As I watched President Trump's address to Congress just last night, 4 March 2025, I was appalled but not surprised to observe the Democrat side of the House as they made no effort to so much as veil their sullen and bitter countenances as the president delivered a well constructed set of valid, reasonable, and welcomed messages to America.
For every absurdity referenced by President Trump and his vow to neutralize them, which was met with applause by the Republicans and many Independents, the cameras revealed Democrats smirking with smug disgust and flagrant hatred of the man whose administration was raining on their decades-long parade of bottomless corruption and outright criminality.
As President Trump revealed the crimes to which Americans have been subjected, Democrats raised their little placards which read "false", as they attempted to shout down the Chief Executive.
When President Trump heaped honor upon a young black child who had survived brain cancer, and having announced that the boy was now officially an agent of the United States Secret Service in fulfillment of his dreams, which received thunderous standing applause, the Democrats remained impassive and looking as bitter and disaffected as they could manage.
President Trump announced the acceptance of a young man's application to West Point. More applause, save for Democrats whose facial expressions of bile-infused defeat failed to escape America's notice.
President Trump acknowledged the two women who were brutally murdered by illegal aliens and revealed the fulfillment of his promises to their families. Again applause, except for Democrats who refused to show even that much grace toward their fellow human beings.
On and on it went for about one hour and forty minutes. Nothing Trump said was untrue or outrageous to rational and morally intact human sensibility, and yet the Democrats proved that night to the entirety of the human race that of which they are really made, contradicting every claim they make on that point. They showed the world the lengths to which they would go to vent their unreasoned ire, bile, and raw and undifferentiated hatred of a man whose only sin thus far has been to expose "government" corruption, waste, crime, and stupidity.
There may have been a small number of items for which the withholding by Democrats of acknowledgment may have been at least plausibly reasonable, however vanishingly. But there was a vast majority of items for which Democrat seethe and loathing served only to expose to the world the moral degeneracy to which they cleave for their very existences. They have no valid and reasonable answer to any biting criticisms to which they may now be freely put, unless they intend on claiming they'd all been somehow drugged by Republican agents and were thereby not responsible for their depraved behavior.
As the days continue to pass, Democrats and their manifold allies continue to dig, dig, dig. To them I ask they send my greetings to Beijing when finally they breach the surface in the Forbidden City.
How anyone could be so utterly blind to their own pyrotechnically spectacular failings escapes me. It's as if they want to be destroyed, perhaps for the sake of being relieved of the strains of maintaining the absurd views to which they have wed themselves so undyingly. Perhaps the weak egos in question refuse to do it honestly, as that would require the admission that they were wrong. But if they continue digging, when failure inevitably consumes them, they can then claim to have been loyal to their principles and that defeat came not as the result of any culpability of theirs, but as the result of Eville™ Republican duplicity and chicanery.
Who knows, and quite frankly who cares?
The era of tyranny must now stand to be put to ends. We, the people of the earth no longer possess the least valid excuse for not throwing from our necks the vampires that have fed upon and oppressed us for thousands of years.
The Democrats are by far the worst of the American tyrants, but fear not because you are not alone. There is blame to go around to all quarters, corners, cracks, and crevices.
We should be thankful for their disgraceful behaviors last night. We now see with no toehold for equivocation just what those people are really about, and we were right all along.
Mors tyrannis, and as always please accept my best wishes.
Wednesday, March 5, 2025
Democrats Disgrace And Dishonor Themselves At Trump Address
Monday, February 24, 2025
Tyrants Confess Their Guilt
When you are as corrupt as the day is long at the poles, questions are the last thing you want raised. The deeper and more heinous the corruption, the more you will wail, howl, shriek, and rage against even the most superficial and insignificant query.
In all the wild complaining of certain quarters regarding the activities of the so-called "DOGE", we are witnessing the confessions of the guilty, albeit obliquely. DOGE must continue even if SCOTUS says they may not. We stand in times of deep, dangerous, and extraordinary tyranny. We can no longer afford to be delicately polite in our investigations because we have all lived the reality of where undue mannerliness has gotten us, versus the devils who endeavor to cheat, subjugate, and devour us.All its associated challenges notwithstanding, I thank God for the rise of the global network. It has changed everything. There no longer exists the least excuse for the presence of tyranny of any form or degree on the earth, much less so in America. The time for the era of abject and near-universal human misery must be at its end. Any extant and future tyrants unwilling to yield to the proprieties of humankind's inherent liberties must be physically eliminated with cold, clinical indifference and efficiency. To tolerate such company is to beg to be dominated by monsters, to be consumed by them, our rights dismissed as mere myths, fairy tales, and lies.
It is time to become the light.
Mors Tyrannis, and as always, please accept my best wishes... unless you're a tyrant.
Friday, February 21, 2025
We Should All Be Concerned
These past four weeks have seen vast torrents of hand-wringing, almost all by the so-called "left" over the actions that the Trump administration are taking, much of it the gutting and elimination of various agencies such as the ironically named Department of Education.
Most surprising there is that the lefties are absolutely correct, apparently completely by accident. They are manifesting the right reactions for what I believe to be utterly mistaken reasons, but that is neither here nor there with respect to my purposes in this passage. Anti-social media a abuzz with all manner of dire warnings, and right that it should be.
Because we are so deeply degenerated in political terms, the "system" so broken, we cannot rely on normal means for making the desperately needed corrections precisely because said broken system cannot be trusted in the vein of normal operation. Were we, for example, to trust Congress to investigate itself, what epsilon of hope could any rational and honest man expect to hold that just outcomes would result?
Therefore, we have a choice before us.
Door #1: do nothing for the sake of formal compliance to that system's normal and accepted procedures to be respected and observed under conditions that include virtuous men discharging their sworn duties to the Public Trust or,
Door #2: take extraordinary measures.
The former changes nothing and basically guarantees the doom of everything Americans claim to hold dear. Even the lunatics of the left will lose all, regardless whether they acknowledge that fact.
At this point we can act or we can fold. I prefer action and behind Door #2 there are two more, Doors A and B. Behind A is Trump's way. Behind Door B, we start shooting. Trump's way avoids the tragedies of a blood-soaked civil war, the courageous genius of his strategy lying largely in the fact that his actions still manage to work well within the limits of the so-called "system", albeit in extraordinary terms. Door B just gets tons of people killed and reduces us as a people to savagery to whom nobody wants to fall victime.
I therefore choose Door A. We can always shoot later if the necessity arises.
As things stand at the moment, Team Trump is America's best hope for at least some measure of recovery from the raw tyranny that has crept up on us since 1865 and until recently had been at full and roughshod gallop. But they are not enough. We, the people of America, need to undergo a sea-change in the way we view our places in the scheme of political things. We need to see a better way of living, a way of intolerance of even the most trivial sorts of petty tyranny, and to punish with grim cruelty those who violate their oaths of good faith and competent service. Neither malefactors nor bumblers and dunderheads are to be tolerated in any measure or manner whatsoever. They must be excised and made to regret with great bitterness their errors an malfeasances, and it must be made very public as reminders to all who dare so much as even approach Patrick Henry's Alter of Liberty, that on pain of pain severe do they do so and that no taint to that sacred edifice of Freedom shall ever be met with anything less than harsh consequence.
Recall the quip, "government of the people, by the people, and for the people." I would amend it to refer to "governance" rather than non-existent "government". We are the governors, primarily of ourselves, but in the cases where individuals fail to do so, we must govern them at least for a time. This requires much of us, especially in civic awareness and in an attitude of being sentinels in guard of everything we hold dear as civilized human beings. Until we become the governors, watching over not only our own best interests, but those of all our fellows, we shall remain subject to the whim and caprice of scoundrels and others unworthy of the liberties and blessings of a free land. YOU are the governor of your own life, but must also stand sentry over those into whose hands you have entrusted the limited and regretfully necessary functions of the "state".
We have been raped and raked over the coals by crooks and criminals. The time is here to put all tyranny to the long deep sleep of eternity, to rise as people flush with the self-respect of the Freeman who brooks no insult to his liberty.
Learn what is right between men, embrace and love it. Make it the heart of who you are as a human being and see its sacred nature in yourself and in all others. Stand tall in the pride of having been blessed with a free nature and be prepared to give everything you own for its sake, for without your liberty, you have nothing worthy of life.
And if you don't know enough of what is right, then I will recommend you start here.
And as always I will add that what we need is Amendment 28, that there remain no possible ambiguity as to where things stand between us and those in whom we vest provisional trust:
Here's to hope for a brighter day, and as always please accept my best wishes.
Sunday, February 16, 2025
What Is Anarchism?
There seem to be a great number of conflicting notions of what defines "anarchism". Sadly, the term now carries such massive baggage that it is really become an almost useless instrument for conveying a sound and rational idea. Consider the "anarchists" whose work helped precipitate the onset of the Great War (world war 1). In other quarters there are those who call themselves "anarchist" who are nothing but relabeled communists. Ugh... the horror. Some few years ago I coined "autodiathism" in an attempt to separate what I would like to term "true anarchism" or "pure anarchism" from all those other mangled and rotten notions upon which the label has been plastered over the past century and then some. "Autodiathism" from the Greek for "self determination", the idea there being the freedom to chart one's own path for his life, free from outside interferences, all else equal and in accord with the Principles of Proper Human Relations.
Put succinctly, anarchism is freedom. It is proper freedom in the context of living amid your fellow human beings. Were you the only person left on earth, you would be free to do whatever you pleased, including lighting off a strategic nuke in lower Manhattan, if it pleased you because the only human being effected by your actions would be you. There would be nobody else to feel the effects of any choice you made, nor would there be anyone to call you to account for your actions. Therefore, you would be perfectly free within the limitations that physical reality places on all of us. But you're not alone in this world.Living among and amid your fellows changes things, if only slightly, such that you become obliged to fulfill an obligation not to violate the equal claims of others... that is, if you hold an expectation of having YOUR rights respected, and I know of nobody who repudiates such claims for themselves. Proper human relations founds centrally and primarily on not acting hypocritically. Want love? Be loving. Want respect? Be respectful... and so on down the list of wishes and wants common to all men. This is the essence of the Principles of Proper Human Relations. Live. Let live. Do no unjust harm. What you want for yourself in terms of your most basic claims, you are behooved to grant and respect for those around you. This is nothing other or less than the Golden Rule itself, and it is perfect as is. There is no other Law of Nature that men need adopt for themselves both literally as individually, and abstractly as societies. It is complete, correct, and clear.
It this that defines anarchism at its heart, it is my definition of "autodiathism". But that's the normative side of the coin. The positive side involves putting such norms into actual practice, which in turn primarily and most significantly involves dealing with those who fail to observe the requirements of those norms. No "government" ("anarchy") does not mean no governance. In an ideal anarchic world, people govern themselves properly in accord with the Principles of Proper Human Relations, thereby obviating any need for third-party governance of any given individual or group thereof.
We do not, however, live in that world and likely never shall, though one can always hope and men can always strive toward that ideal. Therefore, when an individual fails to properly govern himself, and the reasons for such failure are irrelevant, he must then be governed by others until such time as he returns to self-possession and has made whole anyone to whom he has brought injury. Until then, people hold every authority to do what is necessary to ensure that such people are called to account for their transgressions in violation of the Principles of Proper Human Relations, and to further ensure that they are rendered incapable of committing further harms until such time as they are deemed again fit to be released to the company of their fellow humans.
When people govern themselves properly, the world becomes a far happier, healthier, and more prosperous place. When they fail, it becomes necessary that they be governed by others lest they run further amok in violation of their fellow brethren.
Our grand failing as a species lies in the fact that we have allowed things to run this far off the lines of propriety. Equally, it is our fault that we have failed to bring the mean man to proper understandings of what it means to live properly among his fellows. Some of this failing can be excused as matters of ignorance or the presence of mistaken ideas. But some of it is by all means rooted in the corruption of individuals occupying positions of power who, by virtue of their villainy endeavored to ensure that "the people" remained in states of gross ignorance and material poverty such that their susceptibility to criminal corruption would be cultivated and grown, rather than mitigated, thereby superficially convincing the world of the need for that power structure to remain in place, lest the world fall into chaos. It's the Hegelian Dialectic at work as it has been for thousands of years: create a threat real or imagined, present the solution and yourself as the only one capable of delivery, and take over. And it works every time like a charm.
Get a critical mass of humanity on the same page and this problem would likely disappear in near totality, whatever remnants that would exist being easily and readily absorbed and addressed by the greater body of humanity such that the harms that plague us today would be all but eliminated.
Until then, the world as we know it goes on diminishing and disparaging all that is good between men.
We can do it, but as things currently appear, we will choose otherwise because most people cannot see the forest for the trees. It's a tough position in which we find ourselves. Only time will tell whether we will come to choose more wisely.
Mors Tyrannis, and as always please accept my best wishes.
Tuesday, February 11, 2025
The Brilliance Of Donald Trump & Co.
Donald Trump is a brilliant strategist. Here is a snippet the news media including traitorous Fox News have largely and purposely neglected to disseminate to the public at large.
Back during the Obama administration there was a gigantic fiasco with the computer system developed for signing people up for so-called "Obamacare". It was an unmitigated failure and an utter disaster that would have embarrassed and shamed Obama irreparably, had he any lick of sense.However, Obama's handlers were pragmatists of sufficient mien to understand that the failure could not stand. And so the Obama administration established a new agency, the United States Digital Service (USDS), whose putative mission was to correct the failings that lead to the aforementioned disaster.
Whatever happened to USDS? It fell into effective disuse, though it remained on the books, replete with funding, personnel, and all of its ostensive authorities.
Here's where the genius comes in. Trump and company have a mission to drain the swamp. How, prithee tell, is one to do such a thing, particularly where one is certain to meet with every manner of resistance from the manifold malefactors in whose interest is it to ensure that the status quo be preserved?
Team Trump's tactic was pure brilliance. Trump took an established and recognized agency of the federal government, USDS, renamed it "DOGE", and populated it with a team of his choosing pursuant to the objective of repurposing an idle asset of the federal government. Therefore, and contrary to the shrill howling of some, mostly Democrats I would add, who claim that Congress has not established DOGE or in any way approved of it, they are mistaken. It was established by Congress under Obama, is fully funded and carries as much authority to do what it is doing as any other federal agency. Detractors have no leg upon which to stand in this matter, Trump having taken a humble framing hammer and having reforged it into an instrument of righteous and just correction.
For the hand wringing sorts who think Trump is acting outside of his constituted powers as Chief Executive, you are dead-wrong. The purge and cleansing of the Washington DC "swamp" shall continue and it shall be very painful for those who made losing bets, and in so doing became knowingly and actively complicit in the crimes of "government". The time to pay what is owed to those whose trust they so egregiously betrayed is upon them. Let them take solace in the knowledge that the severe punishments that should be heaped upon them will likely be greatly mitigated due to Trump's overly soft heart and his apparently genuine desire to get done the job of cleaning house that has been befouled beyond recognition. That means not lingering too long on trying to squeeze every drop of well earned punishment from each and every one of the guilty. The real treasure here lies in the exposure of the criminals to the cleansing light of day, as well as what may prove the most crucially valuable political lessons ever bestowed to the American people. May we learn them well and never forget.
Love him, hate him, but never ever deny that Trump is a remarkable strategist and highly adept tactician. Until next time, please accept my best wishes.
Friday, January 17, 2025
What Is The Public Trust?
There exists a notion which is almost utterly disregarded by people on the whole. It is ignored by teachers, college professors, politicians, parents, and the so-called "media". And yet, it is one of the most singularly significant ideas of civilized living, along with those of inherent human rights and the freedoms that they unavoidably imply with raw, implacable, and invincible force.
Ultimately, it is the idea central to that of proper governance without which almost any horror imaginable may arise in the name of "government".
The concept to which I refer here is that of the Public Trust. However, here my intention is not to make reference to the traditional notion of Public Trust, which speaks to the proper management of natural and other common resources such as navigable waterways, for instance.
Rather, I am addressing a more fundamental, far broader, and very literal sense of "trust", which relevantly denotes the faith placed by one into the presumed good character of another such that the former expects the latter to speak and act in ways pursuant to the former's best interests. I speak of the duty of those in positions of governance† to act in the best interest of those to whom they swore oaths of good faith and competent service (OOGFACS), and to whom they are thereby bound in a fiduciary capacity.
This alternate notion of the Public Trust constitutes a Special Trust that I refer to as being fully and unbreakably owed by those who take upon themselves that mantle of obligation, to those whom their oaths have been sworn. Here we refer to something far broader, deeper, and crucial to the interests of liberty than the usual reference. Public Trust is a Special Trust, the terms being effectively interchangeable for all practical purposes. I will add that a Special Trust, which is to say the Public Trust, is one the violation of which constitutes a felony of the most grave and unforgivable nature.
It is my objective now to define the term such that it serves the purposes of freedom, that all violations upon the liberties of men taken in the context of this definition cannot be validly justified or excused.
To wit:
Public Trust, noun:
The trust implicitly invested and afforded by The People in those individuals who occupy positions of governance or other Public Service, and who have sworn oaths of good faith and competent service to The People. Having so sworn, they then bear upon themselves a duty to act in the best interests of those to whom their oaths have been solemnly promised and perfected. This promise includes, most crucially, that of refraining from, and the explicit refusal of, the commission of violations against the inherent rights of any man by act or other deed, intended or mistaken. Furthermore, if such violations occur, the violators are obliged to make all possible restitutions to those against whom they have trespassed, lest they otherwise explicitly confess themselves guilty through such failure as having intentionally committed the crime, which shall serve as a severe aggravating factor in the matter of their guilt, of which at that point there shall exist no reasonable doubt.
Special Trust, noun:
The solemn, sacred, but conditional confidence, belief, certitude, and credence of The People in those who have sworn to them oaths of good faith and competent service, the unamended and/or unrepentant violation of which constitutes a High Felony of the most grievous, egregious, and unforgivable sort and which must be punished with grim measure.
With these definitions in hand, the position of "government" is altered in significant quantum. It becomes clear that those in positions of governance, from President to village dog catcher and mailman, are by no means the masters of the rest, but mere servants whose obligations to do no harm far outstrip any purport to authority such people might claim, real or imagined††. That obligation stands as the first and foremost duty of all who occupy such positions of Special Trust, of the Public Trust, and when they violate and made no admission of their guilt nor effort to restore those whom they have harmed, no less than the full weight of justice is to fall upon them in all its might and fury.
The time for tolerance of the intolerable must now come to an end. "Government" and all who occupy its halls as denizens much be put in their proper places with the clear and unmistakable understanding of what can be expected when the rights of The People are crossed. This is the only just and proper response to the wrongs committed by such individuals in the name of "government" and "the state". Such grave intolerance must be taken up by all men and never again neglected in even the least instance where rights have so much as been bumped against ever so gently without consent. Let it be clear that there exists no such thing as implied consent where such trespass is concerned. This is a lie that those in "government" have foisted upon The People to further streamline their capacities for ever growing violation such that they now believe themselves entitled to do as they please, when they please, the rights of The People be damned.
Tolerate no disparagement. Fight Themme††† every step and for ever scrap of that which is rightly yours.
Mors tyrannis!
Be good, learn all you can of that which is right and proper between people, and until next time please accept my best wishes.
†Often referred to as "government" or "the state"
††Most often imagined... or more likely schemed
††† Those in material political power, holding the ability to impose upon others changes that effect the rights of some or all people. Politicians are the prime example of Themme, but they are not the only ones. Anyone with such power might a member of Theire cadre, as well as those willing to act as their agents.
Wednesday, January 15, 2025
Contain, Thwart, And Disparage Progressive Tyrants
Of late, the currently entrenched "establishment" has been trumpeting on about the greatest threats to "democracy" and mankind's very survival. Naturally, they are stating in the most absolute terms that the top spot is occupied by people of white European descent, especially the men, the next greatest threat not so much as even in the rear view mirror. Therefore, all non-white people should be getting their raging hatred ginned up quite thoroughly, lest the white man drive them into slavery. It would all be mildly comedic, were the results not so corrosive and dangerous to all that is good between people.
President Joe Biden has been at this for years, as have all those who are his incestuous political and philosophical fellows. As the loom of a second Trump presidency hangs ever more menacingly in the withered minds and corrupted souls of the essential communists, so thinly and every so ironically labeled as "progressives", they have ramped up their usual frenetic and exaggerated rhetoric to logarithmically growing tenors as they shriek, rage, and gruesomely gnash their teeth in grotesque grimace such that basically nobody but the most stunted pay them the least heed any longer. The American left has wildly over-played their hand, and those chickens are now piecemeal wandering home to roost. We now even see subsets of their following turning their backs; those whose minds have not yet been quite completely digested by the acids of the decay-promoting progressive world view.
The mental and moral disease of progressivism is the actual threat. It appeals to the emotions through the use of very carefully chosen words, phrases, slogans, and a host of deeply tacit and very vaguely expressed concepts that promise things that fly in the face of liberty and of basic, hard-wired human nature. The false promises of progressivism play upon the inherent corruptibility of the human animal, and a vast plurality of us seem quite content, nay eager, to cash in regardless of the deeper truths that bespeak nothing better than abject servitude and its attendant miseries and erosions. Progressivism promises that which may never become possible. But far more importantly, even if those misbegotten promises ever proved materially feasible, they would nonetheless prove cancerous to liberty because they are based in dependence upon outside agency for one's every need and desire, placing every individual at the mercy of those third-parties' deign and caprice.
Vast legions of people have allowed themselves to be convinced that they want such a utopian world which comports in perfect lockstep with the progressive ideal. This is the greatest and foulest lie, claiming that individual liberty is best protected by the "state". It is the single most dangerous political notion ever to have been foisted upon humanity. It is a candy with so venomous a center as to be unavoidably fatal to liberty, and therefore to all that makes life worth the living, reducing it to mere existence and daily torment. It is the lie whose reality is the diametric opposite of that which it claims as its truth.
Nevertheless, the so-called "left" has managed to do its job well with its endlessly fallacious "logic", if we can even call it that. The progressive argument appeals solely to the emotions of morally intact people such that they inevitably become morally corrupted, betrayed by their good hearts into accepting that which may seem superficially appealing, but which any sane and intact man of nominal capacity instantly recognizes as intolerable with so much as even the most casual scrutiny.Make no mistake, the "left" are absolute devils in terms of real results, regardless of intentions. They masquerade ever so ironically as the holders of a moral and intellectual high-ground, which rises not even to the laughable.
The long term solution in defense against the ravages of progressivism also includes the shunning of those of a left-bent, while leaving them to their devices to the point that they transgress against the rights of their fellows. Once that line is crossed however, one addresses the circumstance with grim intolerance. At such points free men respond by shutting criminals away into prison colonies, or in the more extreme cases killing them outright where the immediate threat justifies it, which is what we usually call "war". In the case of the progressives, where their transgressions are concerned, our judgments upon their crimes must be significantly aggravated by the dangerous and intrinsically violative philosophical idiocies over to which they have willingly given themselves. There can be no excuse for such choices and where such people choose to commit crimes, their world views must be taken into consideration as said aggravating factors.
The epoch of tolerating the intolerable must come to an end, or else the human race is in fact doomed, and at the time of this writing, humanity dances on that razor's edge, regardless whether it wishes to acknowledge the fact. And so as always, we stand at a nexus where the choice is to be made as to what sort of a world we will leave for our great grandchildren. It is a choice that every single human being will make because there is no escaping that responsibility. The only question remaining is whether one makes the choice actively, or in passive default. What will you tell your children's children if you chose the coward's way out, failing to stand tall as a Freeman and thus leaving to your filial posterity a world of pretty (or not-so-pretty) slavery? Is that what you really want? If not, then get out of your comfy chair and do what is needed. If you do not know, find people who do and learn not only what is to be done, but to love what is needed and to love freedom in all its glory, its risks, its burdens, and its scariness, because no matter how tough it may be to be free, and it is plenty of all that, it is infinitely preferable to subservience of any form or degree. Death to tyrants and an end to all tyranny. That should be the most immediate goal for all the people of the earth. May you find your way to the Good Place, and have above all things the courage and determination to defend it with your last breath. Contain, thwart, tightly circumscribe, and disparage all tyrants and their wannabes, progressives being the worst of the lot. God bless all free people, and until next time please accept my best wishes.