted pay them the least heed any longer.  The American left has wildly over-played their hand, and those chickens are now piecemeal wandering home to roost.  We now even see subsets of their following turning their backs; those whose minds have not yet been quite completely digested by the acids of the decay-promoting progressive world view.  

The mental and moral disease of progressivism is the actual threat.  It appeals to the emotions through the use of very carefully chosen words, phrases, slogans, and a host of deeply tacit and very vaguely expressed concepts that promise things that fly in the face of liberty and of basic, hard-wired human nature.  The false promises of progressivism play upon the inherent corruptibility of the human animal, and a vast plurality of us seem quite content, nay eager, to cash in regardless of the deeper truths that bespeak nothing better than abject servitude and its attendant miseries and erosions.  Progressivism promises that which may never become possible.  But far more importantly, even if those misbegotten promises ever proved materially feasible, they would nonetheless prove cancerous to liberty because they are based in dependence upon outside agency for one's every need and desire, placing every individual at the mercy of those third-parties' deign and caprice.  

Vast legions of people have allowed themselves to be convinced that they want such a utopian world which comports in perfect lockstep with the progressive ideal. This is the greatest and foulest lie, claiming that individual liberty is best protected by the "state".  It is the single most dangerous political notion ever to have been foisted upon humanity.  It is a candy with so venomous a center as to be unavoidably fatal to liberty, and therefore to all that makes life worth the living, reducing it to mere existence and daily torment. It is the lie whose reality is the diametric opposite of that which it claims as its truth.

Nevertheless, the so-called "left" has managed to do its job well with its endlessly fallacious "logic", if we can even call it that. The progressive argument appeals solely to the emotions of morally intact people such that they inevitably become morally corrupted, betrayed by their good hearts into accepting that which may seem superficially appealing, but which any sane and intact man of nominal capacity instantly recognizes as intolerable with so much as even the most casual scrutiny.

Make no mistake, the "left" are absolute devils in terms of real results, regardless of intentions. They masquerade ever so ironically as the holders of a moral and intellectual high-ground, which rises not even to the laughable.

My raw emotional impulse is to declare that they should be destroyed physically to the very last man. But when I put emotion aside in favor of a soundly strategic logic, it becomes apparent that taken alone such measures are not sufficient to the accomplishment of good ends in the longer term. Taken as a strategy, the immediate destruction of an enemy at best represents a palliative measure that fails in time due to incapacity. Even in those cases where it may prove a necessary tactical measure, it can never be sufficient to the broader goal of long-term stability for abiding and unassailable freedom. Unless an adequate majority come to a better understanding of the principles of proper human relations, as well as that of an attitude of comprehending and embracing the true nature of proper human freedom in not only its glory, but its burdens, the human prospect will continue to grow ever more grim.

Generally, the only long-term solution is for a people to adopt a culture of proper moral and intellectual propriety where the endless ironies of the leftist and other unsound world views are rejected utterly and are afforded no tolerance whatsoever for imposition. Let every generation give those views the twice-over of close, competent, impartial scrutiny afresh, such that they may themselves reinvent the wheel that leads intact minds and souls to reject feloniously dangerous idiocies, the acceptance of which lead only to endless disease, misery, and death. Leave for them treatises of well-tested and continually reconfirmed demolitions of false philosophies such that the young may come to know the how's and why's that reveal false political philosophies for the dangers that they are.
The tenets of progressivism lead to precisely that for which it sycophants claim to seek utter eradication. I swear, it's gag-reel of all time.

The long term solution in defense against the ravages of progressivism also includes the shunning of those of a left-bent, while leaving them to their devices to the point that they transgress against the rights of their fellows. Once that line is crossed however, one addresses the circumstance with grim intolerance. At such points free men respond by shutting criminals away into prison colonies, or in the more extreme cases killing them outright where the immediate threat justifies it, which is what we usually call "war". In the case of the progressives, where their transgressions are concerned, our judgments upon their crimes must be significantly aggravated by the dangerous and intrinsically violative philosophical idiocies over to which they have willingly given themselves. There can be no excuse for such choices and where such people choose to commit crimes, their world views must be taken into consideration as said aggravating factors.

Additionally, war must be recognized and assessed not by the words bandied about by those unworthy of our trust (politicians, for example), but by what we witness in terms of actions taken. Rioting is naught but a euphemism for "war", yet many fail to recognize this, believing the lie that war is only that which "governments" say it is. Make no error in the belief that the material acts in violation of your rights is anything other than acts of outright war against you. They do not have to be waging physical acts against you in order to qualify as warring. Legislative acts that prescribe disparagements of your rights, regardless of degree, and which are enacted into statute that is materially enforced by men with swords constitute such acts of war in trespass against the sovereignty of all.

Think for yourselves and never trust "government", for that is the first step in leaving ajar the door to tyranny. All "government" must be regarded with utter distrust at all times, not just those of the progressive ilk. Nothing said by agents of "government" is to be taken at face value, but is to be regarded with utmost suspicion with said agents being made constantly aware that you have your eye on them and are ready and eager to take them to task for even the most seemingly innocuous of transgressions including the mere appearance of impropriety. Such extreme intolerance and the will to take violators to the woodshed is the only thing that will keep "government" on its maximally foreshortened leash. The moment our hold on that chain is relaxed even in the least measure, the slack is immediately taken up and more is brazenly demanded. This is the nature of those who hold such positions and it must be countervailed with zero tolerance or remit. The threat of gruesome violence is the only thing that those in positions of governance understand and respect. Removal of that threat has proven the downfall of all civilized humanity across the ages in every single instance, there being not so much as a single exception to this result. It is universal and predictable with utter and absolute perfection.

The epoch of tolerating the intolerable must come to an end, or else the human race is in fact doomed, and at the time of this writing, humanity dances on that razor's edge, regardless whether it wishes to acknowledge the fact. And so as always, we stand at a nexus where the choice is to be made as to what sort of a world we will leave for our great grandchildren. It is a choice that every single human being will make because there is no escaping that responsibility. The only question remaining is whether one makes the choice actively, or in passive default. What will you tell your children's children if you chose the coward's way out, failing to stand tall as a Freeman and thus leaving to your filial posterity a world of pretty (or not-so-pretty) slavery? Is that what you really want? If not, then get out of your comfy chair and do what is needed. If you do not know, find people who do and learn not only what is to be done, but to love what is needed and to love freedom in all its glory, its risks, its burdens, and its scariness, because no matter how tough it may be to be free, and it is plenty of all that, it is infinitely preferable to subservience of any form or degree. Death to tyrants and an end to all tyranny. That should be the most immediate goal for all the people of the earth. May you find your way to the Good Place, and have above all things the courage and determination to defend it with your last breath. Contain, thwart, tightly circumscribe, and disparage all tyrants and their wannabes, progressives being the worst of the lot. God bless all free people, and until next time please accept my best wishes.

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